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Dejazmach Zewde Gabre-Sellassie was born on October 14, 1927 to Dejazmach Gabre-Sellassie Barya and Weizero (later Princess) Wolete Israel Seyoum in the town of Geldu in the district of Mecha, Ethiopia. His father's death when he was just three years old was a turning point. After the marriage of his mother to Crown Prince Asfa Wossen in May 1932, he joined his mother and travelled to Desse, the capital city of Wollo. Although only five years old, according to the old custom befitting his status, he was required to keep his own household and act as a figure-head to the thirty of more men of his father's attendants and members of his household who had accompanied him to Desse. He recalls how he visited his mother and step-father every Sunday. In May 1936, he joined his mother and the Imperial family and boarded a train on their way to exile. They arrived in Jerusalem and there, he resumed his studies. During this time, the Ethiopian community in Jerusalem had become large due to the war in Ethiopia. The young Zewde was to encouter many influential statesmen and historical figures at very close proximity. He recalls that he would regularly act as a messenger boy, and buy the Jerusalem Post and translate to them in Amharic. And that he would often sit and listen to hear their most interesting accounts of their past experiences since the days of Menelik. This experience if seems, would instill in him a deep appreciation for history and afford him the extraordinary opportunity to develop his mind. This unique experience, it can be argued, became the most defining aspect of his formative years. It is no wonder that Dejazmach Zewde would go on to become an esteemed Scholar of history and one of the most distinguished statesmen of his time. He accompanied his mother to Cairo, Egypt for a brief time and after World War II broke out in 1945 they returned to Jerusalem. At the time of the liberation of Ethiopia in 1941, at the age of fourteen, Zewde was given the (hereditary) title and rank of Dejazmach. He was with his grandfather Ras Seyoum who had commanded an army against the Italians in Soqota, Korem and Amba Alagie in Tigre region. In 1945 - 53 he attended Oxford University and obtained his undergraduate degree from the deparment of Philosophy and Economics, and later 1963 - 71, he received his Doctoral degree in History. He was married to Woezerit Alem Tsehay Araya on May 7, 1961. The timing of his wedding was overshadowed by events that had occured five month earlier. His grandfather, Ras Seyoum Mengesha was one of the vicims of the massacre that resulted from the abortive coup in December 1960. The newly weds soon left for England. During the eight years stay there, their children Ezana, Debritu and Elizabeth were born. Dejazmach Zewde served numerous positions within the Imperial Government of Ethiopia beginning in 1953 until 1961 and from 1971 to 1974. At the time of the Military revolution in 1974, he was appointed as the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs. He left Ethiopia on September 4, 1974 to attend the annual United Nations General Assembly, two months later the massacre of the sixty cabinet members of the Imperial government too place. Dejazmach Zewde made a public condemnation of this action and went into exile in the West. He remained in exile for the following seventeen years. He returned to Ethiopia soon after the down-fall of the military dictatorship in 1991. Addis Ababa became his permanent residence and for the past eighteen years, he was engaged in research and writing. He is the author of numerous books among them, Yohannes IV, a political Biography. Dejazmach Zewde frequenty accepted speaking engagments at various venus and remained very active until the very end. This extraordinary Ethiopian signifies the ending of an era. He is survived by his wife, two daughters, a granddaughter, neices, nephews and countless family members whose life he has touched most profoundly.
Esther Sellassie Antohin
* 2007 [web] sellassie publishing : For immediate release
Anatoly Antohin, publisher anatolant@yahoo.com (907) 455 6149 Astewatso means Offering This book is a product of an exhibition of Princess Wolete Israel Seyoum (1914-1988), considered one of the first female artist of 20th century Ethiopia. The year 2008, marks the twentieth anniversary of her death. This project was initiated as a commemoration of her lifework and of her spiritual and artistic contribution to Ethiopian arts. A collection of 21 paintings were displayed to the public for the first time at the Gallery of the institute of Ethiopian studies, Addis Ababa University on April 14, 2008. From this occasion sprung the idea to publish a catalog of her work, as well as a biography of this remarkable woman, in an effort to preserve and share her vision. A brief summary of this book follows. This is the story of an extraordinary woman who lived in a world which has long disappeared. It is a rare and intimate portrayal beginning in 1914, one year after the death of Emperor Menelik and the year of her birth. The story unfolds in the span of seventy four years ending in 1988, amidst the turbulent period, the latter years of the Ethiopian revolution and military dictatorship of the Derg (1974 – 1991). The reader enters a fascinating world of personages and significant events in Imperial Ethiopia. It is a story of a pioneer; as she is celebrated as one of the first women artist in Ethiopia. She dared to cultivate her God given talent during a time when such a vocation was neither encouraged nor appreciated. She fully devoted her art as a form of worship and for the purpose of her spiritual fulfillment. It is a powerful story of a woman and her unwavering struggle to live a life of purpose. Born into the aristocracy, she lived through two arranged marriages; endured countless personal tragedies including the death of her only daughter. In the end, her spirit soars . . .it is the power of her love and the awe-inspiring dedication that overrides all. Princess Wolete Israel is a remarkable model and truly a triumphant figure. On the occasion of the twentieth year of her death, this book pays tribute to her remarkable contribution as an accomplished artist and an inspirational figure. It includes a catalog of the artist's collection of paintings. Told from a granddaughter's perspective, and based on accounts from close family members, this work attempts to reconstruct the personal life of Princess Wolete Israel Seyoum some thirty years later.
