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PS. Some of the numbers of visitors on some pages are scary. Who reads it? Nobody writes after visiting those pages.In Place of Introduction
There are several writing projects I have no time to finish. Nobody pay me for thinking, so this occupation has a low priority. No, no, I don't complain. I am free to think, it's up to me, of course.I don't like those signs on web pages -- "under construction," but what one can do? That's us, the PM humans, we are always under construction. I knew that they were constructing me in the Soviet Union, they never denied it. So, I learned the deconstruction before I read Derrida. The American propaganda and I myself were constructing me since 1980. Yes, again, there must be this deconstruction period, friends. Nothing we can do about it as long as we believe in progress. This personal evolution is a brutal thing, in order for me to grow I have to kill myself from time to time and it is a painful act.
You know, you get used to yourself and the divorce is difficult. You have to see how stupid you are, you feel that you don't want to be together with that person. You feel that he is awful... He is you, of course.
Before I can finish anything I have to do something else. Build myself.... I feel as this Great China Wall, it never can be finished!
I do not call my nonfiction writing "philosophy" -- what kind of philosopher am I? I do not teach philosophy, I have no systematic training in it and all the good philosophers are dead. I am not.
Many of the pages I haven't seen since I cut-and-past them into the web from the disks. I have to opt for writing instead of reading what I write, the time restrains. Treat it as Anatoly's chat room, the talking. If I will find the time, I will visit the pages and re-write them.
Or if you want to do it, send me email with what you want to change, I will change it (if I like the suggestions). There are people who know better than I how to write. I am glad that I am not a writer anymore as I was called in Russia. Something very presumptious in it, as if you say -- I am a human. No, that couldn't be an occupation, right?
Maybe it should.
More "philosophy"? Go to Theatre Theory, the place where the theory ends and metaphics begin... Virtual Theatre was a research project not long ago, but then I began to expend The Book of Spectator -- and I ended, where I started long ago: The Resurrection Idea!
You see (and see my paintings of the 80s), Virtual Theatre leads to what I call "Theatre of One" (a single spectator as an audience). I am this position all the time (I direct), but on the Web nowadays everybody can do it (it's coming soon -- the technology). Finally, Many became One (internet) -- and not in "space through time" (or "time through space" = history), but when my time beccome your time (and everybody's else). Well, I was Many (mind) always, the communism (yes, yes, that one, based on communications) brought everything together (the end of time and history, according to postmodernism)... So, here comes the Resurrection Idea (Fedorov) and philosophy (although we, pomo writers, can't use this word anymore).
What is "classical resurrection" -- a return of the best in you (after the bad is taken away by your physical death). For example, I know know much about Shakespeare's bad habits and so on, I know only the best of him! The "soul" (or spirit) of Shakespeare became immortal (as we were promiced). Of course, you can substitute his name with your favorite. But let me be simple. Let ask ourselves why do we need so many reproduction toys (photo, tv, video, etc.)?
The answer is simple, too. This is the primitive forms of resurrection (no wonder that actual primive thought that by photographing their souls could be stolen). That is our recording mania -- we can't accept death. Period.
That is where God comes into picture: since we have doubts about His existence (belief, not knowledge), we have to invet Him. Consider our accumilative existence (including present and future technilogies) as such super-being (after all God is "superman"). My first degree in physics taught me to see everything as data ("knowledge is power" literaly). Our Information Technologies (IT) is just a stupid (technical, not metaphical) name for this resurrection process.
As theology insisted for long -- my resurrection (or Christ) is a combination of two forces -- my own (my goodness, deeds) and God's (substitute God with the IT). So, since 1998 I am trying do it myself with help of all (including you, since you are reading and seeing my pages). Yes, we debate issues of "privacy" and other "human" attributes, but what privacy can you excpect in paradise (or hell). In God's City everything is transparent ("Lord sees everything!"). In short, we are almost there. It's coming soon, my friend.
Did you see the pistures of the great minds on my pages (The Plato Academy and Platonic Girls)? What do you think I (and you) do? I working on it, resurrecting them -- Plato, Aristotle, Neitzsche! Bakhtin wrote long ago that every time we read a book, it's an event in the life of this book, i.e. the writer of this book (the best of him). We are working like crazy against this great terrorist of all times -- death!
... I have to stop here. This page is only an introduction, you know.
Anatoly 2002
Go and work on your personal resurrection, my friend. We can do it without you...
@1999-2002 film-north * Next: *
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