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Freedom -- Date: before 12th century * 1 : the quality or state of being free: as a : the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action
Liberty -- Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French liberté, from Latin libertat-, libertas, from liber free -- more at LIBERAL * Date: 14th century * 1 : the quality or state of being free: a : the power to do as one pleases b : freedom from physical restraint c : freedom from arbitrary or despotic control d : the positive enjoyment of various social, political, or economic rights and privileges e : the power of choice

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Not the expirience in the Soviet Union, but my 24 years in America made me apolitical! *


From "outside" litertarian idea looks like anarchy, from inside -- freedom.
postmodern books
The Most Overrated People Of The 20th Century (From The National Review):
John F. Kennedy
Hillary Clinton
Robert McNamara
Mikhail Gorbachev
Toni Morrison


Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day. --Thomas Jefferson
2004 & After: vote yourself!

philosophy books

The people will never give up their liberties but under some delusion. --Edmund Burke Right, but how should we call the "liberties" whe we live in the world of illusions? Yes, it difficult to have any conversation with the wise men of them past; they were men and I am not man. We are the spirits...

"One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." Only "with liberty"?..

The pastw is the portion of the timeline that has already occurred; it is the opposite of the future. It is also contrasted with the present. It is also regarded as the conglomerate of events that happened in a certain point in time, within the Space-time continuum.

According to presentism, the past doesn't exist, but all sciences study virtually the world's past, more or less far. Humans have recorded the past since ancient times, and to some extent, one of the defining characteristics of human beings is that they are able to record the past, recall it, remember it and confront it with the current state of affairs, thus enabling them to plan accordingly for the future, and to theorise about it as well.

... Absolute Present, Past and Future. What do they have to do with each other? WWW-era POV.

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Politics & 600 Pages

They say that we are prisoners of our past. America was free, it had no past. After the Civil War many things changed. The country was on the way of becoming a super-power...

Since the super-power of the US is economy, it has be attacks by the other empires. Japan or the Soviet Union, Islam... Nothing could be done to change this situation. Unlike other super-powers of the past, USA is a country of a "new type," as Lenin would say. It's not a country, since its interests are economy only. "America" has no borders -- and this is why we have problems with the borders. America citezinship is a matter of choice, like any other choices -- personal. America folows the call of the Communist International: "Workers of the World, unite!" They do -- in order to work.

Oh, you have to read film600 files in order to understand what I mean by "personal politics" -- what are the NEW politics of the 3rd millennium.

This is a "guest page" from another directory...

Internet, Web and Democracy. Or -- and Freedom. Or should it be -- and Personal Freedom.

With all my admiration for the past with its intellectual giants and my despise for pop-culture, I accept and embrace democracy. I still believe that it's my fault that I can't make use of my personal freedoms to the full. The Revolutionary Century which just passed intoduced the new technologies of freedom; PC was the last stroke.

I believe that tape-recorders and copy machines contribute to the fall of the communism no less that the new weapons by DOD. Information Technology (IT) is the one to change the fate of Red China. Politics has to become personal and direct.

Who do you think the readers of webpages are? Semi-literate wanderers from around the world. Ones, who somehow got access to a computer and internet. This is their window to the West... Yes, I still have to say "West"...

The West still is the place where the global history is processed. Right now. Where the acceleration is, where the future works on the present, turning it into past...

No, I am not done writing about the evils and dangers of democracy (Post-AmeriKa). The bad comes with the territory. NTL, the future is predetermind by the Internet. And this is the bright shadow of the American Century. Billions of webmasters will changes the world as we know it. And the critical mass is only a generation ahead of us.

How do I know it?

By the spam emails I receive from China, Russia, Korea, Nigeria. The Internet bring the entire world into the same universal time. Finally!

Yes, there are by-products of this global changes; the "war on terror" is the price to pay for this technological (protestant in nature) revolution. What can we expect from a revolution? There are no bloodless revolutions, at least in past. OBL is the product of the process, the Arab World enters the future, the West, the wonder-land of the high technologies. This is the paradox, which will eventually destroy the terrorism from inside: they want to change the present for collective goals, using individuals as a technique of the change. Strangely enough, any terrorist is practicing this "personal politics" concept. Terrorism in the extreme of growing into the world of democracy.

