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THR 413 Playscript Analysis

Textbook: MODERN DRAMA (plays, criticism, theory) by W.B. Worthen



12 "200 words" papers (max 2 pp each for each play read) -- 30 points
Quizzes, participation, attendance -- 20 points
Midterm paper (5 pp.) -- 20 points
Final paper (10 pp.) -- 30 points
Total = 100 points

[1] 9/11 Intro. Textbook, Syllabus, Webpages, email. METHODS. High Modernity & Turn of the Century (1-22 Textbook). Review: Antiquity, Classics -- concepts of Individual. History and Drama. Oscar Wilde.

[2] 9/18 Wilde & Chekhov. The Three Sisters (120). Revolution in technology and new drama for new theatre. New social theories (19c.) Nietzsche (1139)

[3] 9/25 Chekhov: Time-Space. Realism and Naturalism. First (subject) paper proposals. Stanislavsky (1148) and Freud (1117).

[4] 10/2 Chekhov -- Ibsen (22). Comparative Analysis. Casebook on Ibsen. Phychological Realism. Zola (1179)

10/9 - Columbus Day/Yom Kippur - no class

[5] 10/16 Ibsen -- Strindberg (145). Characters = Ideas. Realism & Symbolism. First subject paper due.

[6] 10/23 O'Neill (293). North American Realism. First Test

[7] 10/30 Tennessee Williams (336). Poetic Realism.

[8] 11/6 Brecht & Epic Theatre (392). Non-Realism and Anti-Realism. Casebook. Raymond Williams (1170) Midterm paper due.

[9] 11/13 Beckett & Theatre of the Absurd (429). Casebook on Beckett. WW II and Global Village. Second Test

[10] 11/20 Pinter (575). Postmodern, 1968. Pastache. Jameson (1130). Second subject paper due.

[11] 11/27 Shepard (832). Simulacra (Baudrillard) of Realism.

[12] 12/4 Hamletmachine (Muller) (824). Third Test.

[13] 12/11 Kushner, Angels in America Part I (1009). Self-construction: Foucault and Deleuze. Third subject paper due.

[14] 12/8 Draft of the final paper presentations. Review. Final (#4) Test

12/15-18 Finals -- Final paper due.

Quizzes on Reading (Theory and Plays) -- 4 points each. Bond, Shaw -- recommended. Semiotics -- Honzl (1120), Theatre of Cruelty -- Artaud (1085) and Cultural Anthro -- Turner (1153)/Jung are to be announced.

@1999 thr w/anatoly *