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Ethiopian & Rastafari
by Aster Sellassie, Millennium Ed.
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Some of the pages are not even chapters, just "files" -- and this is one of them! I recommend you visit The House of Sellassie, if you are interested in monarchy and relations between monarchy and religion.
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(c)2004: Pioneers of Change in Ethiopia: The Reformist Intellectuals of the Early Twenthieth Century


The Orthodox Church of Ethiopia is sometimes thought of as a Coptic Church originating from missionary advances from Egypt, but it is rather an Orthodox Church brought to Ethiopia from Syria by two travelling Christian merchants in the fourth century. Ethiopian orthodoxy nourished a strong sense of identity with the Jewish heritage of the church. Replicas of the Ark of the Covenant are placed in all churches, which are typically styled after the Temple in Jerusalem. The church in Ethiopia survived the Islamic conquests. It was disturbed by theological controversy after the introduction of Roman Catholic missions and theology in the seventeenth century. To the present the Ethiopian Orthodox Church is an example of an ancient Christian communion that developed independently of either Byzantine or Roman patterns and expressed markedly African patterns of life and thought.

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biblio: Aziz S. Atiya, History of Eastern Christianity. Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press, 1968 * Adrian Hastings, The Church in Africa: 1450-1950. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1994 * Elizabeth Isichei, A History of Christianity in Africa from Antiquity to the Present. London: SPCK, 1995
[beta.] Ethio Y2K

"An Ethiopian Boyhood"

"Orthodox Christianity is a very old and long established tradition. It has always been the dominant Church in the eastern part of Christendom, and often places a stronger emphasis on mysticism and monasticism than is found in the west. It claims to preserve in its doctrines the true and undistorted teachings of Jesus Christ, in contrast with numerous confused and fragmented modern denominations." Orthodoxy & Reggae *


"The Orthodox monk is the best expression of the difference between Western and Eastern Christianity. Without too much theology to go through, it could be said that the Orthodoxy (monophisits) believes in one nature of Christ and it is fully divine. That doctrine results in this strong division between two realities -- Man's and God's. An Orthodox believer has to make a more radical choice since there is no middle ground between Hell and Heaven. Selecting God, a monk separates himself from the earthy matters, including social and political aspects of life (which is very different from the history of the Western Christianity which not only played active political role in shaping the fate of Europe, but perhaps was the teacher of all European politics)." Orthodoxy *
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Ethiopian tradition says that Christianity came to Ethiopia at the beginning of the 4th century AD when two young students named Frumentius and Aedesius were forcibly taken from their boat and introduced to the royal court at Axum. It was the virtuous Frumentius who established churches in Ethiopia and who, after a journey to Alexandria in Egypt, became Ethiopia's first bishop.

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Judaism (Falasha, now in Israel)

On this page I have to focus on the Christian Orthdox doctrines and their applications to our postmodern universe. There is a segment on Islam and Oromo in the "Birth of Tafari" chapter.


[continued from "Magic Scrolls"]


