2007-2008 aDiry + diary.vtheatre.net : fool.vtheatre.net/diary
NEW : links as diary? anatolant.livejournal.com ? [ diary for fool.vtheatre.net.ru ] google.com/group/vtheatre [ Russian list for KINO ? ] ... and other places I do not remember. Like Post-AmeriKa diary page? [ I keep "diary" pages in addition to notes pages. ] ... Это единственное место на моих кино-страницах, где я пiшу по-русски. Начинал "Книгу Дурака" здесь; теперь здесь тольkо об американском дураке. Я очень поглупел после инсульта, а, скорее всего, просто (наконец) понял, что глуп. ... I was born to be a Russian Fool, but will die as an American Fool. ... "Russian Diary in English"? I suspect that "Russian Anatoly" lives in my dreams. I suspect... I never see myself in my dreams. What if I am ONE only in my dreams? ... or is the animal in me dreaming?
Еще одна попытка вести дневник -- "Американского Дурака" (как и положено дураку он пишет не по-американски, а по-русски)...
Diary page in antohins.vtheatre.net Diary pages in nonfiction (Father-Russia, PostAmeriKa, POV, Tech...) "...
“Для имиджа России можно многое сделать” :
Saint Basil, the fool-for-Christ-sake of Moscow [Saint Basil the Blessed] "Church of Pokrova"
Saint Basil was born in 1464 into a peasant family living in the village of Yelokhovoe near Moscow. When the he grew up, his parents sent him to learn shoemaking and before long his master understood that the apprentice was not an ordinary man. Once a merchant came to the shop to order a pair of high boots made for him so that he would not wear them out in a year. Basil said woefully, "We will make them, and you will not wear them out." Several days later the merchant died. ... ... The saintly fool appears in each of Dostoevsky's five major novels. Results = about 1,440,000 for "russian fool"... google.com
* compare 2008 elections : USA and Russia ... Страница "Сны" : До чего довели Россию сны Татьяны и Веры Павловны! Эх, бабьё! Они во всем виноваты! ... 600 Files : idiotopedia + filmplus.org/kino or Language of Angels : a book Guildernstein write for his best friend Rosencratz to read after their death. Stoppard ... Russian Jokes [en] Only a fool can keep diary. A statement. The personal blog, an ongoing diary or commentary by an individual, is the traditional, most common blog. Personal bloggers usually take pride in their blog posts, even if their blog is never read by anyone but them. Blogs often become more than a way to just communicate; they become a way to reflect on life or works of art. Blogging can have a sentimental quality. Few personal blogs rise to fame and the mainstream, but some personal blogs quickly garner an extensive following. A type of personal blog is referred to as "microblogging," which is extremely detailed blogging as it seeks to capture a moment in time. By Media Type: A blog comprising videos is called a vlog, one comprising links is called a linklog, a site containing a portfolio of sketches is called a sketchblog or one comprising photos is called a photoblog.[5] Blogs with shorter posts and mixed media types are called tumblelogs. By Genre: Some blogs focus on a particular subject, such as political blogs, travel blogs, house blogs, fashion blogs, project blogs, education blogs, niche blogs, classical music blogs, quizzing blogs and legal blogs (often referred to as a blawgs) or dreamlogs. While not a legitimate type of blog, one used for the sole purpose of spamming is known as a Splog. The Blogosphere: The collective community of all blogs is known as the blogosphere. Since all blogs are on the internet by definition, they may be seen as interconnected and socially networked. Discussions "in the blogosphere" have been used by the media as a gauge of public opinion on various issues. A collection of local blogs is sometimes referred to as a bloghood. Any comments, Anatoly? ... Blurring with the Mass Media?
External links [to check W]
diary.vtheatre.net vs. filmplus.org/adiary
poor man diary = blog : antohin.wordpress.com [2009]
I have many "diary pages"...
Why should I ask myself?
I adsk, but do not know the answer.
Бог (Отец) тоже был обидчивым, но отходчиb. Я вот никак не отойду.* Winter Fool diary page...Read Anatoly XXI... or Webman's Diary?
... Конечно, обида на Америку была естественным продолжением Обиды Русской...
И тоже не проходит.
Хуже, растет.
2008 diary pages : 8.14.08 -- End of my "Russian summer" and writing in Russian?
End of blogging?
Do I say it was a mistake?
I made my web for content, not communications.
If I have "communication" with life, mostly in "different" times (books).
My (back) communication is also with different times (future).
Diary vs. BLOG [w] -- A blog (a contraction of the term "Web log") is a Web site, usually maintained by an individual, with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video. Entries are commonly displayed in reverse-chronological order
2006 vtheatre.net-2007
permission to link
(c)2006 anatoly.org
http://art.gothic.ru/ -- Дерево, масло : "Корабль дураков" - картина, относящаяся к среднему периоду творчества Босха, - полна очевидной и неявной символики. Корабль традиционно символизировал Церковь, ведущую души верующих к небесной пристани. У Босха на корабле вместе с крестьянами беспутствуют монах и две монахини - явный намек на упадок нравов как в Церкви, так и среди мирян. Сова, символ зла, сидящая на пустившей побеги мачте, только подчеркивает это. Чревоугодие, потакание собственным слабостям, вожделение дополняют букет пороков. Здесь верховодит шут, по замыслу его роль - сатирическое обличение обычаев и нравов того времени. pomo.vtheatre.net/utopia -- 2008 "R/G are Dead" [stoppard.ru]
Дневников у меня много, а дней мало. ...
... http://www.umbertoeco.com/id-49/Umberto_Eco_About_God.html
... http://www.levity.com/corduroy/eco.htm
... I have too many "diary" pages -- why?
Something happened in 2007 -- and one year later I am not sure why I make so many "number-pages" {service, support to pages that do not exist?).
Overall picture -- too many of... anatolys. Not just by interests, but projects. A diary for each nonfiction project?
Diary is supposed to help you understand yourself; in my case it's very confusing. I understood more about self, when I didn't have diaries. And blogs!
* see OTHER "diary" pages! [list/menu]
keys.txt : Russian Literature
Notebook # 17 : (...)
КИНО: КрУжовник (2007) и Вечерний Звон (2004) -- Я потерян. Зачем смотрел? Что хотел увидеть? Да ничего. Ладно, они никогда не были обеспокоины поиском смысла жизни, но и я туда же -- а без этого юноши, жизнь становится бессмысленной. Было понятно это и сорок лет назад.