'What is now proved was once only imagin'd.' - William Blake
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Stage Directing Theory
Directing Theory: pre-text, text and super-text
In 1961 Beckett wrote as follows:

What I am saying does not mean that there will henceforth be no form in art. It only means that there will be a new form, and that this form will be of such a type that it admits the chaos, and does not try to say that the chaos is really something else. The form and the chaos remain separate. The latter is not reduced to the former. That is why the form itself becomes a preoccupation, because it exists as a problem separate from the material it accommodates. To find a form that accommodates the mess, that is the task of the artist. *

Go.dot'06 + Stagematrix

Theory? Film?

Gilles Deleuze's Time Machine by D. N. Rodowick; Duke University Press, 1997

2006 go.dot:

godot.ru -- Сэмюел Бекетт. В Ожидании Годо

Translation А.Михаиляна + Беккет: поэтика невыносимого

Александр Генис: Беккет - писатель отчаяния.

Война (Cold War, especially), говорят ветераны, это, прежде всего, одуряющее ожидание конца. (AA)

Rethink Pirandello!

Godot: Acting Notes by a director

Clowns Hamlet


2006 THR331 FunDAmentals of Directing * 200x * 332 * 333 * 470

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    * see T-blog and VT blog ! My places to watch for directing -- Total Director, stagematrix, meyerhold.us + teatr.us for LUL Theatre & stagematrix group [wiki]

    Directing Index * Part I * Part II * Part III * Part IV * Part V * Thr w/Anatoly * 200 Aesthetics * Acting * Script * Books * Film Directing * Theatre Theory * Spectator * GeoAlaska * Classes * Plays * Students * Virtual Theatre * FILM-NORTH * BioMechanics * SHOWS * Bookmark vTheatre! METHOD Acting for Directors * HAMLET * Mailing List *

    total directing

    "Show must go on..."

    Part 5. Shows or/and THR Theory

    TOPICS: drama + comedy + postmodern + time + space + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + show + spectacle + audience + self + public +
    What is "show"?

    Reality, memory, and time: A character based study of "Waiting for Godot" --

    Estragon: http://www.everything2.com/index.pl?node=Estragon -- Estragon cannot be depended upon for reporting on reality, he rather has "visions" (as Vladimir calls it, when Estragon see imaginary hordes coming to get them). He is like the simple epileptic pronounced a holy man because of spasms of devotion, or the schizophrenic who hears `divine' voices. In his case, he is a "poet", simply because he is in rags. He is Christ-like simply because he is barefoot. And he is the ultimate unreliable narrator

    In Waiting for Godot" the names of people too, are incidental. Estragon introduces himself as "Adam", Vladimir answers when the boy addresses him as "Mister Albert", and when Estragon proposes to amuse himself by trying out names for Pozzo (whom he does not remember), Pozzo answers to "Abel", and to "Cain".


    Directing (google reader) * Spring 2008 R/G are Dead * 2006: Go.dot * 2007 * 2009 Caligari | blogs : 360.yahoo.com/anatolant + bloglines.com/blog/anatolant | knol.google.com/k/anatoly-antohin

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    Godot photo-tour:

    2006: Film Directing 101
    Stage Directing Group

    © 2006-2007 Theatre UAF Season: Pinter & Mamet
    Film-North * Anatoly Antohin.
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