From Alaska to Africa...
NEW: ... RAT's lessons for LUL : college ethio & lul abroad summers
"If you are planning for a year, sow rice; if you are planning for a decade, plant trees; if you are planning for a lifetime, educate people." --Chinese proverb
2005 * After so many years of webbing I cannot change the nature of my webpages -- they are what they were from the start; notes, thoughts, points I make for myself for classes and productions. Do they have an independent existence? Maybe, somewhere in the future...
![]() Theory of Spectatorship ![]() Film Directing 101
Theatre w/Anatoly
![]() webmaster ![]() Classes: Aesthetics Go to theory directory! Yes, on acting! 24hour-act, acting, audience, auditions, directing, director, rehearse, system, warmups and more! ![]() GeoAlaska: ![]() ![]() my eGroups Summary2004:Live Students! Please go to: + Log in to Blackboard, choose "THR 190 / Auditions and Portfolio Review" and complete the online Outcomes Assessment form under the "Assignment" tab. QuestionsWill I ever have time to write about the great quotes I dump on my pages? Or maybe I shouldn't...NotesYes, I have many problems and, of course, I have problems with students. Maybe because I do not understand what they are. Why do they call them "students"? I am a student myself and with each year I am more "student" than ever. I learn. I need to, because so many things I do not understand. Maybe I do not understand what "teacher" is...![]() 2004 & After - Top educator sites ranked by popularity I lie. I do not teach. "I am not a teacher"... I do not say say it anymore, because I am "teaching" for too long. ...
I said it before -- See other service pages: e-papers, student paper: film and theatre. Subscribe yourself to the Forums (if you want to stay updated). I am making "students" page in every instructional subdirectory -- read.See NEW and NEWS pages! Check Theatre UAF to know what I teach this semester!
Yeah, yeah, you have to learn it by experience. Tell it your children... I guess, I do not like it -- "advising"... I do not like those books and seminars "how to audition" and so on. I don't a lot of things around theatre. A lot of it is "round" -- a waste of your time at best, misleading at worse. Mostly, "feel better, baby" -- support... Lies. But how to put it straight? The life nowadays is soft and easy. How to tell them: don't even think about theatre or film, if you are not ready to work like hell?
Why didn't you to the seminary? Why didn't you take the oath? Forget the "normal" life, if you want to be an artist... Yes, yes -- artist, the priest, the monk. I see, you think that I'm joking....
I do not talk about the showbiz in classes, because this is only the frame for this masterpiece -- you-to-become. Talent is a by-product of the desire for art. This is the only true church left for us today. How to talk about it?
You see my problems? I have many. Read the good books, friends. And if you so down that it's impossible to read, watch great films. And even this can't help -- write your diary!...
I hope that you understand why we act, write, direct -- how else can we communicate in this new brave world? (More in my metaphysics nonfiction -- Self, POV, Tech). Listen, I teach only what I practice. How else? I talk about myself in order to talk about you.
Anatoly, June 2002
Lesson #60 or 90 min1. review (previous class) 2. overview 3. new key terms & definitions 4. monologues & scenes 5. issues & topics 6. questions, discussion, analysis 7. in class work 8. feedback 9. improv & games 10. reading 11. homework 12. online, journals 13. quiz
![]() BioMechanics |
2005-2006 Theatre UAF Season: Four Farces + One Funeral & Godot'06
Film-North * Anatoly Antohin
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