After 2009 --
After 2009 -- clean organization:
film semiotics Russian Cinema -- Postmodern -- film600 and so on! Theatre? First, vtheatre -- virtual theatre Second meaning of V-Theatre = Variety : Lul-philosophy? -- virtual theatre as Variety ! ... The new grand beginning? [, lul and stagematrix ] Thanks, Internet!
* This page (and later RESEARCH directory) was developed long ago and I still use them for my reflections on "web-academia", the new ways of research, service -- and teaching, of course.
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2008 -- see LEFT table! This my first web-broadcasting project is connected with my 3 Sisters. Next -- 12th Night in the Spring'00. Also, the pages on subject of research @ Theatre w/Anatoly (subdirectory of the Virtual Theatre): sister-page (doorway). 2004 * Summary![]() NotesIs it (this page) about "my research" or "how to do research on the web"?HOW TO: -- use it! ![]()
"Raugh Draft" (title): "Rehearsals without Shows" This is how I should call what I am doing. I don't think that I can give straight answers to the simple questions... My "Research Areas"? "My Interests"? "My Expertise"? I teach. The webpages are around the classes I teach. And the research is around the subjects I teach. Directing, Acting, Drama, Film. "Russian Theatre"? In what way? I do not teach it. Russian American Theatre (RAT) went nowhere. But what Stanislavsky, Meyerhold, Chekhov? Yes, but only as applications for acting and directing. I direct. I keep my notes for the shows I stage: 1. Drama and Dramaturgy 2. Concept and Pre-production 3. Rehearsal Process [ "Live Theatre" and how to use new technologies for doing and teaching theatre. ]
* What about film? Film is secondary. Read teach page and new (2005) webpages at "Film vs. Movies" How useful are my webpages? For students? Colleagues? Cyber-users? I use them, my pages. How to Write a Research Paper: Step 1: Select Topic Choose an area of interest to start your topic selection
Step 2: Gather Information Formulate a research question(s) to guide your research
Step 3: Write Paper
Write down your working thesis or research question
Step 4: Finalize Paper
Document referenced works by creating a bibliography or Works Cited page
INTERNET: 1. Look for the author and credentials
Digital Performance: A History of New Media in Theater, Dance, Performance Art, and Installation (Leonardo Books) (Hardcover) by Steve Dixon (Author) 0262042355 ...
I place on my pages everything I use myself.
Webster Dictionary? Here.
Headlines? I read news from the screen. Theatre, film, books...
A few links to organization, which explain better the new ways to learn:
The Chronicle is the No. 1 news source for college and university faculty members and administrators. A subscription to The Chronicle includes free access tit's Web site and to daily e-mail updates. -- International Society for Technology in Education. -- School Networking. -- GuruNet delivers, through its vast database, accurate, subject-specific facts in a single click, giving you access to information that would require you to wade through hundreds of links if searched using traditional search engines. Best of all, you can activate GuruNet instantly from any Windows® program – just click on your word of interest!
In addition to my eGroups, I am about to try Questia Courses (High School?)... THR331 Fundamentals of Directing Spring'06.
Updates? See page "new" or 2006.
Anatoly, Nov. 2005
[ see ReSEARCH directory + old research page ]
* Another page to organize other pages! That's what they mean by Web and Net! No way out! (I use this page as a gateway for Research Directory -- both, Theatre & Film).
Web in itself as a phenomena is a fasinating subject (for research)! I use Virtual Theatre directory to write about it -- live performance, film and -- webcast.
I have one directory, which I call "Theatre Theory" and The Book of Spectator with the thoughts that went too far from the instruction pages.
Read my nonfiction like POV, TECH (the webbooks began as my postmodern research projects).
My Web/Internet "history" (slides - pages, list)
I do not want to diminish the old traditional forms of academia, but we live in the midst of the greatest revolution of knowledge (Web and Internet) and academic world is to respond to the changes...
I am about to write another annual self-evaluation (2005) -- and how to describe my web madness and what it does for my academic dutties? How to translate the work invested in those electronic pages and files into the requested (normal) format?
What are the new boudaries of teaching, research and service?