Ethiopians are indifferent to the issue of race. There are many shades of black in Africa. Egyptians or Arabs could be very dark. As well as Indians. Division lines in Ethiopia are ethnic (cultural). Ethiopian Jesus isn't white, so neither the Russian. Perhaps, it has something to do with a brown, which has to be applied first, before we use okra and other colors. Perhaps, because Jesus is a Jew, and not from Brooklyn but Palestine.
Unfortunately, many Ethiopian Christian books are the apocrypha. They are not well known. There was no dialogue between Ethiopian church and other Christian Orthodox branches. Egyptian coptics or Armenians would see nothing unusual in Christ dark complexion. Since Ethiopian church lived for centuries in total isolation, Ethiopians had no need to compare their Christ with European versions. And they were the only Christian country in Africa. They do not consider themselves blacks because their Central African neighbors are much darker. Sheba is dark for the Hebrews, not for the Oromo.
More interesting is to see the different understanding of Christ's essence. Like in other Eastern Orthodoxies we hardly can find Jesus on the cross. His human nature isn't separate from his divinity and therefore his death has less significance. Also, his birth, Christmas, is not a major holiday. Easter is. The triumph of being God. For Abyssinians, the warriors, Christ was more a king:
With this writing, through the power of Jesus Christ, Sabaot, who has Michael on his right and Gabriel on his left, you will send the angels with their swords and Christ between them with his sword; and they will purify the face of the earth, the four faces of the sky, the four faces of the plants, the four faces of the water, and the faces of all things under the earth.
Also, in contrast with all other Christian churches, Ethiopians see the Trinity as three identical figures. Father, Son and Holy Ghost, who in Western mind were developed into definite personas, in Ethiopia they are seen as the same. Therefore Christ is a ruler. Equal to Father, the Creator.
The geometric (abstract) dimension in scrolls' canon allows them to present Christ as very connected with the other world. He, like everything else in Ethiopian iconography, is depicted according to a nature of a situation. God-man is present in human situations. (Of course, one has to remember that there are several eras in Ethiopian history with its own sensitivity. For me the beauty of true scrolls ends with the Gondar period.)
The writing on the scrolls!
Protective Motif: "This is Mrs. Esther Sellassie-Antohin."
In what language should I write my wife's name? English, Amharic, Russian? I hope that the picture will SPEAK, will protect her. Is it a portrait? Could her guardian angel recognize her on this "portrait"? Is it a good enough painting for the eyes of the divine?...



Another segment from my unfinished book "HIM" -- If you read Web-Biography, you could see why it's so difficult for me to coplete the manuscript. Too many subjects I wish to talk about (philosophy, metaphysics, religion), are not molding into the story of one man (history).

In addition, I want to make the book very personal. Too many directions, too many narratives. Including the chapter "1917. Regent," which I want to write as a hyperdrama! Is it possible?

I don't know. I need straight few months free to focus on this project. I don't have the time. Not now.

3.3.04. Anatoly

PS. I place my notes on this pages full of historical data. This page must be read with other "History" pages: 19th Century, Menelik and Tafari and others.

