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bibliography film-north*
* Fall 2006 film directing -- Directing: Film Techniques and Aesthetics, Third Edition (Paperback) by Michael Rabiger 0240805178
Artistic Identity
The Job of the Director Identifying Your Themes as a Director Developing Your Story Ideas Checklist Screencraft Screen Grammar Seeing with a Moviemaker's Eye Shooting Projects Checklist Writing The Screenplay The Process of Writing Adaptation from Art or Life Story Development Strategies Scene-Writing Exercises Checklist Aesthetics and Authorship Point of View Genre, Conflict, and Dialectics Structure, Plot, and Time Space, Stylized Environments, and Performances Form and Style Checklist Preproduction Interpreting the Script Casting Directing Actors Actors' Problems Improvisation Work to Explore Acting Exercises with a Text Rehearsal and Development Director and Actor Prepare a Scene Final Rehearsals and Planning Coverage Checklist Production Developing a Crew Mise en Scene Basics Getting Ready to Shoot Directing the Crew Monitoring Progress Checklist Postproduction Preparing to Edit Editing the First Assembly Editing from Rough Cut to Fine Cut Editing: Finalization Editing from Fine Cut to Sound Mix Titles and Acknowledgments Checklist Career Track Planning a Career Major International Film/Video Schools Breaking into the Industry Checklist Further Information Glossary Select Bibliography Index
THE FILM DIRECTOR'S INTUITION: Script Analysis and Rehearsal Techniques by Judith Weston
From Script to Screen: The Collaborative Art of Filmmaking 2nd Edition
Mindstar has released a free script writing software package. The Cinergy Script Editor is available as a standalone program, or built-in to the larger Cinergy Motion Picture Production System. The script editor creates industry standard formatting for motion picture scripts. Scripts created with the Cinergy Script Editor are immediately compatible with the production management features of Cinergy Version 5. The free download at cinergy\
A History of Narrative Film by David A. Cook; W. W. Norton, 1996 [questia] *
Theories of Film by Andrew Tudor; Viking Press, 1974 * - 1: Introduction - 2:: Eisenstein: Great Beginnings - 3: the Problem of Context: John Grierson - 5: Critical Method: Auteur and Genre
Concepts in Film Theory by Dudley Andrew; Oxford University Press, 1984
The Art of the Film by Ernest Lindgren; Macmillan, 1963 *
Philosophy of the Film: Epistemology, Ontology, Aesthetics by Ian Jarvie; Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1987 *
Cinematics by Paul Weiss; Southern Illinois University Press, 1975
On Directing Film by David Mamet
"Independent Film Production" "God Father" "Pulp Fiction" "Film Directing Fundamentals" "Film Directing, Cinematic Motion" "Chaplin" "Citizen Kane" "Tarkovsky, Nostalghia" "Battleship Potemkin" "Directing Techniques" "Tarkovsky, Mirror" "Film Directing, Cinematic Motion" "From Script to Screen" "Directing Actors" "Film Directors on Directing" "The New York Times Guide to the Best 1000 Movies Ever Made" "Thinking Like a Director" "The Definitive Guide to Independent and Foreign Films on Video and DVD" "The Visual Story, Seeing the Structure of Film, TV and New Media" "Make Your Own Damn Movie!" "The Major Film Theories, An Introduction" "Film As Art by Rudolf Arnheim" "Theory of Film by Siegfried Kracauer"
* 2005
from total directing
references page **
Works Cited
Cook, David A. A History of Narrative Film. New York: W. W. Norton, 1996. Questia. 27 Sept. 2006 Fabe, Marilyn. Closely Watched Films: An Introduction to the Art of Narrative Film Technique. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 2004. Questia. 27 Sept. 2006 Gallagher, John Andrew. Film Directors on Directing. Westport, CT: Praeger, 1989. Questia. 27 Sept. 2006 Gehring, Wes D., ed. Handbook of American Film Genres. New York: Greenwood Press, 1988. Questia. 27 Sept. 2006 Manoogian, Haig P. The Film-Maker's Art. New York: Basic Books, 1966. Questia. 27 Sept. 2006 Rosenthal, Alan. Writing, Directing, and Producing Documentary Films and Videos. 3rd ed. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press, 2002. Questia. 27 Sept. 2006 2007 An online course supplement * Film-North * Anatoly Antohin. * eCitations *
Theatre UAF: Pinter *
Playscript Analysis *
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