2009 and After pages:
ET 2009-2011

... thoughts for filmplus.org/anatoly -- what I call "show-package" [album] is a new form of filmmaking [ documentary, feature, video, HD about/around each show ]

filmplus.org/ET and filmplus.org/lul -- Lul-Film pages.

Back to directing.filmplus.org ?

+ director.vtheatre.net

... a lot of places I am not sure I will be using, it depends (if and how they will work):

lul : Chorus Line [Lul-1]

LUL Film School -- classes.vtheatre.net

... ethio.vtheatre.net [Lul-Addis]



{ 2009 }

filmplus.org/anatoly blog & pages
1. blogs --

2. Groups --

... New : polls :

@2009-2010 lul : teatr.vtheatre.net

Film DIRECTORS amazon

director.vtheatre.net & directing.filmplus.org

anatoly2.0 : Anatoly XXI * Webman's * Anatoly ALL * film * theatre * links * bloglines * myLibrary

support.txt -- teatr lul classes ...

filmplus.org/ethio/2010: web-changes before I am off to Africa. Anatoly

New places and graphics for LUL.

LUL-1 : chorus and three-year plan [3 seasons] concept "signature" shows.

My Ethiopian Diaries begin with the Addis Diary -- using twitter.com/anatolant

... anatoly.et