Menelik Ilegendary son of Solomon
& the Queen of Sheba
Ezanas I
Aphilasc.250 AD
Ella Amida (I,II,III?)end of 3rd century AD
Ezanas IIc.303-c.356
Frumentius first Coptic Bishop
of Ethiopia, c.305; stela erected
at juncture of Nile & Atbara, 350;
Kush overthrown? 355
Ella Abrehac.356
Ella Asfeha
Ella Shahel
unknown number of Kings
Ella Amida (IV?)475-486
Jacob I486-489
Armah I489-504
Jacob II505-514
Caleb, Ella Asbeha514-542, or
At Roman urging, Ethiopians install
a Christian king in Yemen, 523-525
Beta Israel542-c.550
Gabra Masqalc.550-564
Gersem I
Ella Gabaz
Ella Saham
Armah IIc.625
traditional King who welcomed
Muslim refugees from Mecca
Hataz I
Za Ya'abiyo
Armah III
Hataz II
Gersem II
Hataz III
Zagwe Dynasty
Mara Tekle Haimanot916-919
Jan Seiyoum959-999
Germa Seiyoum999-1039
St. Yemrehana Christos1039–1079
St. Harbe1079-1119
St. Lalibela1119-1159
St. Na'akuto Le'Ab1159-1207
Harbe II1262-1270
alternative list
Yemrehana Krestos1133-1172
Gebra Maskal Lalibela1172-1212, or
Na'akeuto La'ab1212-1260
Yitbarek (Yetbarak)1260-1268
Solomonic Dynasty
Yekuno Amlak,
Tasfa Iyasus,
or St. Tekle Haimanot
Solomon I1285-1294
Bahr Asgad1294-1297
Senfa Asgad1294-1297
Qedma Asgad1297-1299
Jin Asgad1297-1299
Saba Asgad1297-1299
Wedem Arad1299-1314
Amda Siyon (Seyoi) I1314-1344
Newaya Krestos1344-1372
Newaya Maryam1372-1382
Dawit (David) I1382-1411
Tewodros (Theodore) I1411-1414
Takla Maryam1430-1433
Sarwe Iyasus1433
Amda Iyasus1433-1434
Zara Yakob (Constantine I)1434-1468
Baeda Mariam I1468-1478
Constantine II1478-1484
Amda Seyon II1494
Lebna Dengel (David II)1508-1540
Galawedos (Claudius)1540-1559
Moslems allied to Turkey defeated, with
Portuguese help, Battle of Lake Tana, 1543
Sarsa Dengel1564-1597
Za Dengel1603-1604
Susneyos (Sissinios)1607-1632
Fasilidas (Basilides)1632-1667
Yohannes (John) I1667-1682
Iyasu (Jesus) I the Great1682-1706
Tekle Haimanot I1706-1708
Tewoflos (Theophilus)1708-1711
Yostos (Justus)1711-1716
Dawit (David) III1716-1721
Iyasu II1730-1755
Iyoas (Joas) I1755-1769
Yohannes II1769
Tekle Haimanot II1769-1777
Salomon (Solomon) II1777-1779
Tekle Giorgis (George) I1779-1784, 1788-1789,
1794-1795, 1795-1796,
1797-1799, 1800
Jesus III1784-1788
Ba'eda Maryam I1788
Ba'eda Maryam II1795
Solomon III1796-1797,
Egwala Seyon1801-1818
Joas II1818-1821
Ba'eda Maryam III1826
Jesus IV1830-1832
Gabra Krestos1832
Sahla Dengel1832-1840,
Yohannes III1840-1841
Tewodros (Theodore) II1855-1868
takes diplomats hostage; British Expedition,
defeat & suicide of Tewodros, 1868
Tekle Giorgis II1868-1872
Yohannes IV1872-1889
Egyptians defeated, driven out of Eritrea,
Battle of Gundet, 1875, Battle of Gura, 1876
Menilek (Menelik) II1889-1913
Italians defeated, Battle of Adwa, 1896
Lij Iyasu (Joshua)regent 1909-1913,
1913-1916 (d. 1935)
Empress Zawditu1916-1930
Haile Sellassie
(Ras Tafari Makonnen)
regent 1916-1930,
Italian Occupation
Victor Emmanuel
(III, of Italy) styled
"Emperor of Ethiopia"
Haile Sellassie
1941-1974, d. 1977
Aman Mikael AndomHead of State, 1974
Tafari Benti1974-1977
Mengistu Haile Mariam1977-1987
Meles Zenawi1991-1995
Negasso Gidada1995-present

Historians have always claimed that the myths of celestial kings were nothing more than images of local kings and kingship rites projected onto the sky. But comparative analysis will demonstrate that the reverse is true. The memory of the creator-king came first, and it was this remarkable memory which provided the mythical aura supporting and legitimizing kings the world over.[1]

Killing the king became a secret act in modernity. Historians didn't convinced the revolutionary that king isn't divine. The murder of kings isn't public but something of a court intrigue. The leaders of a mob kill a man to get rid of a king. What's the point to talk about them? Nowadays it doesn't take a hero to kill a hero. Bullet equalizes the strong and the wicked. A child with a gun could be David. He have no memory. Period.

Of course, we know that according to the universal tradition, every king was, in a magical way, the Universal Monarch reborn. But this is an academic issue. What is King if God is dead. What is a king? Another human. Countries without kings are the leaders.

The original concept may appear as self flattery, but it actually has more to do with a *burden* of kings: the requirement that the king live up to the mythical aura of kings. Never was there a king in early times that did not wear the dress of a mythical god--the model of the good ruler. Whatever the celestial, founding king had achieved, it was the duty of the present king, pharaoh, or emperor to duplicate, at least through symbolic repetition. For such was the first test of a *good* king.[2]

O King's Rights are King's Duties!


On a level of comfort our modern commoner lives like a king. Do you expect him to be a servant of the society (Friderix's principle)?

Well, he is not in position of superiority to others: he is in a position to serve as long as he's paid (not provided, as a welfare recipient and a king). Policeman or soldier, they are in the field of special authority (not just a "man with the gun," but a part of the big machine = state of power).