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KINGS (new page?)
Monday, May 21, 2007 Throne of Ethiopia Current mood: drained Category: Blogging RULER REIGN DATES 1. Ori or Aram, son of Shem. 60 2222-2162 2. Gariak I. Mash, son of 66 2162-2096 3. Gannkam 83 2096-2013 4. Borsa (queen) 67 2013-1946 5. Dagmawi Gariak II 60 1946-1886 6. Qadamawi Djan I 80 1886-1806 7. Dagmawi Djan II 60 1806-1746 8. Senefrou=Job 20 1746-1726 9. Zeenabzamin 58 1726-1668 10. Sahlan 60 1668-1608 11. Elaryan 80 1608-1528 12. Nimroud 60 1528-1468 13. Eylouka (queen) 45 1468-1423 14. Saloug 30 1423-1393 15. Kharid 72 1393-1321 16. Hogeb 100 1321-1221 17. Makaws 70 1221-1151 18. Assa 30 1151-1121 19. Affar 50 1121-1071 20. Milanos 62 1071-1009 21. Soliman Tehagui 73 1009- 936 THE LINE OF HAM, CUSH AND SABTAH RULER REIGN DATES 1. Kam = Ham. Date of 78 2255-2177 2. Kout = Cush. Son of 50 2177-2127 Ham. 3. Habassi 40 2127-2087 4. Sebtah 30 2087-2057 5. Elektron 30 2057-2027 6. Neber 30 2027-1997 7. Qadamawi Amen I 21 1997-1976 8. Nehasset Nais (queen) 30 1976-1946 9. Horkam 29 1946-1917 10. Dagmawi Saba II 30 1917-1887 11. Sofard 30 1887-1857 12. Askndou 25 1857-1832 13. Hohey 35 1832-1797 14. Adglag 20 1797-1777 15. Adgala 30 1777-1747 16. Lakniduga 25 1747-1722 17. Manturay 35 1722-1687 18. Rakhu 30 1687-1657 19. Qadamawi Sabe I 30 1657-1627 20. Azagan 30 1627-1597 21. Sousel Atozanis 20 1597-1577 22. Dagmawi Amen II 15 1577-1562 23. Ramenpahte 20 1562-1542 24. Wanuna 3 days 1542 25. Piori II, father of the 15 1542-1527 AGDAZYAN DYNASTY OF THE POSTERITY OF THE KINGDOM OF JOCTAN RULER REIGN DATES 1. Qadamawi Akbunas Saba I. Saba 55 1978-1923 2. Nakehte Kalnis. Kalnis 40 1923-1883 3. Kasiyope (queen) 19 1883-1864 4. Qadamawi Sabe I 15 1864-1849 5. Qadamawi Etiyopus I 56 1849-1793 6. Lakndun Nowarari 30 1793-1763 7. Tutimheb 20 1763-I743 8. Qadamawi Herhator I 20 1743-1723 9. Dagmawi Etiyopus II 30 1723-1693 10. Qadamawi Senuka I 17 1693-1676 11. Qadamawi Bonu I 8 1676-1668 12. Mumazes (queen) 4 1668-1664 13. Aruas, daughter of 7 months 1664 Mumazes. 14. Qadamawi Amen Asro I 30 1664-1634 15. Dagmawi Ori (or Aram) II 30 1634-1604 16. Qadamawi Piori I 15 1604-1589 17. Qadamawi Amen Emhat I 40 1589-1549 18. Tsawi 15 1549-1534 19. Aktissanis 10 1534-1524 20. Mandes 17 1524-1507 21. Protawos 33 1507-1474 22. Amoy 21 1474-1453 23. Konsi Hendawi 5 1453-1448 24. Dagmawi Bonu II 2 1448-1446 25. Salsawi Sebi III (Kefe) 15 1446-1431 26. Djagons 20 1431-1411 27. Dagmawi Dagmawi Senuka II 10 1411-1401 28. Qadamawi Angabo I (Zaka Laarwe) 50 1401-1351 29. Miamur 2 days 1351 30. Helena (queen) 11 1351-1340 31. Qadamawi Zagdur I 40 1340-1300 32. Dagmawi Her Hator II 30 1300-1270 33. Her Hator (Za Sagado) III 1 1270-1269 34. Akate (Za Sagado) IV 20 1269-1249 35. Titon Satiyo 10 1249-1239 36. Qadamawi Hermantu