
what we do not say.


comments on 9-11 pictures (time when this directory was started):

Anatoly, what do you mean?

... Winter Fool (ru) and Summer Fool (us)

What about an Ethiopian Fool? "Fool for All Seasons"?

Postmodern Itiopians ... Et in Arcadia

Fools of the Third Millennium

... When everybody is stupid, there are no more fools!

And no more great men!

Liberty, Equality, Fraternity!

... Do you understand it now?

"Understand"? What is that?

... Universal Humans.

True globalization -- absence of differences.

... and the sound of the "0" century"?

Read : Project Utopia...

All 20th century was postmodern? A transition from History.

Oh, read my notebooks which led to this conclusion : H.I.M., Father-Russia, Post-America...

... POV and Theology of Technology, the world without man.

I, with my messy history is in the middle.

anatolant, webmaster.

... master of the Emptiness. What else is so-called web and net, especially cyber and virtual ones?

... Welcome to my cave, welcome to the world when you alone. And you are not alive even when you alive.

... Hello. And Goodbye.

Of course, you can see it -- the Nothing.

Search Fickr, Google-Yahoo-tube... It's out there, it has many forms.

You do not need the words to explain it, but you have to be a human. Kind of.

2012 ...

You know this magic number.

Another round to "get political"?

How about the end of the world?


... I just wrote a note in my Russian Diary : "Will Russia survive until year 2012?"

... are you crazy?

When I defected in 1980 was I crazy to think that USSR is a dead end?

I was crazy not to write about it.


And what about USA?


"New politics" and the end of "political"?

[ read old nonfiction project -- Theology of Technology ]


blogs: & PP

Change? The "change" is here : we need the recognition of this change, realization that America changed! [ Obama Phenomena ]


7.26.08 : The end without ending. Sense not thought -- "2008" page in this directory is the last one.


Perhaps, because yesterday I was writing about Obama -- and woke up with definite realization -- it's not mine.

"What" is not "mine"?

This whole "project" [Personal Politiccs] is not for me to write about. To think about -- and even to know it!


Very much like Anatoly UAF -- over.

Do I have to question life or simply try to understand -- what was that?

Maybe not.

2007 and 2008 and that's all?


well, I started this directory to free my nonfiction books [Post-America, for one] from "news" and my reactions to daily life. Political Diary?

Notes... Never mind Russia, I am not about to give up on America -- [ ]