"Military communism" in Russia (1918) removed the economy of labor relations. There was an order of monks-warriors (knights of revolution). "Party of a new kind" (Lenin) -- where any job was political and was an appointment (almost as in nobility). The society was divided on the sacred members (party) and the rest. Party member had no personal divine rights (and no persona), he owned nothing but everything was in his possession of the state, based on ideology. Factually, everything belonged to the party.

That was the ideological ground for totalitarian state, and, eventually, for uncontrolled corruption. After the sons of the Great Revolution executed their fathers (the normal mode of succession in monarchy), they had no memory of being underground, in exile, opposition. They knew nothing but power. Stalin was the last to die in 1954, when the communist clan of children and grandchildren of revolutionary took over. It took another generation (1985-Perestroika) to dissolve the ideology (and as a result the state became self-destructive). The same with Mao and his cultural revolution. Mengistu had to complete this process in one decade.
What still is missing in Ethiopia -- technology.

King as a super-man (superior being): magic presence, the bridge between human and the divine.
Now: supreme to whom? To other people? No way!


Contrary to what is usually thought, it is the man of excellence, and not the common man who lives in essential servitude. Life has no savour for him unless he makes it consist in service to something transcendental. Hence he does not look upon the necessity of serving as an oppression. When, by chance, such necessity is lacking, he grows restless and invents some new standard, more difficult, more exigent, with which to coerce himself. This is life lived as a discipline -- the noble life. Nobility is defined by the demands it makes on us -- by obligations, not by rights. Noblesse oblige. "To live as one likes is plebeian; the noble man aspires to order and law" (Goethe). The privileges of nobility are not in their origin concessions or favors; on the contrary, they are conquests. And their maintenance supposes, in principle, that the privileged individual is capable of reconquering them, at any moment, if it were necessary, and anyone were to dispute them.*(2) Private rights or privileges are not, then, passive possession and mere enjoyment, but they represent the standard attained by personal effort. On the other hand, common rights, such as those "of the man and the citizen," are passive property, pure usufruct and benefit, the generous gift of fate which every man finds before him, and which answers to no effort whatever, unless it be that of breathing and avoiding insanity. I would say, then, that an impersonal right is held, a personal one is upheld. [G VI]
Ortega E Gasset is pointing at something which could be the extreme of nobility in the case of Being the King. Absolute Monarch is the absolute limitations. Haile Sellassie was the last and ultimate emperor. He was and played the King of Kings.

... I write this on the day of the Crown Prince death. W Sellassie died on January 18, 1997 in Alexandria, Virginia. Self-proclaimed Emperor just a few years before his death, he never had any pollical significance. He was the Emperor for a few days during the coup of 1960 -- and the father remembered it. The son was crashed by the weight of his father's fame. He never was his father's favorite son. He was another example of many negatives of the noble idea.

Noble means the "well known," that is, known by everyone, famous, he who has made himself known by excelling the anonymous mass. It implies an unusual effort as the cause of his fame. Noble, then, is equivalent to effortful, excellent. The nobility or fame of the son is pure benefit. The son is known because the father made himself famous. He is known by reflection, and in fact, hereditary nobility has an indirect character, it is mirrored light, lunar nobility, something derived from the dead. The only thing left to it of living, authentic, dynamic is the impulse it stirs in the descendant to maintain the level of effort reached by the ancestor. Always, even in this altered sense, noblesse oblige. The original noble lays an obligation on himself, the noble heir receives the obligation with his inheritance. But in any case there is a certain contradiction in the passing-on of nobility from the first noble to his successors. The Chinese, more logical, invert the order of transmission; it is not the father who ennobles the son, but the son who, by acquiring noble rank, communicates it to his forbears, by his personal efforts bringing fame to his humble stock. Hence, when granting degrees of nobility, they are graduated by the number of previous generations which are honored; there are those who ennoble only their fathers, and those who stretch back their fame to the fifth or tenth grandparent. The ancestors live by reason of the actual man, whose nobility is effective, active -- in a word: is not was.* (Gasset)
How and who could over-perform Haile Sellassie? He couldn't done it himself at the end of his life. He ended where he started -- in relations with himself. He withdrew from the world.

