2007 -- "web-year" did nothing for Russian American Theatre (project)... Alas, "KINO pages"! * Prof. Antohin Anatoly Theatre UAF Fairbanks AK 99775 *
... Do you want to compare those two decades? I wish. But can only compare theatre with screen. Apples with oranges. And in [ 1 ] Russian? RAT2, Teatr.us ? [ I have to think where is the right place to talk about it. ] ... First Year of my Russian Reader's Digest [en/ru] ![]() I keep updating this "1990s" Russian American Theatre (RAT) Project archive, because some subjects are not included in RAT2 -- "Zero Year", such as literature. Well, since 1994 RAT exits only virtually; I collect "cultural anthropology" facts about Russia. Is it "Russian American Theatre" Project? Archives? I do it for myself. ... for 2009: EAT (Ethiopian American Theatre) in 2010 [teatr.us] Театр Lul школа - Аддис-Абеба, Эфиопия 2009, художественный руководитель Анатолий Antohin: teatr.vtheatre.net Theatre LUL Academe [pages] : lul.sellassie.info & lul.vtheatre.net Russian American THEATRE in Ethiopia [define] Theatre is a non, the rest -- adjectives. [ more in rat.vtheatre.net ]
rat.vtheatre.net = rat2
rat.vtheatre.net/2007 & 2008 [mostly, film] ... diary.vtheatre.net [ru] 2007 was Russian Election year. What could be said about Russian politics? "Russians playing in Freedom Games"... August 2008 -- Solzhenitsyn dies. This is history. Who would understand it in "Russia"? ... rat.vtheatre.net [Russian American Theatre Project Archives 2 -- 2000s] -- when I coined "RAT" (Russian American Theatre] instead of ART [American Russian Theatre], I didn't think that "rat" would describe the role new Russia will play in the world in 21 century. ... Диалоги с вагиной TV.ru -- I do not see Russian TV, of course, but remember Minkin in NYC in 1984? And I understand that something is impossible to understand. I don't. Never mind, K. Sobchak, I couldn't image Anatoly Sobchak and this new Russia in 1992. I came back because I couldn't believe myself -- no Soviet Union? No Party and KGB? All bad is gone? ... then 1993. I left. I came back two more times, mother died, and father died. And the distance with Russia was becoming bigger and bigger. Mother-Russia -- "Dialogues with Vigina"? ["Vigina Monologues" -- the feminist show]. When did I read "1984" first time? In 1984? "Culture Shock"? Not after living in America, the shock of expectations... What expectations? I had no idea about Russia in century 21. ... Not in my youth, not now. I still do not believe it: the stupidity of the Kremlin in the 60s, the valgarity of 2000s -- you must be kidding? [I want to say] The joke is on me, of course.
Am I a rusophobe?
I cannot write about Theatre in Russia anymore. Perhaps, Russia as Theatre.
Perhaps, about culture of history?
Perhaps, I should be writing my notes in some other places on my webpages -- nonfiction or diary.
In 1968... it would be a revolution and Spesivzev would be remembered as "new Meyerhold", -- and, no that Soviet invasion of Chekoslovakia, no my defection in 1980, no war in Chechnya, The First and the Second, no Putin... but USSR with a human face.
В метро показали спектакль о любви
But it takes place in the Fall of 2008, and Spesivzev is no Meyerhold, and I am not in Moscow...
Why it could not be that metro-show forty years ago?
"Forty years too late" -- and you say 'better later, than never'? Later is NEVER!
-- Do not cry, please.
RAT and "Russian Pages" : en -- Father-Russia & russia.vtheatre.net XXIFAQ? Summary [ EDU package 1992-94 ] for Lul Theatre Project? [What could/should be used for Ethiopia?]ru -- [ antohins.vtheatre.net * fool.vtheatre.net * filmplus.org/kino ]
teatr.us & chekhov.us
... There are a few pages, which should be in "RAT #2" (RAT2, of course), maybe, PS should be re-thought all together! As a concept.
Why do you write "2008" page here?
Do I want to finish this "project" and not to return to it anymore?
I do not know how to do it.
... Yes, web and video are new; I couldn't resist to put them into this directory about Russian cultural life of the 1990s.
... 1990s in "Century of Antohins" and Antohins [ru].
Or maybe you want to write about the last ten years of the last century of the millennium? Can you see it now? Do you have words for it?
Why don't you go back to the chapter "PS" and write there how do you think in 1992 how important was each event and day in Russia without censorship. Or to am93 -- and do real writing, which you never had time for...
I was wrong again. I do not hear the names of the St.Pete's directors I worked with. Andrey Moguchy, maybe.
They are gone. It's obvious. No more.
They weren't "big" enough?
The interest is gone?
"New Russia" got its face. Is it Russian face?
Why don't you write about it?
I do not want to know it, it's not mine. As "Soviet" wasn't my place.
But this passage, also, doesn't belong here. Father-Russia? NewAmerican.biz?
bar.txt : 2007-2008 rat2 * web * video * ma.gnolia.com/groups/RU
Solzhenitsyn, take three :
Film-North * Anatoly Antohin
© 2005 by vtheatre.net. Permission to link to this site is granted.
-- read rat.vtheatre.net [2000s and in RU] + filmplus.org/kino
my yahoo: theatre * NewRussian.org