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Federico Fellini: Interviews edited by Bert Cardullo [books.google.com]


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3. And the masterpiece 8.5


... What is happiness? Early and Late Fellini.

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... my 4th page about FELLINI

not last?

From Fellini


8.5 [ in class ] finale [ march for pre-show Caligari? ]

Music & Pix ... and silence.

Late Fellini : Rome vs. Amarcord

Amarcod :


images, themes, stills


Where was he coming from?

fellini : la dolce vita :

"Fellini in transition" [ comments ]

Early Fellini :

La Strada

Fellini in 334 class - around midterm. [After Bergman, before Tarkovky]


North and South in Fellini [topics]

The aesthetics of Fellini's Art as Seen through its Ties with Popular Entertainment : Saša Perugini, Tufts University, 2001

... Film Theatricality : Film history can thus be understood as an extension, as well as as a transformation by technical means, of theatricality, therefore making film, according to the French critic André Bazin, the true source of a new theatrical aesthetic in the 20th century. Beginning with French cinema of the 1930s, especially that of Jean Renoir (La règle du jeu, 1939), and continuing with a Hollywood production (Ernst Lubitsch’s To be or not not be, 1942), the films of Italian post-war cinema (e.g. Federico Fellini’s La strada, 1954), the French Nouvelle Vague (e.g. Jacques Rivette’s Paris nous appartient, 1960), and the cinema of Northern Europe (Ingmar Bergman, Persona, 1966), the course will attempt to trace the development of theatrical aspects of film aesthetics from the early sound movie up until its recent rediscovery in the work of contemporary filmmakers such as Pedro Almodóvar (Todo sobre mi madre, 1999) and Lars von Trier (Dogville, 2003). http://www.univiu.org/undergraduate/fall_2007/f0708/syllabus

Knopf, Robert (2004) (ed.): Theater and Film: A Comparative Anthology. New Haven/London: Yale UP

interview : Italian with English subtitles: [video -- gone]

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