I 5 months 1239 37. Dagmawi Amen Emhat II 5 1239-1234 38. Qadamawi Konsab I 5 1234-1229 39. Dagmawi Sannib II 5 1229-1224 40. Sanuka III 5 1224-1219 41. Dagmawi Angabo II 40 1219-1179 42. Amen Astate 30 1179-1149 43. Herhor 16 1149-1133 44. Qadamawi Wiyankihi I 9 1133-1124 45. Qadamawi Pinotsem I 17 1124-1107 46. Dagmawi Pinotsem II 41 1107-1066 47. Massaherta 16 1066-1050 48. Ramenkoperm 14 1050-1036 49. Salsawi Pinotsem III 7 1036-1029 50. Sabi IV 10 1029-1019 51. Tawasaya Dews 13 1019-1006 52. Makeda 31 1006- 975 DYNASTY OF MENELIK I RULER REIGN DATES 1. Qadamawi Menelik I 25 975-950 2. Hanyon 1 950-949 3. Qadamawi Zera I (Tomai). This 26 949-923 4. Amen Hotep Zagdur 31 923-892 5. Aksumay Ramissu 20 892-872 6. Dagmawi Awseyo Sera II 38 872-834 7. Dagmawi Tawasya II 21 834-813 8. Dagmawi Abralyus Wiyankihi II 32 813-781 9. Aksumay Warada Tsahay 23 781-758 10. Kashta Hanyon 13 758-745 11. Dagmawi Sabaka II 12 745-733 12. Nicauta Kandake (queen) 10 733-723 13. Tsawi Terhak Warada 49 723-674 Nsgash 14. Erda Amen Awseya, or 6 674-668 15. Gasiyo Eskikatir -- 668 16. Nuatmeawn (Tanautamun) 4 668-664 17. Salsawi Tomadyon Piyankihi III 12 664-652 18. Amen Asero 16 652-636 19. Piyankihi IV, or Awtet 34 636-602 20. Zaware Nebret Aspurta 41 602-561 21. Dagmawi Saifay Harsiataw II 12 561-549 22. Ramhay Nastossanan 4 549-535 23. Handu Wuha Abra 11 535-524 24. Safelya Sabakon 31 524-493 25. Agalbus Sepekos 22 493-471 26. Psmenit Waradanegash 21 471-450 27. Awseya Tarakos 12 450-438 28. Kanaz Psmis, son of 13 438-425 Awseya Tarakos 29. Apras 10 425-415 30. Kashta Walda Ahuhu 20 415-395 31. Elalion Taake 10 395-385 32. Salsawi Atserk Amen III 10 385-375 33. Atserk Amen IV 10 375-365 34. Hadina (queen) 10 365-355 35. Atserk Amen V 10 355-345 36. Atserk Amen VI 10 345-335 37. Nikawla Kandake (queen) 10 335-325 38. Bassyo 7 325-318 39. Salsawi Akawsis Kandake III 10 318-308 (queen) 40. Dagmawi Arkamen II 10 308-298 41. Awtet Arawura 10 298-288 42. Dagmawi Kolas II (Kaletro) 10 288-278 43. Zawre Nebrat 16 278-262 44. Stiyo 14 262-248 45. Safay 13 248-235 46. Nikosis Kandake IV (queen) 10 235-225 47. Ramhay Arkamen IV 10 225-215 48. Feliya Hernekhit 15 215-200 49. Hende Awkerara 20 200-180 50. Agabu Baseheran 10 180-170 51. Sulay Kawswmenun 20 170-150 52. Messelme Kerarmer 8 150-142 53. Nagey Bsente 10 142-132 54. Etbenukewer 10 132-122 55. Safeliya Abramen 20 122-102 56. Sanay 10 102- 92 57. Awsena (queen) 11 92- 81 58. Dagmawi Dawit II 10 81- 71 59. Aglbul 8 71- 63 60. Bawawl 10 63- 53 61. Barawas 10 53- 43 62. Dinedad 10 43- 33 63. Amoy Mahasse 5 33- 28 64. Nicotnis Kandake V 10 28- 18 65. Nalke 5 18- 13 66. Luzay 12 13- 1 67. Bazen 17 B.C. 1- 17 A.D. THOSE WHO REIGNED AFTER THE BIRTH OF CHRIST RULER REIGN DATES 1. Sartu Tsenfa Assegd 21 17- 38 2. Akaptah Tsenfa Ared 8 38- 46 3. Horemtaku 