2008 : online class materials * 2009 : beta.vtheatre.net
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Classes Directory @ Film-North *
"Experience is the worst teacher, it gives the test before the lesson." --Vernon Law
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No, I do not teach online, this is a different animal. I put on hold even the idea of doing it; too many missing parts in this virtual process.
Virtual Theatre

2005 updates: Small Chekhov Fall * "Four Farces & One Funeral" -- Chekhov.05
Chekhov's one-acts are updated -- The Bear, The Proposal (1st act -- Oh, Love), Wedding, Tobacco (Act II -- Ah, Marriage!), but I'm still working on the "funeral" (Last Day of Anton Chekhov). mini-chekhov
I am teaching DramLit -- groups.yahoo.com/group/dramlit (subscribe) and see THR215 for subjects, topics, titles.
Spring 2006 -- Waiting for Godot, Beckett -- new pages ( see shows )

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New UAF students must complete Assessment Form!

Mailing List & News -- subscribe yourself *

Featured Pages : Theatre Classes Intro

Three Classes Directories: Film & Theatre

Like everything on the web it goes through three stages: first -- for myself, to help me with the classes. Than -- the stage when I make it understandable for the students in my classes, and the last -- for you, strangers.

I am doing it for three years already and only now I am arriving to the "3rd generation" of my websites. If you are a webmaster (who is not nowadays), you have an idea how much it takes to make a quality page.

You see, only now I made such pages as "Title"

Since I do not have "logo" for "classes pages" I use my photo, linked to my CV-Resume (there are different ones for academia, directing, writing).

I do not know who, why, when, from where come to read my pages. Please, use the guestbooks, email, polls.

Anatoly 2001 new

Film Directing * flickr.com/groups/stage *

THR215 DramLit
"...let us save what remains: not by vaults and locks which fence them from the public eye and use in consigning them to the waste of time, but by such a multiplication of copies, as shall place them beyond the reach of accident." Jefferson, Thomas. [1791] 1984. Thomas Jefferson to Ebenezer Hazard, Philadelphia, February 18, 1791. In Thomas Jefferson: Writings: Autobiography, Notes on the State of Virginia, Public and Private Papers, Addresses, Letters, edited by Merrill D. Peterson. New York: Library of America


I'll try to highlight the most important issues on each page.


For you, students, and for me, too.


NEW: Total Acting & Total Directing 2005 *

After 2009 : classes.vtheatre.net

one act fest
^ This is DramLit "showcase"

2005: The purpose of my online production books was to assist myself, cast and crew during pre-production and rehearsal periods. After the show is over I use webpages for my classes: directing, acting, drama.





Classes * METHOD acting * 200X * Film Dir * Books Index * Theatre w/Anatoly * SHOWs * Script Analysis * Acting * Directing * Russian-American Theatre (RAT) * Film-North * Students Directory * VIRTUAL THEATRE * GeoAlaska * Mailing List & News -- subscribe yourself * Anatoly Film-North film + theatre blog *

Classes w/Anatoly

2005: mini-chekhov -- 2007
Today my interests in film are connected with the huge project Virtual Theatre -- webcasting live shows on your screen. Well, and reserach and shows and classes are tilted because of the study of the theory and the applications of film in this new form.

It's just a matter of time before your monitor will swallow it all. You heard that Lucas asked not to re-edit his films at home. Very little could be done about it. Your monotor is attached to the power machine with the keyboard in front of you -- this is it, you are in charge!

"Online Teaching"?

2006: vtheatre.net
I should know better, when I began my webmaster's journey. I should know that one day I would be writing this page about new ways of teaching, using web and internet.

Yes, for the regular classes, my friends. It began with email. Next -- my notes on the websites, and -- the forums. I thought that I am saving time for myself and my students. Alas, now we work twice as much.

We still have the same "contact hours" in class, texbooks and home work with reading and writing.... and in addition to that old load there is a new cyber tasks. Like feedback and discussion (List), posting papers (for the whole world to read), test and exams outside of the classroom. And I do not teach online only classes yet!

Working with Actors? Script analysis? Not here. See "Theatre w/Anatoly" Classes Directory.

Everything about ACTING is at Theatre w/Anatoly and Ant Theatre!

Film-North is about Filmmaking and Film Theory.

Books online are on Books pages and in Mining Directory

I am about to make a new directory for Film Links, but for now you can check my links at Open Directory Project (Film Theatre) and Absolute Authority (I was an editor at both).

2004 & After



in focus: shows

projects: Bergman

read: books


playsChekhov, Ibsen, Shakespeare



@2000-2003 film-north *


Classes, Theatre with Anatoly

TOPICS: drama + comedy + postmodern + aesthetics + film analysis + filmmaking + showcases - theatre + spectator + method + biomechanics + acting one + thr w/anatoly + plays +
Only now I am developing the intructions on how to use the pages! See Teaching gateway page. There will be more such pages, keep your eyes on TEACHING ONLINE htmlgear.


Featured Pages : Biomechanics

Film Directing * flickr.com/groups/stage *

Online Acting Test *


After UAF

Theatre Classes

How many times I wanted to give up! No more webpages! Three years I am doing it, where is the end of this madness?

Nevertheless, I make more pages. Because I can't stand the empty spots here and there. Look at this directory -- I know that I have to collect the links on teaching theatre in one place (this is why you see "links" -- and "htmlgears" everywhere). When could I do it? Who knows? Page becomes directory (BOOKS, for instance), directory becomes new website... What is this -- http://anatoly.tv/? Sometimes I do not believe that I made it! Or -- antohin.tripod.com! And you know? I already use it for texts-only versions of my books!

[ new address: filmplus.org ]

updates: 2006

Anatoly 2001

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©2004 filmplus.org *
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subjects.txt : film * theatre * acting * directing * drama

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2005-2006 Theatre UAF Season: Four Farces + One Funeral & Godot'06
Film-North * Anatoly Antohin

© 2007 by vtheatre.net. Permission to link to this site is granted. books.google.com + scholar.google.com rate

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