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I would love to have a book store, yeah, used books... even if this is a cyberstore... maybe in my next life...I didn't notice how I got so many pages about books!
Well, when you write, you have to read.
Theory of Film by Siegfried Kracauer Siegfried Kracauer's classic study, originally published in 1960, explores the distinctive qualities of the cinematic medium. The book takes its place alongside works in classical film theory by such figures as Bela Balázs, Rudolf Arnheim, and André Bazin, among others, and has met with much critical dispute. In this new edition, Miriam Bratu Hansen, examining the book in the context of Kracauer's extensive film criticism from the 1920s, provides a framework for appreciating the significance of Theory of Film for contemporary film theory.
I can't describe each book, even with a brief sentence or two summarizing its contents, strong points, and (in some cases) weak points. Please see what has to say in their mini-reviews (don't pay attention to the rating system, if the number of reviewers is low).Sometimes I include links to relevant and recommended books in texts (I have to have some real system for bibliography).
The 10 digit ISBN number represents the book you're linking to...The Major Film Theories: An Introduction Dudley Andrew is a master at making the world of film theory accessible to a largely mystified public. Since the publication of his Major Film Theories , a classic in the field, the sophistication of the debate concerning the proper approach to film has grown. It is now the province of critics and universities instead of directors and artists, and this book concentrates on the main areas of the debate rather than on the individual figures. Andrew provides lucid explanations of theories which involve perceptual psychology and structuralism; semiotics and psychoanalysis; hermeneutics and genre study. Throughout he presents his own strong views on the relationship of film theory to criticism, history, and analysis. His clear approach to often obscure theories goes a long way towards bringing an important area of cultural discussion out of its academic exile.
and Film600 is my associates ID.Film-North Bookstore
Here's a (short) list of recommended books in FILM. As a result of a commercial relationship between Film-North and or any other online booksellers, these titles can be purchased directly from them by following the links below. (Note: Bookstores are solely responsible for fulfillment of book orders placed through these links.)
Film Theory: An Introduction This book is a lively and provoking introduction to film theory. It is suitable for students from any discipline but is particularly aimed at students studying film and literature as it examines issues common to both subjects such as realism, illusionism, narration, point of view, style, semiotics, psychoanalysis and multiculturalism. It also includes coverage of theorists common to both, Barthes, Lacan and Bakhtin among others. Robert Stam, renowned for his clarity of writing, will also include studies of cinema specialists providing readers with a depth of reference not generally available outside the field of film studies itself. Other material covered includes film adaptations of works of literature and analogies between literary and film criticism.
An Introduction to Film Criticism : Major Critical Approaches to Narrative Film[ to be updated? Xmas 2003: you see, I use Amazon for listing, they do it better than me. My instuctional pages are in two parts: 1. Film Analysis and 2. Directing. Of course, there are my own writing (nonfiction and plays), and the family directory HIM -- and, yes, they all have "books" pages! ]![]()
@1999-2005 film-north * Film History: Theory and Practice
Companion to Film Theory (Blackwell Companions in Cultural Studies)
2004 & After projects: Demons: Dostoevsky, Camus & Me -- War of Terror
in focus: filmmaking 101
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