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From Russia XX |
... I keep working on "Russian Pages," including Father-Russia [ 2008 ]
Maybe, after I retire in 2009 I would get to my nonfiction projects.
Or maybe not.
With death of Solzhenitsyn I realize how much is not done.
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... NEW : NEW -- in Russian: play *
How to read my eBooks?
I do not know, i do not have time to read even what I write.
I think I wrote it somewhere already.
Ant [ not anatolant or anatoly? ]
2005: Antohins 100 years *
* Century of Antohins (new 2005) Content: WeBook -- come for updates! And write back! ![]() GeoAlaska: Theatre & Film
SummaryIn text-only version there are three parts (Losers, Winners, Virtual Russia), but here (web-version) are only the fragments.QuestionsI don't know how long do we, you and me, have to wait, when this book will get its shape....NotesStories, scenes, characters are in text-only directory.![]() 2004 & After
Genocide: Russia and the New World Order 2005: Strange -- when I understood that I won't die in Moscow, the American Anatoly died in me... "THE RUSSIAN PEOPLE as a whole has performed great sins which are the cause of the present misfortunes: the specific sins are oath-breaking and regicide. The public and military leaders renounced their obedience and loyalty to the Tsar even before his abdication, forcing this latter from the Tsar, who did not desire bloodshed within the country; and the people openly and noisily greeted this deed, and nowhere did it loudly express its lack of agreement with it. At the same time there was made here a violation of the oath given to the Sovereign and his lawful heirs; and besides this, upon the heads of those who performed this crime fell the curse of their ancestors—the Zemsky Sobor of 1613, whose decrees it sealed with the cursing of those who would violate them. Those guilty of the sin of regicide are not only those who physically performed it, but the whole people which rejoiced on the occasion of the overthrow of the Tsar and allowed his abasement, arrest, and exile, leaving him defenseless in the hands of the criminals, which fact in itself already predetermined the end. Thus, the catastrophe which has come upon Russia is the direct consequence of terrible sins, and the rebirth of Russia is possible only after cleansing from them. However, up to this time there has been no genuine repentance, the crimes that have been performed have clearly not been condemned, and many active participants in the Revolution continue even now to affirm that at that time it was not possible to act in any other way.
... Well, the Russian Church is perhaps the first and the biggest sinner. Why isn’t the Russian diaspora used to attract capital to Russia? What? Which diaspora? "A Review of The New Russian Diaspora – Russian Minorities in the Former Soviet Republics" ed. by Vladimir Szlapentok, M. E. Sharpe 1994... ah! Maybe now Russians will learn -- Russians without Russia and Russia without Russians! Old Diaspora: Emigration from end of 19th century up till today mostly to Western countries (USA, Israel, Germany, France, Kanada, Finland) New Diaspora: Russian / Russian-speaking "minorities" in the Successor States of the Soviet Union
"White emigration" 1917-1935 Communist Revolution / Civil war 3,5 - 4 Million -- "Mission" - Free, non-communist Russia; high acceptance abroad "Silent emigration" 1945-1950 Second World War / Soviet repression 8 - 10 Million -- No mission; Trauma of double repression; seen in Soviet Russia as spys and traitors; no well-known representatives "Intellectual / Ethnical / Political" 1870-1985 Period of Stagnation; Cold War; Antisemitism 1 Million -- Personal and political protest; martyrs for freedom and victims of Soviet regime; intellectual potential; high acceptance abroad "Sausage" or economical emigration 1985 - today (Post)perestroika; Transformation period; political and economical crisis 1 - 2 Million -- No mission; personal motivation; lack of status abroad; Problematics of (self)definition, negative attitude towards home-country Please note that neither the "Conceptual labels" nor the characteristics represent objective historical facts but refer to widely spread interpretation patterns in Russian collective memory. The statistical data gives approximate numbers and shall give an orientation rather than a detailed insight. [ Russian Diaspora - Historical Lines and Concepts ] Go there and see for yourself what does it looks like "The Russian Diaspora"! Hypothesis: In the home country - here in Russia - the virtual return of the Diasporas is seen against the background of historically evolved concepts of (e)migration. The distinction of the self and the other shifts from the inter-cultural to the inner-cultural level... Exile, Diaspora? It will take the collapse of the US to understand that the world is already without borders!
Тем, кто в России.
Раз вы читаете эту страницу, не все потеряно.
Потеряно много.
Не только жизни до меня, но и моя русская жизнь.
И жизни после меня. Сколько их?
А надо было так мало, немного уважения. Ко мне, одному человеку, к соседу, прохожему, к тебе. Читайте "Век Антохиных", это на русском.
Книга Дурака 2006 (Antohins II: Anatoly) ru
... 2007-2008 Postmodern Election filmplus.org/politics/ru
NEW -- in Russian: play *
-- Not only Russian, but African ghosts will hunt your children and children of their children.
-- No!
-- Yes, for ever.
-- I don't believe it.
-- You do not have to. You are out. Your punishment is their lives.
* (Russian) Volga, ancient (Greek) Ra, or (Tatar) Itil, or Etil, river of Europe, the continent's longest, and the principal waterway of western Russia and the historic cradle of the Russian state.
* “Great Russia” is Muscovy...
Is it your future, Russia?
Back to the future?
Where do you sail, Russia?
It ends in the big lake with a name -- "Sea"...
Russia is a river...
Big river with the big lake at the end of the journey.
A few selected pieces from the draft of the book to see how to turn them into real "web"pages.intro
[ To be updated! Don't know when... I was in Moscow again in 2004, to bury my father. 2005, лето, Аляска -- "Век Антохиных", по-русски, о семье, жанра не знаю. Словно "последнее слово", а может так и есть... ]
@2001-2003 index * NEXT: Intro *
March 2005: Who am I kidding? I never felt myself an immigrant and always felt at home in America. It is near 25 years I am here. Yet, only now I realize that I am an immigrant...
Last Sept. I came back to Alaska after burrying my father, the last Antohin in Moscow...
I didn't see it while we were in St.Petersburg, where I geban to think about "Father-Russia"...
I didn't think about the politics then...
What was I thinking about?
It was my last hope to be Russian...
What is left?
A few words in Russian:
Книга не закончена и не думаю, что будет дописана. Пишу без бумаги, словно наговариваю. Странно, книга без "книги" -- а печатать?
Конечно, хотелось бы обыкновенную книгу с бумажными страницами, но что меня останавливает? Может быть электронные тексты не получили еще СВОЕЙ формы -- и я жду. Когда? Не знаю. Не знаю даже как эта "проза" выглядит. Что делать? Писать. Я и пишу.
©2004 filmplus.org *
2005-2006 Theatre UAF Season: Four Farces + One Funeral & Godot'06
Film-North * Anatoly Antohin
© 2005 by vtheatre.net. Permission to link to this site is granted.
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