If Chinese wisdom is right HIM famed the ancestors, his efforts were directed at the past, regardless his reforms of the present for the future of Ethiopia. Maybe, there is logic in the modern amnesia of the country. The history of nobility was over and people on the streets of Addis Ababa had no interest in this foreign culture.

What is the inside picture of the monarch?
God, king, man -- always single. The price of power, freedom, self-awareness -- solitude. HIM did share his thought with no one. Not even with paper. Man of silence, he was used to this position of a monk. His thoughts and personal feelings were between him and God. Tafari was a prisoner of Haile Sellassie. It was his choice and destiny.

Relations with yourself as with "others" -- performance, personal (private) and public, the conflict.

Relationships with your-selves: democratic process?

The aristocracy didn't put a fight. At the time of revolution there was only an empty shelf of nobility. The inner tension on which nobility lives was gone. The Crown was ceremonial rituals, no more than British royal house since the modernity.

King as a nearest image of Father (God).

King is alienated from life.

Humanity is not his family (in human sense): they don't (and shouldn't) understand him, they share of nothing in his experience; the division is the extreme one. He doesn't belong to heaven and doesn't belong to earth.

After the Age of Revolution will lose its rage and will turn into legitimate past -- and the postmodern is an indication of this aging modernity -- we will rediscover the secrets of nobility. Not only the disappearance of the open communist rhetoric but the reappearance of forgotten kings is an indication of cultural vacuum.

One reason constitutional monarchies appear to be exceptional in the degree of unity and stability which they enjoy may be that the monarch is a center of national loyalty above politics. A distinguished English lawyer expressed it this way: "One can be a loyal subject of the Crown while regarding the Prime Minister and his Party as a national disaster." (Austrian?)

New logic of the benefits of royalty: "political impartiality would not apply in the case of a President who was politically selected. (However, some of those who argue in favour of a republic are reported as saying that the President, however chosen, would be above politics)." (Australia 2000)

And we thought that Machiavelli was the ultimate politician. They were philosophers next to contemporary leaders, who are the pure politicians. They are the servants, they can't have independent minds. There is nothing there for think about but the politics.

King rules but does not govern: thinkers. Masses govern but can't rule. Think about it....

The (constitutional) monarchy has undergone a process of democratization of at least the same magnitude as the "monarchization" of the democracy. Kings for a year, for a day, even fifteen minutes! Rotate the power of powerless! Rent the palace!What is our hotel industry for? Limousine service, catering, restaurants -- the last must be served! I don't need blood line, you need money. Let rotate the role playing; one day a master, next day -- a slave. What is our idea of vacation? Did you ever heard the saying "Costumer is a king"? Why not "president"? Doesn't sound right.

Too late to talk about Revolt of the Masses.

The Mob is a king. During the revolt. And after, when it forms Revolutionary Society of Equals.

It always violent. Even when it's an organized one. Especially, when it's well organized. This soft violence is fully analyzed by Foucault. Marxism is over century old experience to miss the points of the advanced power technology. A careful reader of American texts could noticed that the laws of democracy protect "human" rights. "Human" is a historical definition, not an absolute. Communists openly rejected "abstract humanity"; they were for the rights of the "Soviet humans." "Human" is something which is a mutual feature in you and me. Our common characteristics, not our differences. Individual rights gave in for human rights. Did you notice?

Monarchization of democracy (conversion): president as a celebrity. The recent auctions of American royalty, the Camelots, and belongings of the first lady J. Who buys them? The kings. The costumers. It takes a lot of money to get (buy) the mass media time and the mass itself.

Popular king, people's favorite = clown. Leadership = people's will. We elect president not for actual management but for a representation. We need the figure.
Collective conscience must be a reality since we politically act upon it.

