Other faces : Bush, Putin...
And more after them. I am old, I was born when Stalin was alive. I didn't know who will come as new "leaders"... My then-future is my past. How accidental, how alien their face to me. Life never belonged to me, but I was the property of it... The changes around me weren't my history. ... I never recognized it as my history. I do not remember the day when I saw Bergman or Fellini for the first time. Or read the books that changed my life. Who cares for my personal history? Not even my children. Maybe, it will be different with the Internet, when everyone could be historian of his own life. Many histories, not one? ... I am not about to vote. Not even for losers-libertarians. It's dying. But I am dead as "politics" as concerned. I never existed. I never was here. ... Oh, yes, I am writing my own history for almost ten years. My webpages. I want to have my story, if not my history. ... Let me talk about the new, Ethiopian Millennium, history after me...
"Putkin" is a Russian joke around the name "Putin" ... and we should be careful with this word - democracy. Globalism or not, the world has all possible form and shape of governments. We even could ask "Is USA a democracy under Bush?" [ Simply comparing US situation with what we had ten years ago, never mind, 50 years ago. ]
Strange, after so many years of of post-modernism we still didn't learn how to apply it in politics.
3.1.2008 -- "The Day of Silence" (the day before the "elections" of New Russian President). Strange law -- no political advertising or even mass media talk about the elections. Strange elections (the Russians, radio "Echo of Moscow", call them "voting without elections"), yes, "changes without changes" -- Putin becomes Prime Minister instead of 8 years of presidency. Change? Not really. People do not protest (how many of them will vote we never know), we are afraid of changes... "Yes, we can!" (Obama's call for "change") -- and we can, but do we want it? Russians of 2008 say -- thank you, but no thanks. Too much changes around, anyway! We want the world of the distant past (centuries back), when son did what father did before him, and his grandfather, and so on. XX century drove in century XXI without any stops and we do not know where this road (progress) could take us! No breaks in this car "Postmodern History"? The Russians say -- do not change anything! What will Americans say? Do we really want "freedom"? The rest of the world since 2001 screams -- NO! new from helium.com
"The Change" -- 2007 (Obama Phenomena) : America is not geography, but state of mind. Americans are in china and Russia, not necessary in USA. [ from Post-America ] ...
NYT Russian forum (my) post:
Last time I read NYT's call for people's opinion of Solzhenitsyn.
I wrote here daring you to report as is -- you didn't (I botherd to check the summary of it in the paper -- Russians Discuss Solzhenitsyn’s Legacy By MICHAEL SCHWIRTZ).
... polls:
... 1936. Berlin, August 1 -- Games XI, Hitler opens Olimpics (see "Olimpia")
-- I started PostAmeriKa during "Clinton Years", struck with the notion of Postmodern Politics... And so it goes...
pop-culture as politics "Political Theatre" ? Who needs it when we have democracy? We have our spectacle! news ? news without events...
![]() Post-Communism: Private Politics NEW POLITICS : * There are some some 6.5 billion folks on the planet; (and about 20 billion that have ever walked upon the Earth) ... There are fewer than 100,000 words in the French language. ... And 24,000 differing words to be found in the complete works of Shakespeare, about 1,700 of which he invented. ... as of 1:16 pm (Pacific) on the 21st day of March (the vernal equinox) in the year 2006 AD (or CE, whatever your preference), there were approximately 988,968 words in the English Language, plus or minus a handful.languagemonitor.com ... ? Do you believe it? ... a lot? "People without words" -- do they need them, the words? Too many people. We do not have words for everyone. More movies, please. We have enough numbers! ... One big monster is gone ("Evil Empire") and here is a new one on the horizon -- China. Where it is this blessed day when the USA could go back to the United States of America? ... to continue @ Anatoly XXI? No political diary/blog? myspace.com/anatolant?
