FILMmaking *

TOPICS: drama + comedy + postmodern + time + space + Artistic ID * Style * Story, Form & Genre * Screen Language * Projects * Script * Translation to the Screen * Directing the Frame * Subject Size * Angle * Perspective * Composition * Look * Movement * Continuity * Coverage * mise-en-scene * Casting * Rehearsal * Directing Actors * Audience * Expectation * Suspense * Surprise * Violence * Humor * Dynamic Dialogue Scenes * Static Dialogue Scenes * Group Dialogue Scenes * Tips * Documentaries & Experimental * scripts *
Make visible what, without you, might perhaps never have been seen. - Robert Bresson

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"Fundamentals of Film Directing" is too general, better to call it "Film Directions for Actors"! Why actors? They are in front of the camera. Besides, I haven't seen a textbook for actors from the camera's POV.
Of course, there are main filmmaking topics to cover, but that all participants of the process could take a different look at actors and acting in film.
Five Parts. Now I have to bring the subject files from the main directory under one roof here.

Title Page


Part One. Scripting: Writing Movie

Part Two. PreProduction: Blue Prints

Part Three. Production: Shooting

Part Four. Post-Production: Editing

Part Five. Post-Post-Production: YOU



Only now I see how many parts are missing! The structure is in the left table (index).

I have to bring Eisen as a narrator, if I want to have a true narrative, but I do not hear his voice... How to get from quoting Eisenstein to letting him speak. Must introduce him as a character (hero); what is his story? Let him talk about what wasn't been done while he was alive. His reaction on 50+ years after his death (I was born in 1949) -- what would he see?

I have to arranged all parts (chapters) as lessons. Each pat has 5-6: the sequences are not the final choice (the order). Some could/should be dropped from the book (which ones?).

The homework assignments -- problem.

2004: the wrong textbook again?

Quotes: Nietzsche vs. Zen (two extremes) -- individual and god (when and how to use both, while directing).

Films: USA, Germany, Japan, Russia, Italy
Great Directors
* NEWS: * Digital Filmmaking 101: An Essential Guide to Producing Low Budget Movies (Paperback) 0941188337 *
anatoly: virtual film

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* see T-blog and VT blog ! My places to watch for directing -- Total Director,, + for LUL Theatre & stagematrix group [wiki]

subjects : direct * concept * script * analysis * camera * shot * cut * edit * light * sound * color * montage * semiotics * movies * films * books *

@2001-2004 film-north * NEXT: Film-Books *