unique visitor counter FILM directing * directing.filmplus.org
* Live UAF Students! Please go to: http://classes.uaf.edu + Log in to Blackboard, choose "THR 190 / Auditions and Portfolio Review" and complete the online Outcomes Assessment form under the "Assignment" tab.

University of Alaska Fairbanks
Theatre Department
311 Tanana Drive
Great Hall, Suite 302
Fairbanks, AK 99775-5700
Office: (907) 474-6590 Fax: (907) 474-7048

[ Sorry, folks -- it will take another round of writing-editing to get the pages into some shape. Right now I am using them mostly to write down the points I have to cover in class... ]

* making movies * * NEWS: * Digital Filmmaking 101: An Essential Guide to Producing Low Budget Movies (Paperback) 0941188337 *
anatoly: virtual film

    follow me on Twitter

    * see T-blog and VT blog ! My places to watch for directing -- Total Director, stagematrix.com, meyerhold.us + teatr.us for LUL Theatre & stagematrix group [wiki]


    Kurosawa See students pages in other directories!


    Filmmaking Instructions Online list!


    grading ("class project"):

    script breakdown 10%
    the production team 5%
    directing terminology 5%
    camera 10%
    scripting 5%
    editing 5%
    class participation 10%
    directing 50%

    "Grading" page?

    recommended: Jrn 451 - TV Production + Adv. TV Production

    2006: updates

    filmstudy clips
    directing videos

    chaplin pages

    jumpcut movie:chaplin pages



    * The Center for Digital Imaging Arts at Boston University is the academic leader in offering extensive, practical, hands-on, career oriented education and training in the rapidly emerging digital arts fields. [ Digital Filmmaking Certificate * Graphic and Web Design Certificate... ]

    * DePaul CTI - Digital Cinema Programs

    * -- filmschools.com ?

    ... 2007-2008

    other "students" pages -




    Index * Mining Film * Books * Film-North * Film & Drama * Theatre Theory * METHOD acting * STAGEMATRIX: Fundamentals of Direction * Acting-Biomechanics * Classes * Virtual Theatre * Bookmark vTheatre! Mailing List & News -- subscribe yourself * The Book of Spectator * Anatoly Blogs - News


    .... conferences w/anatoly:

    bring your class file
    (1) test(s)
    (2) script (all drafts)
    (3) homework/class assignments
    (4) your posts to our group
    the questions you like to discuss

    Please email me for our conreference time/date!

    This is another "class" page, which gets active only when I teach the class. Nevertheless, I must to make one personal disclimer: I do not believe in "students films": there are only two kinds of films -- good and bad. Your age is nobody business. So-called "low budget" films is another non-sense! Why should we care about the budget, it's you business how much money you put into it. Select the story and way to shoot it, according to what you got.

    I don't like the term "young filmmakers" too. You are here to take the place of the masters. That's the ticket!

    I do not where I can talk about the trasition at the end of this course from the films to you, the filmmakers. Since this is the Fundamentals of Film Directing, I feel that I must say that YOUR artistic develeopment is more important than your films. Each your film is a step in growing. If not, you wasted your time.

    You as a subject of your own work is a tricky matter. In PS page I try to touch it -- what you have to do after this class. First, remember that you are the filmmaking "machine" and a commodity (films are the product of this company -- your name here).

    ... (Moscow) Art Theatre School: A star is taught,not born

    Anatoly G Antohin Film-North & Virtual Theatre :


    I hope that you understand that Filmmaking class is the work outside of class time. It's a workshop (seminar, at best); we only test in class what you done, or trying to do.

    What about the cyber-students?

    I asked for it. Since the web is transperent, the pages are being used by the people I do not know (and I try to make them user-friendly); go to the Yahoo directing ONLINE (I'll be working on it for the Spring Fundamental of Direction course -- StageMatrix).


    Again. Most of the work in this class is done outside of classroom, our time in class is for lectures and exercises mostly. Also, for screening the footage and film fragments.


    I will try to collect everything you need for a review for the final exam at PS page.
    Next: tests
    @2001-2004 film-north NEXT: Film-Books * 200x: Art Through Movies + film-analysis

    * home * about * guide * classes * advertise * sponsors * faq * contact * news * forums * mailing list * bookstore * ebooks * search me * calendar * games * polls * submit your link * web * shop * All scripts and texts on this site are intended for educational purposes only * images : photobucket.com/cinema & photobucket.com/film [ in addition to picasa and flickr ] * my.times * igoogle * my.yahoo * my spaces *

    Theatre UAF Film -- www.uaf.edu/theatre/film

    Film Studies - Minor only



    "The future" ...

    Producing/ Directing:
    [Small Indie Movies Are the Future]
    by Lloyd Grove
    Leave it to "Star Wars" creator George Lucas to pronounce the death of the Hollywood blockbuster. "The market forces that exist today make it unrealistic to spend $200 million on a movie," said Lucas, a near-billionaire from his feverishly franchised outer-space epics. "Those movies can't make their money back anymore. (more, NYDailyNews.com)

    Sony HDV FX1 vs. DVX100a vs. Canon XL2
    by Jarred Land and Barry Green
    Today’s video cameras are not what they used to be. Features like 24P recording, adjustable gamma settings, widescreen 16:9, and now high-def imaging are now on the market. For aspiring filmmakers, commercial producers, wedding/event videographers, and other shooters, there are three main cameras that are garnering all the attention: the new HDV Sony FX1, the almost-as-new Canon XL2, and the legendary Panasonic DVX100A (which is less than a year old, at the time of this writing) ... (more, DVXUser.com)

    ... http://filmschoolonline.com

    scholarships & festivals [ ... ]

    service pages --

    ... video clips

    ... images

    ... sounds

    new : pod.txt [right table]

    2007 An online course supplement * Film-North * Anatoly Antohin. * eCitations *
    © 2005 by vtheatre.net. Permission to link to this site is granted. Film DIRECTING amazon film-north blog

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    Theatre UAF: Pinter * Playscript Analysis * diigo it

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