2 46- 48 4. Garsemot Kandake VI. Jen 10 48- 58 5. Hatoza Bahr Asaged 28 58- 86 6. Mesenh Germasir 7 86- 93 7. Metwa Germa Asfar 9 93-102 8. Dagmawi Adgale II 10 102-112 9. Agba 1 112-113 10. Serada 16 113-129 11. Malis Alameda 4 129-133 12. Hakabe Nasohi Tsiyon 6 133-139 13. Hakli Sergway 12 139-151 14. Dedme Zaray 10 151-161 15. Awtet 2 161-163 16. Alaly Bagamay 7 163-170 17. Awadu Jan Asagad 30 170-200 18. Zagun Tsion Hegez 5 200-205 19. Rema Tsion Geza 3 205-208 20. Azegan Malbagad 7 208-215 21. Gafale Seb Asagad 1 215-216 22. Tsegay Beze Wark 4 216-220 23. Gaza Agdur 9 220-229 24. Agduba Asgwegwe 8 229-237 25. Dawiza 1 237-238 26. Wakana (queen) 2 days 238 27. Hadawz 4 months 238 28. Ailassan Sagal 3 238-241 29. Asfehi Asfeha 14 241-255 30. Atsgaba Seifa Arad 6 255-261 31. Ayba 17 261-278 32. Tsaham Laknduga 9 278-287 33. Tsegab 10 287-297 34. Tazer 10 297-307 35. Ahywa Sofya (queen) 7 307-314 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE OF THE CHRIST SOVEREIGNS 1. Ahywa. Her regnal name was Sofya, and she was the mother of Abreha Atsbeha. 2. Abreha Atsbeha (with mother) 26 314-340 3. Atsbeha, alone. 12 340-352 4. Asfeh Dalz 7 352-359 5. Sahle 14 359-373 6. Arfed Gebra Maskal 4 373-377 7. Qadamawi Adhana I (queen) 5 377-382 8. Riti 1 382-383 9. Dagmawi Asfeh II 1 383-384 10. Dagmawi Atsbeha II 5 384-389 11. Amey 15 389-404 12. Dagmawi Abreha II 7 months 404 13. Ilassahl 2 months 404 14. Qadamawi Elagabaz I 2 404-406 15. Suhal 4 406-410 16. Salsawi Abreha III 10 410-420 17. Dagmawi Adhana II (queen) 6 420-426 18. Yoab 10 426-436 19. Qadamawi Tsaham I 2 436-438 20. Dagmawi Amey II 1 438-439 21. Sahle Ahzob 2 439-441 22. Tsebah Mahana Kristos 3 441-444 23. Dagmawi Tsaham II 2 444-446 24. Dagmawi Elagabaz II 6 446-452 25. Agabi 1 452-453 26. Lewi 2 453-455 27. Ameda III 3 455-458 28. Armah Dawit 14 458-472 29. Amsi 5 472-477 30. Salayba 9 477-486 31. Alameda 8 486-494 32. Pazena Ezana 7 494-501 DYNASTY OF ASHE (EMPEROR) KALEB UNTIL GEDAJAN RULER REIGN DATES 1. Kaleb 30 501-531 2. Za Israel 1 month 531 3. Gabra Maskal 14 531-545 4. Kostantinos 28 545-573 5. Wasan Sagad 15 573-588 6. Fere Sanay 23 588-611 7. Advenz 20 611-631 8. Akala Wedem 8 631-639 9. Germa Asafar 15 639-654 10. Zergaz 10 654-664 11. Dagena Mikael 26 664-690 12. Bahr Ekla 19 690-709 13. Gum 24 709-733 14. Asguagum 5 733-738 15. Latem 16 738-754 16. Talatam 21 754-775 17. Gadagosh 13 775-788 18. Aizar Eskakatir 1/2 day 788 19. Dedem 5 788-793 20, Wededem 10 793-803 21. Wudme Asfare 30 803-833 22. Armah 5 833-838 23. Degennajan 19 838-857 24. Gedajan 1 857-858 25. Gudit 40 858-898 26. Anbase Wedem 20 898-918 27. Del Naad 10 918-928 SOVEREIGNS ISSUED FROM ZAGWE RULER REIGN DATES 1. Mara Takla Haymanot 13 928- 941 2. Tatawdem 40 941- 981 3. Jan Seyum 40 981-1021 4. Germa Seyum 40 1021-1061 