2008 : -- ethio.wetpaint.com & live.com/anatoly.org
"The migration of the well-versed and faithful followers of Christ from countries of the Middle East into Ethiopia occured at that critical period when doctrinal schism was prevalent within the Ecumenical Church. Because these pious men were divinely called to make their refugee in Ethiopia with their theological knowledge of the primative and pure apostlic teachings, their advent into Ethiopia was a blessing for Ethiopians and a milestone in the Consolidation of Ethiopianism." -- Ermias Kebede Wolde-Yesus, Nibure Id, "Ethiopia: The Classic Case: A Biblical Nation under God"
Ethiopian & Rastafari by Aster Sellassie, Millennium Ed. ![]() ![]() all updates are @ sellassie.vtheatre.net sellassie.net SummaryNot the world forgot about you, Africa was consumed with social creativity -- fighting itself, trying to define where one nation starts and another begins. African politics were at the expense of the economy. From the "awakening continent" a quarter century ago Africa became the biggest lost chance of the history. Look at their policies -- the climate for foreign investment, taxation, developing the work force -- what a disaster! "Ethiopia above all"? Above Ethiopians! What did they gain in their national pride?.. The past, the present... Wait, it's just a part of the story. The future is not less interesting than the past. I know -- nothing I lived through in my adult life was in my plans or visions. Who said that the future evolves out of the past? Not in Resurrection Times. In postmodernity the present is a shadow of the future. (HIM, Chapter. 2000)Questions![]() Music (short) LIST (amazon.com) : Ethiopiques, Vol. 1: Golden Years Of Modern Ethiopian Music * Ethiopiques, Vol. 14: Negus of Ethiopian Sax * Ethiopiques, Vol. 13: Ethiopian Groove * Ethiopiques, Vol. 3: Golden Years Of Modern Ethiopian Music * Ethiopian Urban and Tribal Music, vol. 1: Mindanoo Mistiru * Gold from Wax: Ethiopian Urban & Tribal Music * The Sounds of Contemporary Ethiopian Music - Millennium Collection * BIBLIO * Notes"It is axiomatic that development in any country must proceed simultaneously in all areas of its life. As a country advances economically, equivalent progress must be made in the creation of more highly developed social and political institutions as well. Any attempt to retard advancement in any single area will inevitably retard the development of the whole, and will create serious distortions in the overall fabric of the nation. This principle we have always recognized , and in our actions we have been guided by it. The emphasis which we have given to education in our country has stemmed from our determination to eliminate ignorance and to prepare our people for the changes which Ethiopia's emergence into the modern world would bring them." Sellassie IEuropeTime * funeral ![]()
* Ethiopia is the oldest independent country in Sub Saharan Africa. The earliest evidence of Ethiopian history was in around 1000BC when the Queen of Sheba visited King Solomon. * updates? ...
This site was born almost by accident. To protect our first files and pages at Sellassie Family WWW, I moved (copied) them at Tripod under HIM directory (that is why it's called "Mirror Site"). Nothing stay the same on the Internet and with time this HIM Mirror Site got life of its own. For our plans for this site you can read Notes page.If this is your first visit, go to Front Page.
Or see our 1998 First Page...
NEW: all guestbooks are deleted.
Read HIM HyperBiography! A few chapters (see Book)
30 years passed since HIM death. A generation. Judguing by the fast Ethiopian pace -- two. The country is overtaken by the West, American pop-culture and has no interest in the past. As if there is no past or future, only the present.
He was the last.
History ended then. And what is now?
Life. Existence. Survival.
What a strange turn!
What to make of it?
[ some chapters are no more than my notes, like 1917; hyperdrama idea ]
Sorry, folks, it will take some time to reorganize the pages about the book. It will take time to finish this web-book. I updated help, cover and other service pages to shape the site to feature the chapters (only seven are posted).
Of course, this website is biased, it has an agenda -- it is about one man, Haile Sellassie.
It has its long narrative; since the beginning of time to the end of times, the end of history. The history as we know it.
The new times is for others to define.
The new is to live and make its mark...
I am not worried anymore for HIM legacy, his name will grown in time, his life will have many interpretations, but never forgotten. There will be the time of his full return to Ethiopia, the time of peace, prosperity and wisdom.
What does a century or two matter?
Not for Ethiopia.
Not anymore.
2005 * After so many years of webbing I cannot change the nature of my webpages -- they are what they were from the start; notes, thoughts, points I make for myself for classes and productions. Do they have an independent existence? Maybe, somewhere in the future... And my writing interests, of course. Anatoly