The Master in the art of living makes little distinction between his work and his play, his labor and his leisure, his mind and his body, his education and his recreation, his love and his religion. He hardly knows which is which. He simply pursues his vision of excellence in whatever he does, leaving others to decide whether he is working or playing. To him he is always doing both.
--Zen Buddhist Text
![]() Featured Pages: Film Directing ![]() Theory of Spectatorship ![]() Film Directing 101
Theatre w/Anatoly
![]() webmaster ![]() Classes: Aesthetics Go to theory directory! Yes, on acting! 24hour-act, acting, audience, auditions, directing, director, rehearse, system, warmups and more! ![]() GeoAlaska: ![]() ![]() my eGroups * Acting III : Method ** Stage Directions : Stagematrix ** Film Directing : Filmmaking for Actors Summaryaudition for hollywoodQuestions![]() Notes![]() 2004 & After - Top educator sites ranked by popularity
| (new) FundamentalsAdvanced
Looks like our official Theatre UAF website will have the pages on graduates (we already have sample of resumes for auditions), go there!Spring 1999
Brett Jessica Beck (rest is in index - left, samples only)[Old listing]
ACTORSSven Holmberg*, Calvin Alden, Melanie Anastasia Brown (more on Theatre UAF (official)
Sven moved to LA*
Daniel Kleinfeld* King JohnKaron Simones, playwright (from Virginia, now runs her own company in NJ)
*RAT participants, see Russian American Theatre pages (mostly 1992-94 archives).
[this page needs updating!]
Acting-Craft and ...Oh, never mind this inventory! How about the serious stuff? The business of acting!
Kids, I decided to use this directory for the stuff I do not have much time to talk in classes -- the Buisness of ShowBiz. What do you think your resume is for?
First, you, actors. Directors is entirely diffirent market, product and so on. Gwt use to the commercial (business) terms. You better do it now, right now. If you do not have your resume, stop reading and go away to make one. Read the acting directories, see other "resume" pages -- and cook something.
Oh, you got it? Good.
Do you have your Actor's Journal? Do you keep after the class is over? For how many years? What did you write in about your professional future? Well, then go and do it right now.
BTW, do you have your webpage? Why not? IBM, Ford, Sears, MS -- they have it, why do you think that you do not need it? You need it more than them! It's the SHOWbusiness, kid -- show yourself!
There are plenty places, where you can do it for free. Get organized, package yourself, present yourself -- showtime!
.... You know what? Go to my actors forums, subscribe yourself and post your resume (that's for starters). You even can download your headshot... What? You don't have it? This is the SHOWbusiness, kid -- we have to SEE everything!
Maybe you do not understand that with arrival of the Internet and Web we all became actors -- performers, at least. Start acting! "Actors ready?" "Action!"
... No, no! Cut!
What do we do now? We learn something before we go for the take two... Do you know what went wrong? See audition pages in acting directories (Fundamentals, Biomechanics, Method).
Check the classes:
Lesson #60 or 90 min1. review (previous class) 2. overview 3. new key terms & definitions 4. monologues & scenes 5. issues & topics 6. questions, discussion, analysis 7. in class work 8. feedback 9. improv & games 10. reading 11. homework 12. online, journals 13. quiz
![]() BioMechanics |