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Dramatic Literature
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Summary* Forum dramlit * subscribe!QuestionsTake 1st QuizNotes![]() After 2009 : classes.vtheatre.net
12 "200 words" papers (max 2 pp each for each play read) -- 30 points
Quizzes, participation, attendance -- 20 points
Midterm paper (5 pp.) -- 20 points
Final paper (10 pp.) -- 30 points
Total = 100 points[1] 9/11 Intro. Textbook, Syllabus, Webpages, email. METHODS. High Modernity & Turn of the Century (1-22 Textbook). Review: Antiquity, Classics -- concepts of Individual. History and Drama. Oscar Wilde.
[2] 9/18 Wilde & Chekhov. The Three Sisters (120). Revolution in technology and new drama for new theatre. New social theories (19c.) Nietzsche (1139)
[3] 9/25 Chekhov: Time-Space. Realism and Naturalism. First (subject) paper proposals. Stanislavsky (1148) and Freud (1117).
[4] 10/2 Chekhov -- Ibsen (22). Comparative Analysis. Casebook on Ibsen. Phychological Realism. Zola (1179)
10/9 - Columbus Day/Yom Kippur - no class
[5] 10/16 Ibsen -- Strindberg (145). Characters = Ideas. Realism & Symbolism. First subject paper due.
[6] 10/23 O'Neill (293). North American Realism. First Test
[7] 10/30 Tennessee Williams (336). Poetic Realism.
[8] 11/6 Brecht & Epic Theatre (392). Non-Realism and Anti-Realism. Casebook. Raymond Williams (1170) Midterm paper due.
[9] 11/13 Beckett & Theatre of the Absurd (429). Casebook on Beckett. WW II and Global Village. Second Test
[10] 11/20 Pinter (575). Postmodern, 1968. Pastache. Jameson (1130). Second subject paper due.
[11] 11/27 Shepard (832). Simulacra (Baudrillard) of Realism.
[12] 12/4 Hamletmachine (Muller) (824). Third Test.
[13] 12/11 Kushner, Angels in America Part I (1009). Self-construction: Foucault and Deleuze. Third subject paper due.
[14] 12/8 Draft of the final paper presentations. Review. Final (#4) Test
12/15-18 Finals -- Final paper due.
Quizzes on Reading (Theory and Plays) -- 4 points each. Bond, Shaw -- recommended. Semiotics -- Honzl (1120), Theatre of Cruelty -- Artaud (1085) and Cultural Anthro -- Turner (1153)/Jung are to be announced.
THR215 Dramatic Literature --- THR413 Playscript Analysis
authors --- themes --- subjects (topics)
plays --- periods --- showcases
[ script.vtheatre.net vertical hierharchy ]
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2. Brecht, 3 Penny Opera
3. Strindberg, Ms. July
4. Ibsen, A Doll's House
5. Wilde, The Inportance of Being Earnest
6. Pirandello, 6 Characters in Search of An Author
7. O'Neill, Desire under the Elms
8. Beckett, EndGame
9. Ionesco, Rhinoceros
10. Williams, Glass Managerie
11. Miller, All My Sons
12. Albee, The Zoo Story
13. Pinter, Birthday Party
14. Stoppard, R & G are Dead
15. Shepard, Buried Child
in focus: shows projects: Bergman read: books ![]() |
2005-2006 Theatre UAF Season: Four Farces + One Funeral & Godot'06
Film-North * Anatoly Antohin
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