Paradise: land of no fear. Our leaders are likable, good-to-all-guys. The principe of electability makes them into no-rulers and no governors. Populism (love) and monarchy (fear): in the past they loved their king because he was "theirs" by God's providence. Now they like their choice. King served his people by God's will, nor people's neither his. If the king is my true servant, paid by me, hired like a taxi driver, how can I respect him more than a mail man? If president doesn't rule, who does? We (too many) can't. How could we govern? By faking it. Instead of God, he has to please me.
Embracing the slavery: if they don't submit themselves to one man, they have to submit themselves to the last, the lowest man. The slave. To all of them. Take it, teaches the Saint of Power Idea, Foucault, the oppression will make you stronger. In resistance the suppressed forms its individuality. Some do.
They lie, democracy is the most oppressive machine. I would fight and die for it but this commitment to the best of social mass organization can't force me to lie.


"Ethiopia is a land of churches. Most village churches are round or octagonal, with a conical grass roof. Monastic churches and older churches are larger and typically rectangular. This reflects the fact that Ethiopian local church architecture adapted itself to the African hut form, though at the same time, it also reflects the fact that the Ethiopian church liturgy, with its emphasis on the holy mysteries in the center of the church, the Tabot (or the ark) also in the center, and with the participation of multiple priests and lay clerks chanting and drumming, simply works better in a round church." Ethiopian Christianity overview

Reading on Orthodoxy ***

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History ****

Rastafari: although its national religion remains confined to the homeland and expatriot communities, the existence of the Empire, at a time when only one other black state in Africa was independent, inspired relgious developments elsewhere. In distant Jamaica a movement began that exalted Ethiopia to heavenly and the Emperor of the time, Haile Sellassie, to divine status. This movement came to be known as Ras Tafarianism, after Haile Sellassie's pre-Imperial name and title (Ras). A long, ropy hairdo, "dreadlocks," and marijuana (ganja) smoking became associated with the movement, which seemed threatening to many, with little back-to-Africa or self-improvement overtones, but a great deal of threatening behavior and rhetoric. Late in his life, Haile Sellassie actually visited Jamaica. He had previously not heard of this movement and was exceedingly puzzled, if not unsettled, by it, as a man might be whose name means "Faith in the Trinity." The movement came to international attention mainly through the success of the splendid Reggae music in the 1970's, when musicians like the late Bob Marley (sporting dreadlocks) and Jimmy Cliff found success and celebrity all over the world.
@ 1998, 1999 The Imperial House of Sellassie Index Lion

Recent Primates and
Patriarchs of Ethiopia
Abuna Kerlos, Kyrllos1929-1936, d.1945
Italian Occupation, 1936-1941
Abuna Abraham1936-1939
Abuna Yohannis1939-1945
Abuna Basilos, Basil1945-1950
Abuna Tewophilos1971-1977,
Abuna Tekle Haimanot1977-1988
Abuna Merkorios1988-1991,
Abuna Poulos, Paul1991-present
Between AD326 and AD1582, Christianity determined Easter using an algorithm approved by a Church Council in AD325, with the equinox defined as March 21. From AD1054 (when the Orthodox and Catholic Churches split) through AD1582 both the Catholic and Orthodox Churches celebrated Easter on the same date, still using the algorithm from AD325. The Julian Calendar was used by the European (and Christan) communities until the Gregorian reform of 1582. Since AD1582 October (when the Gregorian Calendar was adopted by much of Catholic Europe), the Orthodox Easter usually falls on dates different than the Western Christian Easter, although apparently the Churches are discussing using the same formula to determine Easter - probably a formula different than that currently used by either Church.



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Africa in Jerusalem - The Ethiopian Church, by Robin Twite, Photographs by Shai Ginott

The Ethiopian monastery of Deir es-Sultan on the roof of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem

[The "new" Ethiopian church and monastery of Debre Gannet, Jerusalem ]

There can be few monasteries as strange as Deir es-Sultan, home of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church in the Old City of Jerusalem. To come across it without warning is an unusual experience. One walks up a flight of steps behind the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, through a gateway in an old stone wall, and suddenly a tiny African village is revealed: a group of low mud huts huddled together from which comes the clatter of cooking pots. From the middle of a courtyard rises a small and elegant dome. Two priests sit idly chatting on a stone bench. It takes a little time to realize that this is the roof of the Holy Sepulchre itself and that the dome is giving light to the chapel of Saint Helena below, one of the most ancient parts of the complex which make up the most sacred of Christian sites in Jerusalem. [ Israel ]

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