* ID Crisis (07) or Fault Identity
How could I get my identity back from somebody who is died as me? -- In court. But he is dead. -- You have to argue that he is not you. ... Who am I now? -- Well, it depends. You know, I do not care. I was tired of myself anyway. ... Do you love me? - Don't be silly! It's hurting me, the thought... - It's just a number. One little number. ... - You can choose any name your want... I want my name, not any name! The name I were living my entire life! - You can have it, when you die. ... - When you die, you will have your name back. This is stupid. May be, but it's a law. - You are not serious. Sir, you cannot talk to me this way. - I am sorry. but do you understand it? Do you understand this law? I do not think about it. I do not understand many thing, but I use my cell anyhow. don't I? Why do I have to understand everything? ... * see plays.vtheatre.net
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![]() ShowCases: 3 Sisters, Mikado, 12th Night, Hamlet, The Importance of Being Earnest, Dangerous Liaisons, Don Juan prof. Anatoly Antohin Theatre UAF AK 99775 USA ![]() ![]() my eGroups ![]() Script Analysis Directory & DramLit Featured Pages: projects May 2002: Russian Play + Part II: Spring Break This directory I will keep in English * ![]() 3 Sisters, Mikado, 12th Night, The Importance of Being Earnest, Dangerous Liaisons, Don Juan NEW: 2005: total directing & total acting * March 2006: Go.dot -- 100 years since Sam Beckett's birth * THR413 Playscript Analysis (Fall)
Summary2004: I still want to finish my Russian trilogy...Questions"IT"; the house, where some doors must be kept close, sometime we see somebody, as in horror story, but very ordinary -- and they have the same interest... Who do I talk with? Is anybody even on "this" side? In what language? Or I address them, but they are always off stage. Oh, this is my life?The people, I was with, continue their lives with complete strangers, unknown relatives... Am I a part of it, their lives? Mono-play? The end. The death. The house continues its life without me. In Russian? ![]() 2007 : anatolant.spaces.live.com (blog) ![]() 2004 & After
Notes"Lenin's Monica" Red Love [Alexandra Kollontai's]: (Century of Eros-Politics) -- from FDR to JFK to Clinton.... 2008 plays.vtheatre.net
New ideas for LUL Theatre [menu]
* GODOT.06: Doing Beckett => main stage Theatre UAF Spring 2006 *
You got an idea -- I'm using the web as my notebook... and I have no idea how useful those pages can be for you. Well, it's performance (web and internet) -- "Private in Public" (everything became a stage). Most important that I can access my writing from anywhere and keep working, even if I don't have my files with me.2004: "Doing the Shrew" (Pet-Kate line only?) And crew on stage style of "6 Characters" and Commedia.The problem is that I have to type everything! I have to let you see the process (open rehearsals)...
The Russian Play(s) is connected with Hamlet2002 (H2002) and my non-fiction simply because I write about myself. Several years ago I decided not to write fiction at all. I have no time left for it. Besides, this is creative nonfiction -- it's impossible to write anything without some fictional elements, right?
Now, as usual, each project comes with a company. The play, connected to the Russian Play -- "American Xmas in Russia" (actual Christmas show we did in St.petersburg in 1994, before I killed the Russian-American Theatre Project and left for Alaska).
Problems. First, mixing languages. Never did it before. My American students and my Russian actors, used both -- and I would like to keep it this way, but it good on the paper only, not on stage...
I wrote this children play and both my kids were in, but I want to write about Vadim Meechenko and his actors in "Terra Mobile" (see RAT). The art and survival of the small group of Russian actors...
It's a sad story, but there is a lot Gogol in it -- mafia, corrupt city official, American students...
I, You and He
Play within the Book(The same Trinity Principle, or this triad of inner self)
...theatre blog (new,07) -- "Dada Style".[ Saw it in my dream and liked it, but as usual remember little. Most likely because I teach Beckett this week. ]
"You" -- when I like myself, "He" -- hatred. "Love-hate" relations. Could it be that "I" is simply a result of the two -- and doesnt't exit by himself. YOU - future, or very distant past (childhood?), HE -- past and present? Do I see their faces?
Is it "death-thought" again? "I rather have my punishment before my death." Because I don't believe in afterlife? Don't we all? Existentialism (emotional marxism) knows no pity. Like my beloved Greeks.
[ Yes, this is also because I think about the play my hero (myself) is writing in Post-AmeriKa. Or is it in Tech? ]
NB. In all my writing projects I better keep this comedy mode; too late for me to be serious. Too old not to laugh.
Last Links[ In English ] 1. She, the way she was. 2. She , the way she could be. 3. She, the way she is... [ different names ]
2003: part of the Russian Dreams (plays.vtheatre.net/r)
[ conceptual scripts, including pix ] Playwrighting for VT (virtual theatre).
Identify Crisis
- It's not nice, he was your colleague...
-- I didn't know him. At all. I don't even recall his name. What does it mean -- a colleague?
- You know what it's mean.
-- I don't. I only pretend that I know. Like everybody else, they only pretend that they know what they say...
- Please...
-- What time is this thing?
- Do you know where is your dark suit?
... [ "Playing Human" ]
Film-North * Anatoly Antohin
© 2006 by vtheatre.net. Permission to link to this site is granted. books.google.com + scholar.google.com
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