2008 : -- &
Ethiopian & Rastafari by Aster Sellassie, Millennium Ed. ![]() @2002-2004 * 2005 * After so many years of webbing I cannot change the nature of my webpages -- they are what they were from the start; notes, thoughts, points I make for myself for classes and productions. Do they have an independent existence? Maybe, somewhere in the future... And my writing interests, of course. Anatoly BETA:
African Krobo Trade Beads information and history. * "Ethiopia" -- new music from Addis, Ethiopia (Teowdros Abera, Tikher Teferra)! (winamp 4.46 min) download free * info Link back to us (copy & paste):
thesis 2004: Ethiopians & Rastafari 20th Century: Afro Best *sellassie05 index
content *
* EuropeTime * funeral
Maybe it's good that I didn't finish the book. Many things I see diferently now...
And he spake further unto the Queen, saying, "What is the use of us, the children of men, if we do not exercise kindness and love upon earth? Are we not all nothingness, mere grass of the field, which withereth in its season and is burnt in the fire? On the earth we provide ourselves with dainty meats, and [we wear] costly apparel, but even whilst we are alive we are stinking corruption; we provide ourselves with sweet scents and delicate unguents, but even whilst we are alive we are dead in sin and in transgressions; being wise, we become fools through disobedience and deeds of iniquity; being held in honour, we become contemptible through magic, and sorcery, and the worship of idols. Now the man who is a being of honour, who was created in the image of God, if he doeth that which is good becometh like God; but the man who is a thing of nothingness, if he committeth sin becometh like unto the Devil—the arrogant Devil who refused to obey the command of his Creator—and all the arrogant among men walk in his way, and they shall be judged with him. And God loveth the lowly-minded, and those who practise humility walk in His way, and they shall rejoice in His kingdom. Blessed is the man who knoweth wisdom, that is to say, compassion and the fear of God."
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Haile Selassie & Empress Menen
ethiopia 1930, coronation
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