5. Yermrhana Kristos 40 1061-1101 6. Kedus Arbe (Samt) 40 1101-1141 7. Lalibala 40 1141-1181 8. Nacuto Laab 40 1181-1221 9. Yatbarak 17 1221-1238 10. Mayari 15 1238-1253 11. Harbay 8 1253-1261 A JEW (SOLOMONIC) DYNASTY, WHICH WAS NOT RAISED TO THE THRONE, DURING THE PERIOD OF THE PRECEDING DYNASTY 1. Mahbara Wedem 2. Agbea Tsyon 3. Tsinfa Arad 4. Nagash Zare 5. Asfeh 6. Yakob 7. Bahr Asagad 8. Edem Asagad SOVEREIGNS FROM EMPEROR YEKUNO AMLAK, DESCENDED FROM THE ANCIENT REIGNING DYNASTIES RULER REIGN DATES 1. Yekuno Amlak 15 1261-1276 2. Yasbeo Tseyon 9 1276-1285 3. Tsenfa Arad 1 1285-1286 4. Hesba Asagad 1 1286-1287 5. Kedme Asagad 1 1287-1288 6. Jan Asagad 1 1288-1289 7. Sabea Asagad 1 1289-1290 8. Wedma Ared 15 1290-1305 9. Amda Tseyon 30 1305-1335 10. Saifa Ared 28 1335-1363 11. Wedma Asfare 10 1363-1373 12. Dawit 30 1373-1403 13. Tewodoros 4 1403-1407 14. Yeshak 15 1407-1422 15. Andreyas 6 months 1422 16. Hesba Nan 4 1422-1426 17. Bedl Nan & Andreyas 1 1426-1427 18. Amde Tseyon 7 1427-1434 19. Zara Yakob 34 1434-1468 20. Boeda Maryam 10 1468-1478 21. Iskender 16 1478-1494 22. Amda Tseyon 1 1494-1495 23. Naod 13 1495-1508 ELEVATION TO THE THRONE OF ASHE (EMPEROR) LEBNA DENGEL, AND THE INVASION OF ETHIOPIA BY GRAN RULER REIGN DATES 1. Lebna Dengel 32 1508-1540 2. Galawdewos 19 1540-1559 3. Minas 4 1559-1563 Fifteen years after Ashe (Emperor) Lebna Dengel came to the throne Gran devastated Ethiopia for fifteen years. THE HOUSE OF GONDAR RULER REIGN DATES 1. Sartsa Dengel 34 1563-1597 2. Yakob 9 1597-1606 3. Za Dengel 1 1606-1607 4. Susneyos 28 1607-1635 5. Fasil 35 1635-1670 6. Degu-Yohannes 15 1670-1685 7. Adyam Sagad Iyasu 25 1685-1710 8. Takla Haymanot 2 1710-1712 9. Tewoflus 3 1712-1715 10. Yostos 4 1715-1719 11. Dawit 5 1719-1724 12. Bakaffa 9 1724-1733 13. Birhan Sagad Iyasu 24 1733-1757 14. Iyoas 15 1757-1772 15. Yohannes 5 mos. & 5 dys. 1772 16. Takla Haymanot 8 1772-1780 17. Solomon 2 1780-1782 18. Takla Giyorgis 5 1782-1787 SOVEREIGNS OF ABYSSINIA SUBSEQUENT TO THE FOREGOING LIST RULER REIGN DATES 1. Yasus 1 1787-1788 2. Takla Haymanot 1 1788-1789 3. Iskias 6 1789-1795 4. Baeda Maryam 2 1795-1797 5. Junus -- 1797 6. Adimo 2 1797-1799 7. Egwala Sion 19 1799-1818 8. Joas 3 1818-1821 9 Gigar 5 1821-1826 10. Salsawi Baeda Maryam III -- 1826 11. Gigar (again) 4 1826-1830 12. Iyasu IV 2 1830-1832 13. Gabra Kristos -- 1832 14. Sahala Dengel 8 1832-1840 15. Salsawi Yohannes III 1 1840-1841 16. Sahala Dengel (again) 14 1841-1855 At this time the empire was re-established by Theodore. 17. Tewodoros 13 1855-1868 18. Yohannes IV 21 1868-1889 19. Dagmawi Menelik II 24 1889-1913 20. Lij Yasu 3 1913-1916 21. Zauditu, empress, and 14 1916-1930 Ras Tafari Makonnen, regent and heir. 22. Qadamawi Haile Selassie I, -- 1930-
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