2008 : online class materials * 2009 : beta.vtheatre.net
Past & Future of Film-North and film with Anatoly -- where?
teach : online : instructors [pages] * After 2009 ...
THR331 Fundamentals of Directing 2005 * Wedding: class project -- finals *
[ advertising space : webmaster ]
Classes/IndexDramLit List This page applies to all classes I teach. There is sister-page @ Theatre w/Anatoly Online; please, read after our first class. What you do: Internet Research and Reading - {Plus, TextBook}
New UAF students must complete Assessment Form! Mailing List & News -- subscribe yourself *
If lost, check the FAQ pages. I wish I could write "what not to do"...
SummaryThis page is for use in ALL my classes!QuestionsACTING * "DAY BOOK": All students must keep a Day Book that should be written in (A MINIMUM OF THREE PARAGRAPHS) every day that the class meets. It will be collected and evaluated periodically by the instructor. It should include:1. All class notes on lectures and discussions. 2. Reflections on exercises and discussion. 3. Reactions to class readings. 4. All notes given to the students by the instructor and peers on Improvisations, scenes or monologues. 5. Character notes. * Acting III : Method ![]() NotesLive Students! Please go to: http://classes.uaf.edu + Log in to Blackboard, choose "THR 190 / Auditions and Portfolio Review" and complete the online Outcomes Assessment form under the "Assignment" tab.![]() After 2009 : classes.vtheatre.net ![]() Pygmalion 2005 * Shaw * online * 2007 film analysis class ... 250 words per page double spaced : responce/reaction posts [ see left ] ...
Each registered student has an email account with UAF and access to computers. Each student must email me after the first day of classes and will be put on the class mailing list.My instructions and tests will be emailed to the whole class and you are expected to check your email boxes before your classes.
If you do not know how to use computer, email, Internet and Web, visit help desk in the library.
Any attachements sent to me must be in "plain text" format or enclosed in the body or the message.
If I do not have email from you, regarding your absence in class, I consider it an unexcused absence. All email message are stored in my class file and I advise you to create such a file in your email box for the duration of the class.
Knowledge of the content of webpages hyper-linked from syllabus is required.
To UAF students: My webpages are created for my convinience and open for general public, including you. This is a free service, which I am not required to provide.
My classes are web-supported, but not distance delivery courses; we have 3 hours/week lecture format arrangements. If students prefer not to use email, they have to leave message with Theatre UAF secretary and arrange the time when they will take the test.I have my office hours, but appointments must be made in advance.
Anatoly Y2K
PS. 2002. I'm adding "students" pages in each instructional directory and even made Students directory. I will be posting my instructions on instruction according to the subject. There are also a few pages for instructors. If you want to know what is ahead, read notes pages (notes for myself about what must be done to make pages more interactive).
[ samples at "students" pages ]
The Compare And Contrast Of Oedipus And Hamlet :
"200 words" (min) : 250 words per page double spaced : responce/reaction posts : themes
revenge idea
[ and longer papers : homework page ]
in focus: shows projects: Bergman read: books ![]() |
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2005-2006 Theatre UAF Season: Four Farces + One Funeral & Godot'06
Film-North * Anatoly Antohin
© 2007 by vtheatre.net. Permission to link to this site is granted. books.google.com + scholar.google.com