2008-2009 :
stagematrix + cine101
blog.txt : anatolant.vox.com

... Dictionary/FAQ:

stagematrix --
staging (directing) theory
virtual theatre --
web as live performance
"Utopia" --
main project after 2009
Lul --
theatre in Addis Ababa
[ FAQ to myself ] new Spectator-2

Spectator * Theatre Theory directory *

TOPICS: + space + virtual + drama + comedy + postmodern + american age + self + POV + death + resurrection + beyond theory + sex + communism + webbing +
Spectator? The ‘text/ narrative / character-based theatre of the mainstream Western tradition’ (McAuley 2000, 213)

[ advertising space ]
Stage Directing Theory
Directing Theory: pre-text, text and super-text = playscript + spectacle + public
2005 updates: Small Chekhov Fall * "Four Farces & One Funeral" -- Chekhov.05
Chekhov's one-acts are updated -- The Bear, The Proposal (1st act -- Oh, Love!), Wedding, Tobacco (Act II -- Ah, Marriage!), but I'm still working on the "funeral" (Last Day of Anton Chekhov). mini-chekhov
I am teaching DramLit -- groups.yahoo.com/group/dramlit (subscribe) and see THR215 for subjects, topics, titles.
Spring 2006 -- Waiting for Godot, Beckett -- new pages ( see shows )
Theatre w/Anatoly: intro pages
Classes: Aesthetics

Index * Theatre w/Anatoly * Books * Virtual Theatre * Theatre Theory * METHOD acting * WebTheatre * Directing * Script Analysis * Acting * Biomechancis * Bookmark vTheatre! Mailing List & News -- subscribe yourself * SHOWS *

Spectator: FAQ

Shakespeare -- MY SHOWS directory
Too many things I should explain. For example, why do I place Nietzsche questes on the pages of the Book Of Spectator?

A. For myself. To write (or should I say "think") better.

Q. What about this "topics" bar? Sex, death?

A. Read the pages -- Time, Space and Matter are united in universe. In our "dramatic" universe it works the same, but our "matter" is emotions and thoughts!

Q. But about such weird subjects like "forms of spetator"?

A. Yes, it's weird, man.

And, Anatoly, listen, what are the graphic files are you using? How to understand the images? And the Webster dictionary -- what that for? And this POMO terminology!...


No, let me try it again! (copy from vtheatre.net site). A few words about navigation and the road signs. (I keep working on it!)

The banners and logos you see on my pages:

[ main banner for filmplus.org (Film-North) ]

[ for Mining Film (links & books) ]

[ glossaries and dictionaries ]

[ film list-forum ]

[ Film Analysis pages (class) ]

Flash banner "film.vtheatre.net" takes you to Film Analysis pages.

Popup alert here and there is for my film email antoh@lycos.com

New big and tall popup windows slideshow select pages (like the one that came out with this page).

Well, this is in theory, of course. Other signs and symbols are self-explanatory: film books and etc.

[ POV, nonfiction pages ]

and the Film600 directory -- flash banners "Wrong Theories + Bad Subjects" [ film as philosophy ]

Film Directing: filmplus.org/film
logo +
flash banner "Directing 101"

200X class Aesthetics ("Arts Through Film"):
logo (small and big)...

Confusing? I pay for Yahoo and Tripod -- and they gave new, shorter domain names:

GeoAlaska = vtheatre.net

Film-North = filmplus.org

Oh, yeah! Virtual Theatre! Several symbols, depending of what aspect of VT is in focus -- stage, film, web and etc.

[ what does it mean? I don't know. Dancing! ]

THEATRE w/Anatoly:

Acting One: act.vtheatre.net


Method Acting: method.vtheatre.net

Script Analysis: script.vtheatre.net

Theatre Theory: filmplus.org/thr [ there is a big logo with the naked girl "Theatre Academy & Platonic Girls" ]

Books directories. Film : filmplus.org/books... Easy to remember?
Theatre: vtheatre.net/books -- you see the logo in the right table (not everywhere).

Writing: write.vtheatre.net (Russian)

Plays: plays.vtheatre.net -- did you see this flash banner? Well, this directory for my new plays-in-progress. In Russian. You are in English directory: filmplus.org/plays (click -- and you will get to the title page).

Web: web.vtheatre.net and the flash banner with the same URL.

Wait! SHOWS: shows.vtheatre.net -- no logo? I can't believe it!

If you see my photo Anatoly -- it must be something about me: resume, bio, cv... [ one day I will make it better! ]

Next: intro
2003 updates : 2007-2008

film-north *

Search WWW Search filmplus.org Search vtheatre.net

©2004 filmplus.org *

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@2002-2003 ©2004 filmplus.org * spectator *


Get Site Info Virtual Theatre w/Anatoly
2004 & After


texts: Shrew04 + Oedipus X

in focus: StageMatrix

reading: see BOOKS pages in all directories


playsChekhov, Ibsen, Shakespeare