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Ethiopian & Russian Recipes
Cooking Tips

Ethiopian Ingredients

It's hard to replicate the unique taste of Ethiopian food when the products available here of America make.  However, there are ways of getting around that.  The essential ingredient in wat is niterkibbeh ( Clarified butter).  Follow this link to learn how to make it : Ethiopian Butter (Niterkibbeh)

Here's an example of the format I might use for my tips.

Where to find "Tef"

What makes Ingera, the staple of any ethiopian dish, has such a particular taste is the use of Tef in the batter. While this ingredient isn't used in any American kitchens, Tef is available in most nature or whole earth stores.  If all else fails, you can try to buy ingera from an Ethiopian Restuarant.

* "Teff is the staple grain of Ethiopia. The grain yields a seed much smaller than the size of a wheat grain, but is the basis of Ethiopian traditional cookery. Teff flour is the main ingredient of the pleasantly sour pancakelike bread known as injera, which literally underlies every Ethiopian meal. * To set an Ethiopian table, one lays down a circular injera on top of which the other food is arrayed, directly, without any plate. Other injeras are served on the side and torn into pieces to be used as grabbers for the food on the "tablecloth" injera. Eventually, after the meal is finished, you eat the tablecloth, a delicious repository of the juices from the food that has been resting on it. * Nutrition-minded Americans have turned to teff as a source of calcium, fiber, and protein. It is also an alternative grain for people allergic to the gluten in wheat. It has an appealing, sweet, molasses-like flavor, and it boils up into a gelatinous porridge."

List of Tips

1.Like soup, 'wat' tastes at it's best the next day.
2.With ingera, you can leave it out for a day or so, but it needs to be put in the fridge after that.  Before serving it, put it in the microwave for it to get it's soft texture.


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