"He who dares to teach must never cease to learn." --Richard Henry Dann
2005 * After so many years of webbing I cannot change the nature of my webpages -- they are what they were from the start; notes, thoughts, points I make for myself for classes and productions. Do they have an independent existence? Maybe, somewhere in the future... Featured Pages: Resumes (index, left frame) yahoo and google groups : ... new: 2003 * The Director's Eye Subscribe to my Open Class @ Directing!
2008 pages + total directing & total acting * Acting III : Method ** Stage Directions : Stagematrix ** Film Directing : Filmmaking for Actors SummaryI am what I do. Do you what to learn anything? Do as I do. Live. ![]() 2004 & After - Top educator sites ranked by popularity ...
No, guys, you have to do it youself! I mean it.Yes, everything! You can study with me, but to learn? It's up to you!
How much to learn? You decide!
Who is on stage? You.
Whos life it is anyway?
Blame yourself, if you are not getting what you want...
Learn how to work with yourself!
I have to come back!
2005-2006 Theatre UAF Season: Four Farces + One Funeral & Godot'06
Film-North * Anatoly Antohin
© 2005 by Permission to link to this site is granted.
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