Theology Page * Method, System @ method.vtheatre.net
[ advertising space ] ![]() A century ago this page should be done as a manifesto, but it's too late for visions of the future -- we live it. Read about philosophy and theology behind our technology. New Century and Next Millennium is the time of resurrection. Our "Will To Power" has collective and individual forms -- we are not dreaming anymore, we are doing it. You know what was said about Resurrection, take a closer look at HOW we make it. Our world, our values, our goals are not of the mortals. Is there a death after the resurrection? Did you hear about Second Death? ![]() Classes: Aesthetics ![]() meyerhold.us ![]() Method for Directors? stanislavsky.us ![]() ShowCases: 3 Sisters, Mikado, 12th Night, Hamlet, The Importance of Being Earnest, Dangerous Liaisons, Don Juan prof. Anatoly Antohin Theatre UAF AK 99775 USA (907)474-7751 ![]() my eGroups Also, the Time Production chapter, which can help to understand the ideas of chronotope (time and space unit) and how we move between objective and subjective (dramatic) times. What the members of the Platonic Academy have to say about resurrection and how they will participate in writing The Book of Spectator? Should I bring new faces? The gods and heroes of the antiquity? (Bacchus and Apollo from Acting One and 200X Aesthetics, out of all places). "Abstruct categories" gods (feelings and states of mind). Christ? (No good resurrection pix) Fathers of Christian thought? Even if I am NOT writing this book, I want to see, to feel it.... For now I will use my own paintings to visualize the stage of resurrection (80s, oil on canvas). To point at different pages (images links)? Which is the first mode?... Death. Dead Christ. Next -- woman... That's how the process starts [ The Greeks about Phyche giving (back during the resurection) soul to Man at the creation. ] Use the Biomechanics images for details! Hamlet2002 webshow: process of dying. Any death? Big question. new: 2003 * SummaryDon't expect much from this page; it's only an idea...QuestionsWhat is the difference between Resurrecftion and Birth?NotesPerformance as process:* the narrative of the theatrical production as in the making-of, behind the scenes * the main concern is with the series of events and decisions through which the theatrical production came to be, the obstacles overcome etc. * emphasizes the ‘processual’ character of theatre in direct confrontation/contrast with the written text and in direct contrast to the focus on the end-product. ![]() Birth doesn't ask for "death first"? Careful with reincarnation, man! [ a rebirth of a soul in a new human body ] Or any re-birth... Eternity doesn't negate time, it includes it... (I have to throw some statements, because I haven't written a single book!) Yes, yes, I will. Somewhere in the future, in my next life, under a different name. 600 Files: Bad Subjects, Wrong Theories.
Of course, resurrection is different; reincarnation is opposite to resurrection.
Questioa.com on reincarnation (list)
Reincarnation wiki [ New Age ]
blavatsky.net Theosophy.
Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation: Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged (Paperback)
by Ian Stevenson 0813908728
Reincarnation: Exploring the concept of reincarnation in religion, philosophy and traditional cultures (Unknown Binding)
by Nevill Drury 0760732345
Research on Reincarnation (Paperback)
by Manly P. Hall 0893143499
There are several pages/chapters I do not know how to introduce. This is one of them. Should I send you to read Theology of Technology to grasp the concept of resurrection? But the book isn't finished. Or to read Theology of Theatre file? There is another crazy page -- Double, including the drawing from Dante's Divine Comedy... How could bridge our objectivist views with the mysteries of theatre, with the rituals hidden within each spectacle?... The fourth quality is "subtility", by which the body becomes subject to the absolute dominion of the soul. This is inferred from the words of the Apostle: "It is sown a natural body, it shall rise a spiritual body" (I Cor., xv, 44). The body participates in the soul's more perfect and spiritual life to such an extent that it becomes itself like a spirit.Resurrection? You are not serious? The problem is that I am serious.
Joseph Campbell wrote about it, centuries of religious thought -- as if we forgot it all. We talk nonsense about "entertainment" -- and Iant to speak about the philosophy of act, communial and spiritual essense of so-called "theatre"...
Maybe some other time...
RESURRECT MACHINE: and film... plus web...
= Virtual Theatre!
dramatic expirience...
I have my old age answer why I do theatre. Never mind, that I stage thoughts and feelings of somebody who is dead for centuries (of course, I stage my own feelings and thoughts while doing it), I bring on stage those fictious characters and ask my actors to believe -- I am Hamlet, I am Ophelia...RITES : "We are not so well informed about the practical and ritual side of Gnosticism as we are about its doctrinal and theoretical side. However, St. Irenaeus's account of the Marcosians, Hippolytus's account of the Elcesaites,the liturgical portions of the "Acta Thomae", some passages in the Pseudo-Clementines, and above all Coptic Gnostic and Mandaean literature gives us at least some insight into their liturgical practices."What is it? Madness? Miracle is the break of the dictatoship of the normal. Hamlet exist. Do I care that he never lived? How many of them who lived and vanished without a trace? Did they exist?
What about me?
Or you...
Look, we are reasonable, we understand mortality, we accept. Really? This is why the madman of theatre writes about his revolt against reason. He is right -- the flesh will never accept the idea of mortality. The Resurrection Idea (not only in Christianity) is the voice of flesh, or, should I say -- life?
If you believe in wisdom of body, you should listen to those voices from inside. Is our mind is not the triumph of the flesh, which finally rose up to the understanding of itself?
Look, I am struggling with the slave in me; the "bad subjects" shake the normal texts. Should I speak about theatre (live) as a future church? (Should I the performance art and performance studies as a sign?) How can I talk about religious experience of theatre? Sometimes, I wish I could be mad and not to censor myself...
I am not in class, I am alone, why can't I speak my mind?
Come on! Miracle is "no explainations"! Something like art?..
Resurrection and Theatre? Resurrection is the altimate spectacle. The question is HOW this show could be put together? No disrespect, but how does it work? We learn, we try, generation after generation. So, I want to talk about the machine of resurrection.Anatoly-director wants to say something:
ANATOLY: What do I have before directing any "classics"? "Text"? What is it? Memories? The books of the dead. What do I do? I call live people to serve the fantacies of the dead. It doesn't matter -- Shakespeare, Chekhov, Wilde -- the process is the same. Preproduction, casting, rehearsals... No, no, I am not alone, there are a lot of mad people around to do it. Humans are the mad animals.
and Christian categories (Durer)?
Hearing (some photos are missing, like Smell)
Touch (there were the cycle "Resurrection" - Hawaii)
[ my (old) paintings related to the theme ]
in focus: StageMatrix reading: see BOOKS pages in all directories
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Film-North * Anatoly Antohin
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