Is he needed, this director?
... why energy exists in teo forms : potential and kinetic? picasa album = images for Book of Spectator?
[ advertising space ] Classes: Aesthetics Method for Directors? ShowCases: 3 Sisters, Mikado, 12th Night, Hamlet, The Importance of Being Earnest, Dangerous Liaisons, Don Juan prof. Anatoly Antohin Theatre UAF AK 99775 USA (907)474-7751 my eGroups Summary
NotesAnd part 3?...
2008 --
Writer, Actor, Director? Why is director last?...Spectator as Director.
Future belongs to director, not writer.
Not actor?
Director as actor... He plays "writer", "public" -- why not an actor?
Maybe I should work on Spectator 2 and only then come back?
Web-spectator -- we do not have it, because we are ACTIVE.
Or is it an illusion of action?
in focus: StageMatrix reading: see BOOKS pages in all directories
Film-North * Anatoly Antohin
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