2007 - 2008 [ Elections ]
blogs: myspace.com/anatolant & PP
ALL pomo pages : POV, pomo.vtheatre.net & etc.


anarchism books
virtual theatre
go4.txt : my mailing list
check out the PoMo : postmodern swicki at eurekster.com

... From Clinton to Obama

From Book of Fool, made in usa
pix-guide [new]

21 + video + web +


Quotes & Thoughts:


2008 : us & ru

TOPICS: PostAmeriKa + HIM + postmodern + POV + TECH + past + ru + ET + pomo.vtheatre.net + ... + beta.sellassie.net + book of fool [ru] + Father-Russia +
u21.us -- Utopia Project
[ adv.txt contact webmaster ]

NEW: new : filmplus.org/new or sellassie.vtheatre.net/new or ...
2004 & After: vote yourself!

philosophy books

Private Politics

... why PoMo?


"Politics & Movies" -- final paper assignment in my film analysis class [Fall 2008]. Beyond classroom POV.
Topics, Issues, Subjects, Themes
list(s) from class/group
... Leader vs. Celebrity, Popular President? Pop-President. Pop-star.
Poor and Pure
Specticle & Carnival
Pomo and PC
Elections of king and selection of God

"W." -- If Bill Clinton was "first" postmodern American President, Bush is a caricature on Am. Pomo Presidency.

The Postmodern President: George Bush Meets the World : ebook?

conservapedia.com/George_H._W._Bush (1991) : Bush 1 and Bush 2 -- ironic history, made in usa. Playing President

Reagan -- Actor-President.

Lincoln killed by Actor ("political theatre and theatre" story)

... Alternative? Anarchism! [The End of Politics, PC -- personal computor, not poliitcal correctness!]

PS. and NB. There no "2009" page in this directory!

It's getting very "personal"!

Very private!


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Pomo, PM, Postmodern

Do not believe your eyes...
You still do not believe me?

"Believe"? What is that?

Is it legal?

... Tech me to believe.

Do you know what "teach" and "learn" mean?

... Postmodern is the very news, young man. You must be talking about past. Another millennium!

... I should write about pomo-politics twenty years ago. Or, maybe, even before it.

I was born in USSR, very postmodern place and politics was EVERYTHING there.

We were told that we are the new world, but postmodernism was not discovered yet.







Just a minute, sir.



newamerican.biz vs. newrussian.org

2006: newAmerican.biz

... "America After Bush"

Read "America After America" (Post-America)

... America (and USSR) were pomo history states

filmplus.org/rus -- American Fool [ru]

Why humor is needed in election year?


Postmodern Comedy -- "After Becket"... when comic is tragic (sometimes?)

When low is high and high is low...

When you never sure...

When you smile, when is time to cry...

When the cross is an instellattion and crucifixion is a performance art pieace.

... Time to re-read/rewrite your Post-America.

... Which one? Book 1 or 2?

PA1 -- 1980s

PA2 -- 1990s

#3 -- u21.usa ? ["Three Americas I Saw so Far"]

... maybe to write Film600 -- idopedia or idiotopedia, the book of Guidenstern wrote for his companion Rosencratz. [h2o]


The Daily Show with Jon Stewart

Thu, Sep 25, 20008 -- The Colbert Report

comments :

... liberal (actor) playing conservative (commentator). Double nagation? How serious could see "our" political news? Is politics a comedy by definition? New Politics are media based -- simulacra.

http://www.nhinet.org/mccarthy.htm Musings on Postmodern Politics

film house vtheatre books acting pen map-mining movies-forum

Theatre w/Anatoly

support pages: 0 * 1 * 2007 * appendix * glossary * links * list * faq * notes * references * books * sum * new * 2008

Personal Politics Liberty is always unfinished business. --anonymous | my.telegraph.co.uk/anatolant [politics/write]

keys: end notes : profile.to/anatoly + "american" or "politics" blog?

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