Godot biblio notes in Directing directory
2005 updates: Small Chekhov Fall * "Four Farces & One Funeral" -- Chekhov.05
[ advertising space : webmaster ] I don't know why it took me so long to notice that I practice hyperdrama (hypertext) as a webmaster. For example, the pages on acting. There are subject pages related in horizontal associations (monologue, improvisation, composition), but there are vertical lines -- acting one, two, three (with the same subjects as monologue, improv and so on). Now I have to create more subdirectories (deeper vertical hierarchy) in each acting directory. The question -- how to show vertical hierarchy within the horizontal one? Is it "scene study" out of "monologue study"? Opposite? Both ways? How does it relate to the new dramatic organization of a hyperplay? Well, a thought is vertical (emotion even more so), therefore drama is the vertical experience (the conflict does the focusing). What is "story" as not carving the vertical field out of many horizontal levels?... I will finish it @ plays.vtheare.net (I hope). ![]() my PLAYS (in Russian, in progress) Writing Pages: Write directoryEnglish plays.vtheatre.net: new, in Russiannew Well, there is the basic division: this directory in English, the new one - in Russian... and PLAYS directory @ Ant Theatre is not working (server is gone). Or to put it differently: this directory is a mixture of my plays and good plays (classics), the new one -- plays-in-progress (in English, sometimes only ideas about plays)... June 2002, Anatoly
[ There are too many texts that are not on the web and too many in my handwritten files. ] This is my forgotten directory; for several years I am working working on my nonfiction and textbooks (ebooks). Spring 2002: I write plays again, but this time in Russian (must send it ahead of myself to Moscow). One the troubles -- all my directory have it's the linear narrative -- what is next? My story! Since the traffic gets high, I have to spend time transforming my notes into webpages!
NEW: 2005: total directing & total acting * March 2006: Go.dot -- 100 years since Sam Beckett's birth * THR413 Playscript Analysis (Fall) 2004: webplans Summary![]() QuestionsEvaluation a Show (mini-form):Play: _________ Playwright: Style/Genre: Characters: (list ones your remember)
Conflict (External and Internal): Plot: (Linear * Epic * Cyclic * Plotless) Theme(s): Stylistic Features (Concept): Theatricality: Dramatic Appeal: Representative Quote: NotesTheatre GAMES : Show-on-Demand (SOD) -- filmplus.org/vtheatre![]() 2004 & After
![]() Fall 2004 THR215 DramLit ![]() The Possessed 2003 THR331 Fundamental of Directing 2005 * Wedding: class project -- finals * This is a "diary" part of the play directory; my reflections on my pages...
I collect the plays I like, I use, I read. Beckett (new) or Chekhov, the texts I teach and directed, or wish to stage. I have them here, because I have to comment on them, write my thoughts for classes or productions. Or sometimes for myself, my own writings.
Postmodern Theatre = teatr.us "My Chekhov" = chekhov.us ... Who knows when I could have another chance to update this page/directory? Best way for you to know it is to subscribe to my mailing list and/or theatre blog. ... ...
No, I still didn't post here all my plays in English and Russian. I run behind this street car named "Web" and can't catch it! I move from project to another having no time to finish anything. Right now -- The Possessed...
I started subdirectory Devils a few years ago because Dostoevsky's novel was on my wish list of titles to direct. Than was 9/11 -- and for a year I was agonizing of the Camus' adaptation (I didn't like it), but, listen, what possible could go wrong in this combination of two giants and the topic of terrorism, which in our mind?
The script. For mounths I struggle with Camus! I am two weeks away from the show and I still rewriting Camus?!
I know that I have to work on the play after the show will be over...
What about my new play(s) in Russian? The second summer since I began writing is gone...
What about my books? Never mind...
Did you read Inro Page? Summary?What I tried to do.Okay. Did you read the plays, the texts?
How do you plan to use them?
Direct? Act in? Rewrite?
Make your reading experience pro-active! Even agressive!
Take notes, too.
Make it into YOUR script! Each play you work with! At least, this is what I try to do.
PS. More and more I am using this directory for my own scripts.
[ ... ]
3.3.04. Look what does it take to come with a new adaptation of The Taming of the Shrew! I have to cut down the script for live performance and rewrite with my directing students the "Bianca Story" into a script for the screen ("virtual theatre" concept)...
And what do I after the show is over?
Do I really plan to come back to finish it for the future use? Books.
I thought of writing hyper-dramas, I thought...
What did I do?
I wrote and I write everything online. What a wonder! No need for publishing, paper, post-office!
I didn't know that I became a publisher! A business!
How big is this business?
Now, May 2005 -- a couple thousand visitors a day... Did I say "visitors"?
Seven years ago I thought that I have enough energy for everything -- for my plays, for the textbooks, nonfiction... For seven years I'm working on my webpages... Is there any end for this webmaster's journey?
Also, link the analysis directory to 200X basics! Should I enbed scenes and monologues (samples) as I did for Method Acting and BM? Use the pix?
What? Still not enough links? Force on them the broadcasting principle, they already have a lot of control over the selection and timing. To open the popup window with the contents? I keep putting "next" subtitles, "summary" and etc. -- is it helpful?
SUM -- 3 Parts: Classics, My plays, Scripts-in-progress.
Frankly, I do not think it is "reading" or "writing"...
What is that then? A silent conversation. (Read Bakhtin about Dialogism and Internet -- yes, about the Net and Web!)
I am serious, but you know that I won't write an article about "Bakhtin and the Internet"... I know, I will not. I have to work for the Net.
Oh, well -- somebody will write it. About my time. I became a character...
I do not think we understand what is going on -- and already took place. I made web.vtheatre.net directory to write about my experience as a webmaster. I have time for reflections...
I have no time for history.
No time to write about Google, which is the biggest business of all! Because we need it -- to search the new universe.
We'll need it more tomorrow and the day after.
new: Bergman, Ibsen, scripts online adaptations: 3 Sisters, HamletDreams, The Possessed DramLit & Playscript Analysis classes online * * Forum dramlit * subscribe! ![]()
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Film-North * Anatoly Antohin
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