* 2007 : PoMo Politics : web and elections "symbolic power" -- more important than ever. web2 -- picasa album : web-semio How to read political signs? ... WebShowBiz [new]? -- biz.vtheatre.net -- politics as spectacle : myspace.com/anatolant Semiotics of Politics in Post-America [ unfinished chapter ] Second Edition -- american.vtheatre.net [ or "america.vtheatre.net"? ] newamerican.biz -- is it time? ... A lot of Obama pages -- perfect subject for semio-politics [ should I continue on american.vtheatre.net/semiopol ? ] In Russian? For Russian? ... Does it matter? Web knows no borders. We live in time, not space. The name of it -- "cyber space"! "We all are Georgians"? "Russians"? Americans? And you want to talk about "foreign policy"? Do you want to talk about the Third Millinnium? Why not? Somebody has to. Me? "Politics 21" -- a century, maybe? I do not hear even a sond of it -- as if USA won't be around in ten years. Debates? Presidential debates? What are they talking about? About each other! What about me? about America? About the world? What was this about the "change"? ... We forgot about it. We forgeting easy about serious stuff. Do you know why? We do not want to remember. We remember only what we understand. Future? No, thanks, it is for the movies, for science fiction! Did he say - millennium? Yes, I did. ... I do not have time (or mind) to write about the spectacle of elections. "Human comedy" -- you can see it for yourself. If you want to. Do you? No? I thought so. The story "2008" is interesting. Much more interesting than "2004" or even "200"... Do you remember Y2K? Did you noticed it? No? how come? Did you notice 9/11? No connections? Of course, not. Nothing has logic anymore. History of Accidents -- that's what we have. It should be called "history" -- records? Perhaps you heard about the End of History? No? "The History as We know It"! How abot that? Ah, you do not believe in postmodernism! Do you "believe" in antiquity? ...
Real PolitiK : Ronald Reagan or Michael Jackson?
TV politics...
Semiotics for Idiots
Human who?
* from my blog @ my.telegraph.co.uk:
I clicked "save it" before I read the comments.
And who is cynical? Those who do not believe that anything could be changed ever?
The one who say that it's for Americans only to think about USA next president, when all know how much depends on this choice?
Who do not feel as Citizen of the World, when the world is around you?
Does it really matter how to call this respect for human being, Western values, Christianity of any other way?
I "saved" this post to remind myself that there is more than hopping. A this is why I'm writing.
I, libertarian, can miss the talent [liberal or conservative] when I see one.
And my appreciation of a talented man asks for expression.
It's not words, but ideas we remember.
Good, for a change "globalism" concept comes in old form of humanism in politics.
next day :
What a strange piece of, how to put this delicately - "journalism."
Didn't all complain about lack of American interest to Europe? I remember just a month ago here, in USA, were a lot of questions why Obama is not going abroad... Now he is wrong for doing it?
And how should it be done? Hiding from the challenge which any new American president would face after Bush? Not to speak to people in Berlin, or to stay two steps below the French president, and, to visit American soldiers in Germany, when the US Embassy official were not allowed to attend the rally because of fear of impropriety?
"It was great theatre but the Frenchman came off as - how canl I put this delicately - a complete clown. He was fawning all over the squirming Obama. Endorsements and kisses from Frenchmen are not what Obama needed.
And what was that "thing" Obama needed?
"We'll see what happens in London ... "
Don't you know?
Don't all we know the reasons for Obama trip, including stop in London?
A riddle for the writer -- why did Obama set it "Berlin-Paris-London"? And not London-Paris-Berlin? Or Paris-London-Berlin? Or...
"Perhaps the Illinois senator - who drew giggles from the assembled press when he had to point out in Paris that he was not the US president - should have flown back direct from Israel."
Why did Obama bother even visiting Israel?
Or Iraq? Or why did he leave USA on the trip in the first place?
I give you a clue -- he is running for the presidency.
"Should Barack Obama have skipped Europe and gone home?"
Since this question was asked, I offer my answer -- No.
And I have my question for Toby Harnden -- Should you have skipped writing a piece if you do not have a point?
[ For Page "Obama" which I do not have. ]
Maybe I should :
[ and I thought that Russian had problems with elections! ]
I came here through a link at The Telegraph's editorial -- and I puzzled :
The question is asked why Obama didn't visit US soldiers in Germany, and nobody is asking why they are still there.
Or why would Obama didn't asked for his speech for Red Square -- and somehow it is a right way to put him into "proper" place (he is not a president)? If you can attract 200.000 in one place, what presidency has to do with it?
Warring a candidate to remember his place, until he become a president seems wise, but why? Really?
Would the same people six months from now ask US President to do something, to act? In Africa, in Europe and the places we never heard about today.
I am writing on Obama second time today, while trying to understand -- And what do THEY want?
America to mind its own business? America to talk to others, as we thought "they" want, during eight years of Bush? Be involved -- and not mention UK problems? Not to speak at all? Or maybe, just maybe -- to speak badly?
Would it be a problem for the world, if America will elect a president who is not an idiot?
Do we have your permission, please?
Looks like Mr. Obama got a problem... he is not just another American clown, not, is it possible -- a talent.
Not in America, in India, yes, it's allowed, not in USA.
