... Anatoly on Virtual Theatre May, 2009 [video]
2007 -- "web-year"
![]() ![]() BioMechanics ![]() FAQ Featured Pages : Theatre Classes Intro The online training market will reach $11.5 billion by 2003. NotesMost of the pages on vTheatre are at Virtual Theatre directory (or and at (old). Also, the archives @ vTheatre eGroup (subscribe).SECTION 2: Digital Resources in Performance Studies -- 2.2: Creating a multipurpose research tool for the study of King Lear
... Adsurd and Internet : Hegel -- "Everything rational is real" ... [to continue] Mind is a negation of Reality (Virtual Reality is based on Reflection/Negation). ...
![]() Digital Theatre - an experimentarium The Department of Dramaturgy University of Århus [ links ] ...
Theatre w/Anatoly vTheatre and vtheatre (Virtual Theatre)... Live Theatre vs. Digital.Of course, I got into webbing because of teaching. I like the online writing-publishing aspect of the Internet. Add to it the email and you have INTERACTIVE space. Something Film or TV still can't incorporate fully. Why not to see this live phenomena (in real time) as THEATRE?
Cyber, not computer alone. Computer is a CHANNEL between real people. Theatre space is also artificial. My "extention" or cyber-image could be in your space and your -- in my room, but in fact, both are in the new space (another place).
Inter@ctive Week -- (gone) :
"Our biggest competition so far is traditional thinking," says Pamela Stanford, global program manager for business partners and offerings at IBM ( "The issues aren't technological -- the technology is ready. We can't get people out of mode of thinking that you need talking heads and hairy arms as of the devivery of education."
What "interactive" means? Online students become teachers and teachers -- students. Remember the stage-audience relations!
... "Interactive Web" and web2.0 [ ] - Though the term suggests a new version of the Web, it does not refer to an update to Internet or World Wide Web technical specifications, but to changes in the ways the platform is used.
Interactive websites provide standards-based cross curricular web resources designed to enhance online learning opportunities. These sites interact with the user usually through either a text-based or graphical user interface. [ vtheatre glossary ] * Digital theatre is primarily identified by the coexistence of “live” performers and digital media in the same unbroken(1) space with a co-present audience. In addition to the necessity that its performance must be simultaneously “live” and digital, the event’s secondary characteristics are that its content should retain some recognizable theatre roles (through limiting the level of interactivity) and a narrative element of spoken language or text. +
... networked_performance : a research blog about network-enabled performance -- Turbulence is a project of New Radio and Performing Arts, Inc. [ NET.ART ]
Everything about ACTING is at Theatre w/Anatoly and Ant Theatre!
Film-North is about Filmmaking and Film Theory.
Books online are on Books pages and in Mining Directory
I am about to makes a new directory for Film Links, but for now you can check my links at Open Directory Project (Film Theatre) and Absolute Authority (I am an editor at both).
Mainz Conference: March 29 2001
Session I Thursday morning
Panel 33 Performing Internet
Anatoly Antohin (University of Alaska Fairbanks)
Between Theatre and Ritual: Role of the Spectator in Virtual TheatreJulia Glesner (HfG Karlsruhe)
Transformation of Mediality in Digital TheatreElena Levshina (St. Petersburg State Theatre Arts Academy)
Theatrical Texts and Feature of its Audio-Visual VersionsSergej Shternin (INTERSTUDIO, St. Peterburg)
Theatre Representation in Internet: Problems of Comparative Semiotic Analysis June 17, 2005 Internet Theatre Fest [ RAT Files ] (Moscow) webcasting
Next: pomoTheatre (and or vtheatre files?
@2000-2005 film-north *
Virtual Theatre starts where The Book of Spectator ends...
2008 R/G are Dead * 2006-2007 Theatre UAF Season: Four Farces + One Funeral & Godot'06
Film-North * Anatoly Antohin
2008 © 2005 by Permission to link to this site is granted. +
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