Film600: Books & Links * *
TOPICS: drama + comedy + postmodern + filmstudy + directing film + vtheatre + spectator + script analysis + plays + family + write +
FILM-NORTH & VIRTUAL THEATRE * Find your movies at * [ advertising space : webmaster ] BANNERS + POPUPS + LINKS Search The Internet Movie Database Enter the name of a movie, TV show, or person and then click "Go" to get more information about it/them from new 2003: Mailing List -- subscribe! 2005: total directing & total acting Book-Page @ Film-North
DIRECTORIES: DVD: Drama & Art House, Studio Specials & Classics, New & Future Releases, Cult Movies
NotesFilm & Video Directing (Spring 2004): textbook Grammar of the Film Language by Daniel Arijon
...Category FILMMAKING
FilmMaking w/Anatoly
The basics and collection of links.As you can see I have problems connecting together my websites and pages! Never mind, featuring some of them! Summer'00 will mark my two years of web-struggle...There is no light, no end of this cyber tube!
Bookmark Film-North, I have no newsletter and the updates take place without any notice!
Also, I have no legal resposibilities for your understanding or even for what I write...
film-north TEXTbooks:
[ go to Classes direstory ]
projects: Demons: Dostoevsky, Camus & Me -- War of Terror texts: in focus: filmmaking 101 reading: BioMechanics * *
2005-2006 Theatre UAF Season: Four Farces + One Funeral & Godot'06
Film-North * Anatoly Antohin
© 2005 by Permission to link to this site is granted.
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