... That's the question.
Shows directory PS: "creative activity" or/and "research"?
Godot'06 Theatre UAF (most recent production): dramaturg pages. Many of them in other shows directories, and the webpages themselves are the result of "research", which a director needs to do in order to create.
I teach Beckett and Absurdism and, NTL, directing is co-creating nad making cast/crew into co-authors of Beckett...
You study not only the play, but the past productions as well (hello, reference and biblio pages). You have to express yourself, i.e. to know yourself (re-evaluate, discover, re-examine and etc.) = this is how you make your partners into artists. Are they? Are you?
I have to STUDY theatre, to be a student for life. Study playwrighting, acting, stage design...
Webpages (recording my research and my thoughts) turned me into DRAMATURG (century old European tradition of literary departments with rep. theatres). By default.
Artist is not scholar. We know it.
In many ways the two are opposites. (Stoppard: Actors are opposite of people). Alas, you have to be both, when you teach!
I even had to study HTML language and became a webmaster. By default. To surve "teacher" in me? Writer?
Teacher, at least.
Recording? Writing? Broadcasting?
My Virtual Theatre research ended up in the last componet of webcast (web).
I got my own blog, which I have no time for!
Structure and system (for today and ever?) Virtual Theatre (Theatre w/Anatoly)
Directing and Shows (showcases)
Spectators as students (cyber-public)
Glossaries and dictionaries (terms and definitions)
Russian Theatre : + Russian Cinema : kino
March 21. 2006
Internet2 talk
TR 23, March * Music 304 *
... 2007, 2008
Teaching | Research | Service |
Most of my writing is on metaphysics of film (nature of seeing). Philosophy of Cinema (see Film600 pages).
What do I consider "research"? Reading Deleuze? Thinking.
Non-Instructional Pages
Current Projects? Too many!
Web building takes a lot of time. I hope it will pay off in saved time next year. My classes and productions are on-line. At expence of research/writing.
Winter breaks and summers -- the only time without interruptions (four months out of twelve), but this is the same time slot I mark for the writing (nonfiction and plays).
One -- POV
and WebFilm related to this page of "virtuality" of cinema.
...and related to theatre studies --
Web as Theatre (link to
Part Two of my Post-American Book (Technology)
Part One Self (Guide Page) (web-version, text-only I keep separately).
* Mostly the inner links for now -- links to myself: My Office (UAF)
How to Evaluate a Web Site
A few years ago, most instructors advised their students to be wary of information found on the Web. In the early days of the Web, there was relatively little information available that would help students with their research projects. Today, major newspapers, magazines, and professional journals are publishing on the Web, as are a growing number of state and government agencies. In addition, a growing number of libraries and museums are providing online access to their collections. Once you’ve located information on the Web, it’s important that you know how to evaluate it.
Step 1: Evaluating the Relevance of a Web Site
Step 2: Evaluating the Evidence Presented in a Web Site
Step 3: Evaluating the Author of a Web Site
Step 4: Evaluating the Publisher of a Web Site
Step 5: Evaluating the Timeliness and Comprehensiveness of a Web Site
How to Use a Web Search Site
Knowing how to search the Web is an important research writing skill. In this tutorial, we lead you through the process of conducting simple searches of several leading Web search sites. To learn about locating information of the Web or to learn how to conduct a search of a particular Web search site, click on the items below:
Locating Information on the Web: Browsing and Searching
[Before Google]
Searching AllTheWeb
Searching Excite
Searching Go
Searching Google
Searching WebCrawler
Conducting a Search on an Alternative Search Site: Ask Jeeves
Conducting a Search on a Meta Search Site: ProFusion
[ ]
* 2005. At least for five years I work the webpages.
Where am I now?
I am not sure.
The simple task of creating pages to support the courses I teach prooved to be endless.
Originally, I thought that I will kep my notes open to all. Nothing more.
What to follow?
"Notes for my notes," notes how to write notes, info I need or might need...
[ Read the Webmaster's Diary ]
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FILM amazon
2005-2006 Theatre UAF Season: Four Farces + One Funeral & Godot'06
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