I have to go back to my filmplus.org/politcs pages ... and shut up there.
[ this time -- http://www.guardian.co.uk/users/anatolant ]
... http://my.barackobama.com/page/community/blog/anatolant -- ending in Nov. 2008?
"Stupid, stupid people."
Yes, what's why they need politicians and presidents. And politicians play the games like "fact funding mission" and staged spectacles (too often badly done), and photo-opps with heads of states to show that "(stupid) people" would see "President"...
Is he selfish? Who isn't?
Did he played Illinois and that church? Sure.
Is he a liberal? Is he black? Is he full of himself?
More important -- is he a mediocrity?
Doesn't look this way.
And that is the point.
"And I have my question for Anatolant -- Should you have skipped writing a comment if it was idiotic?"
I didn't get the writer's point and I didn't get yours. Unless, you think that insults substitute dialogue.
I thought that UK list would have a different POV on American elections, and, especially, election of a president, the function England doesn't have. Especially, for USA, the country which overgrew itself.
... enough?
I think so.
... wait, wait!
here is more!
"True, it looks like we are watching show "Obama against Obama". The questions addressed to him are not asked of McCain -- O's plans are too vague, but what do we know about McCain's plan? Europe loves/hates Obama, but what do we know how the world reacts to McCain?
Republicans sold out McCain eight years ago -- where are the neo-cons and this conservative revolution? Is there any new, no matter how general, an idea? On economy, foreign politics, anything?
It's not just McCain is in trouble...
No competition of thoughts -- and we are all in trouble.
PoMO Elections -- Russia, USA ... I do not have my american diary... postpolitical ? [ web is extremely interactive, therefor POLITICAl, "it is in there" already ].bloging ("social web") is politics
Of course I do -- A blog : anatolant.tumblr.com
anatolant = anatoly.org
Anatoly-Web -- newrussian.org + newamerican.biz [real domains] !
Politics from (my) Director's POV?
Method Acting and Theatre Biomechanics for politicians?
... Am I writing Total Actor and Total Director for them?
... postmodern theatre, our daily life.
watch u21.us!
Ethiopian Millennium -- sellassie.net, starts 9.11.2007 !
... After 30 years living as British citizen Bukovsky is up for a president of Russia
[ video ] Vladimir Bukovsky : EU = USSR [new polit-correct politics ]
How sad.
"Prisoner of History"?
I remember his books, I read them.
My generation.
"Last Krapp's Tapes" -- they are already laughing at him.
* Vladimir Konstantinovich Bukovsky (Russian: Âëàäè́ìèð Êîíñòàíòè́íîâè÷ Áóêî́âñêèé; b. December 30, 1942) is a notable former Soviet political dissident, author and an activist. He was one of the first to expose the use of psychiatric imprisonment against political prisoners in the USSR. He spent a total of twelve years in Soviet prisons, labor camps and in psikhushkas, forced-treatment psychiatric hospitals used by the regime as special prisons.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vladimir_Bukovsky
ÏÎÑÎÁÈÅ ÏÎ ÏÑÈÕÈÀÒÐÈÈ ÄËß ÈÍÀÊÎÌÛÑËßÙÈÕ [ru] Bukovsky. A Manual on Psychiatry for Dissidents, 1973 -- how ironic is the title!
... web politics & video acting :
... cyber democracy
What about American presidential candidates, Anatoly?
= u21.us i.e. post-america + tech = idiots?
I'm old and I like old messages:
Sagan :
some nice propaganda ("big picture"), read Theology of Technology (my nonfiction texts).
... Fedorov Pages [ru/engl]
... and Ethiopian Millennium [my take on it].
... and utopia project from pomo.vtheatre.net -- R/G are Dead by Stoppard Theatre UAF'08 main stage. [Beckett continued]
... and POV pages (see PoMo chapter, connect with film600 new glossary pages).
... elections -- "New Americans fo Abama"? [ text ]
[ images -- semiotics : page? ]
[ I'll be back ]
newamerican.biz vs. newrussian.org ... comparing Father-Russia and Post-America on "2007" pages?
US History class --> new order 2
Post WWII America **** America since 1973/1980/1989 **** America (& the World) post 9/11/01
National **** International **** Sub-National
see the table
and the news :
- I feel that never lived, only waited for life. ... Did you hear what I just said?
- Is this the news?
- ... Don't ask your government to do what you should do:
5.26.08 :
filmplus.org/politics [ 0 ] [ 1 ]
keys: end notes : profile.to/anatoly + "american" or "politics" blog?