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![]() ShowCases: 3 Sisters, Mikado, 12th Night, Hamlet, The Importance of Being Earnest, Dangerous Liaisons, Don Juan prof. Anatoly Antohin Theatre UAF AK 99775 USA ![]() ![]() my eGroups 3 Sisters (WebShow) |
[See Books directory. Film]@2000-2004 [an error occurred while processing this directive] *Theatre and Revolution, Theatre as Revolution...
Postmodern Take on Theatre.
Here it is, the books I didn't read, but since I use my own pages, I plan to order (some)...
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... [ updates ] anatolant.spaces.live.com -- my theatre blog [ since summer 2007 ].
Just finished re-reading Vasily Gippius "Gogol" (Brown University Slavic Reprint I). If it's not translated in English yet, somebody has to do it. It will need an apparatus for non-Russian reader.
Very different from Andrey Bely's book on Gogol, very good, with the detailed analysis of the symbolism.
The Moscow Times website on Thursdays: www.themoscowtimes.com/thebeat -- Theatre News.
We worked with both -- Formal Theatre and Derevo -- and with the permission of John Freedman I post the new from Moscow 2001.
The first controversy of the festival came with the performance of the Derevo, or Tree, Theater of St. Petersburg and Dresden. Its production of "Suicide in Progress," performed in something like a circus ring surrounded on all sides by the audience, drew overflow crowds last Saturday and Sunday but evoked mixed responses. During the polite applause following Sunday's performance, one woman shouted "Bravo!" as large numbers of spectators headed for the exits.
Derevo's genre, one that has brought the group acclaim throughout Europe, is physical theater, a rough mix of dance, mime and drama that, in the end, does not resemble any of those forms. Throughout the 90-minute performance, four actors played out a series of loosely-connected, occasionally mythological, essentially non-verbal scenes depicting people in various states of stress, temptation, confusion and crisis.
One of the best-received scenes was a comic segment parodying traditional theater. A transparent curtain was set up on the circular stage and, as it revolved, simultaneously revealed backstage life and a mock rendition of a melodrama replete with a bunny-like lover, a villain and a suicidal heroine.
Incidentally, the mixed response for "Suicide in Progress" is no indication that Derevo's chances have dimmed for receiving the Innovation award for which it is nominated. Last year, Lev Dodin's production of "Chevengur" received a similar response yet Dodin walked away with the trophy for best director.
On Monday and Tuesday of this week Moscow had its first chance to see a production staged by Andrei Moguchy, one of the most promising directors in St. Petersburg. His dramatization of "School for Fools," the novel by Sasha Sokolov, is a joint production of the Baltiisky Dom and Formalny Theater that uses space and sound to create the effect of a dream state on stage.
Moguchy identifies the genre of his show as "visual associations" and, indeed, he worked intricately with three spatial layers set off by transparent curtains lit from front and back -- including flickering images cast by a film projector. To complete the sensation of an imagined world of fantasy and memory, he added a soundscape that often combined three or four simultaneous tracks of speech, music and noises.
The first casualty of the festival occurred the day before it opened when organizers withdrew the nomination of the Nikolai Ogryzkov School of Contemporary Dance for best modern dance production. A disagreement between choreographer Ulla Gaiges and Ogryzkov as to whose choreography the show primarily represents was not resolved. As a result, the performances, scheduled for last Sunday and Monday, were canceled.
The Golden Mask festival continues through April 8. See the Calendar listings for venues and times. Tel. 755-8335. Daily updated website: www.goldenmask.ru.***
В Москву я соберусь только, если опять начну писать по-русски. И тoлько если это действительно мне нужно; закончу "Речной Вокзал" (пьеса) и увижу.![]()
... В Москве я был два раза (умер отец), а пьесу дописать не могу. Хотел, чтобы было просто и лично, а история (большая) не видна. Пишу "Страницы Антохиных" (как "сетевая драма"), но это не помогает...
Books @ antohins.vtheatre.net: книги по-русски. Лето 2005 -- история, политика, общество, литература... Все, что по "теме" (История Семьи и История России).
Leach, Robert (ed.). A history of Russian theatre. Cambridge, 1999
Rudnitskii (Rudnitsky), Konstantin. Russian and Soviet Theatre 1905-1930.Ttranslation from Russian by Roxana Permar, edited by Lesley Milne, New York: Abrams, 1988
Russel, Robert and Andrew Barrett (eds.). Russian Theatre in the Age of Modernism. Basinstoke: Macmillan, 1990
Russel, Robert. Russian Drama of the Revolutionary Period. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1988
Baer, Nancy Van Norman (ed.). Theatre in Revolution: Russian Avant Garde Stage Design. New York: Thames and Hudson, 1991
Hoover, Marjorie L. Meyerhold and his set designers. Bern, New York, Frankfurt/Main: Peter Lang,1988
Worrall, Nick. Modernism to Realism on the Soviet Stage. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989
Lodder, Christine. The Russian Contructivism. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1983
Leach, Robert. Vsevolod Meyerhold. Cambridge Cambridge University Press, 1989
Rudnitskii, Konstatin. Meyerhold, the director. Translated by George Petrov, edited by Sydney Schultze, Ann Arbor: Ardis
Zolotnitsky, David. Sergei Radlov. The Shakespearean Fate of a Soviet director. Hatwood Academic Publisher, Russian Theatre Archive, Volume 4, 1995
see filmplus.com/thr/rtheatre.html in Theatre Theory *
Bulgakov from amazon.com
* A History of Russia by Nicholas Valentine Riasanovsky 0195121791 -- Drawing on both primary sources and major interpretive works, the sixth edition of A History of Russia updates its extensive coverage of the social, economic, cultural, political, and military events of Russia's past. It includes a new chapter on the post-Gorbachev era as well as helpful updated bibliographies and reading source lists. Examining the rise of Yeltsin, the nationalities question, and Russia's attempts to adapt to market capitalism, this sixth edition takes the study of Russia straight into the new milennium, continuing the book's nearly forty-year track record as the leader in the field.
* Lectures on Russian Literature by Vladimir Nabokov, Simon Karlinsky 0156027763 -- Vladimir Nabokov (1899-1977), Russian-born poet, novelist, literary critic, translator, and essayist was awarded the National Medal for Literature for his life's work in 1973. He taught literature at Wellesley, Stanford, Cornell, and Harvard. He is the author of many works including Lolita, Pale Fire, Ada, and Speak, Memory.
Vladimir Nabokov : The Russian Years 0691024707 -- Princeton University Press; Reprint edition (January 11, 1993)
"NABOKOV had left Russia in 1919 on a crowded little cargo ship, playing chess with his father on its deck as Bolshevik machine guns strafed the waters of Sebastopol harbor..."
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