Mining Film *
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new 2003: Mailing List -- subscribe! 2005: total directing & total acting
[ Note to Visitors: email address is my institutional account at U. Alaska Fairbanks. If you want to share your information with others -- use guest-books (right) and bulletin boards (BB).Use FAQ pages, please, before sending email!
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
FAQ is what others asked already; most likely you can be answered right away by going there.
How can I exchange links with you?
All depends on the size and quality of your site. You can submit your URL to Film Directing and Film Theory & Criticism @ Open Directory (Netscape) and I will review your site. You can put link to my pages without asking me.
Can I use your graphic files?
Ask first.
May I use your texts for my papers?
Quotes are okay (fare use) and indication where you got it (URL).
I sent you email and you didn't answer!
I do not answer all email.
Post to the Bulletin Board
I check the Film-North Bulletin Board regularly. Post your questions or comments and you'll get input from a variety of voices.Frequently Asked Questions II (FAQ2)
Subscribe yourself to Directors Forum, or/and to Virtual Theatre and stay in touch!Anatoly 2000-2002
TOPICS: drama + comedy + postmodern + filmstudy + directing film + vtheatre + spectator + script analysis + plays + family + write +
2005-2006 Theatre UAF Season: Four Farces + One Funeral & Godot'06
Film-North * Anatoly Antohin
© 2005 by Permission to link to this site is granted.
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