We all know about how Hitler and Mussolini used radio, or Stalin -- cinema. But the technology wasn't advanced enough to belong to all and everyone. Not anymore. The Internet makes knowledge into public domain. Everybody could use it! Do you think there are no dictators at heart left in this world? But unlike in the past the little ego-maniacs do not have to have a party or rule the states, they can use the technology to make their point.

My last show (Fall 2003) was The Possessed (Dostoevsky) and now, three months later, I still thinking about the essence of terrorism as a personal self-expression. You heard about the eternal conflict between an indivial and society; well, nowadays the old conflict came to full fruition -- individual can fight all, the way all are fighting each other...

Sounds familiar? This is the definition of capitalism, the cornerstone of competition, the given situation of the free society...

The past is no more. We left it a century ago, in this old pre-postmodern universe without electricity, phone, photographs... and everything else that is the grounds of our world.

Should I expect that every soul in the this sea of billions would be driven by the desire to be noticed by everybody? Herostratus, the name we remember. Do you think that this primitive individual won't crave for some historical fame and recognition? What else does he do with his life? The Arab existentialists who flew into WTC on 9/11, had nothing to lose according to Sart and Christianity. Wait, there will be more of them, when the past removed, with its curse of physical labor, lack of education, pressure of the family... when all of them will become "citizens of the world"...

Do you think that the entrance into "brave new world" is different for OBL, than for Russians terrorists? Why should they be safe from the ills of growing into "individuals"?

... I meant to write about the past, which is still rests into our present. I wanted to separate the past and the future, because I do not have the page "future."

10.23.04 -- "You lie!" Never heard it before -- for days I see democrats screaming it on TV screen. Come back in five years and explain it...

Next: PS
American polities are funny -- strange, when everything depends on the public mood. "People's 'democracy'"? This is why America's media became the only real political power. Today we feel this way, tomorrow -- who knows...
Well, this is why I call it a postmodern history. Unusual one. More than ever we know what history do we have. It's history without ends. Fourty years later we still debate the war in Vietnam. Just listen for pomo rational for the latest Iraq War -- to build a democracy, human rights... When in our previous history they fought wars for those reasons? No wonder that we completely lost in definitions: liberation or occupation? As everything in pomo (relativist) history "it depends" -- Marxism noticed it long ago and said, it depends on what suits us! The Soviets were re-writing their history with ease; no facts, only inperpretations (Nietzsche). Media has no memory, it doesn't remember yesterday and see no future -- it's the present only, now... This is why call it "news"! Past and future has no place in it.

In short, we have no idea what is ahead. We will know when tomorrow will become today.

This is a world of a child. What does he know about his future? What could he know? Should he even try? There is no past to have future, friends, --and no way to have it. You see, America cannot even collect the past, the past is immediately forgotten the moment it becomes "past" -- we lose interest in it, because it not present anymore.
Wrong Subjects
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"Millennium Manifesto"? No, not men! Man has to change. Mind revolution... the rest will follow.


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... 2004, the election year. In normal history the change of rulers was a catastrophe; we insist on changing theme every four year. Anybody from the past would say -- crazy! Are children crazy? They change every day, in four years it another entity, in four years a toddler becomes a little boy!

Anarchism is a generic term describing various political philosophies and social movements that advocate the elimination of hierarchy and imposed authority. These philosophies use anarchy to mean a society based on voluntary cooperation of free individuals. Philosophical anarchist thought does not advocate chaos or anomie — it intends "anarchy" to refer to a manner of human relations that is intentionally established and maintained.
While individual freedom and opposition to the state are primary tenets of anarchism, most anarchists insist that anarchism is much more than that. There is also considerable variation among the anarchist political philosophies, to the point that groups with radically different views may consider themselves anarchist. Opinions vary in areas ranging from the role of violence in fostering anarchism, to the preferred type of economic system, the relationship between technology and hierarchy, the interpretation of egalitarian ideals, and desirability of various forms of organization.

Anarchism (history) * Anarchism & Arts * Modern Anarchism + Internet & Web = Leo Tolstoy's "Christian anarchist" belief in nonviolence (not pacifism).

United States, despite being a federal republic where no direct democracy exists at the federal level, over half the states (and many localities) provide for citizen-sponsored ballot initiatives (also called "ballot measures" or "ballot questions") and the vast majority of the states have either initiatives and/or referenda. (Direct democracy in the United States)

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