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click - retain - action : 1- 2 - 3 ... I spent a lot of years on "1", and only since 2005 focusing on "2"... what about "3"? This very layout [template] took ten years to develop! Left | Center | Right corner top vs. bottom ... ANT [webmaster]
What will be with this directory 10 years from now?
... new logo?
2008 -- web3.0 ?* 2008 biz.vtheatre.netFilm-North BIZ
old directories: WebBusiness: Webbing @ Film-North * WEB @ Sellassie WWW * Webmasters @ Sellassie Cyber U * House of Sellassie WEB * web.vtheatre.net * Sellassie Books & WebPublishing *bar: MY portals : igoogle + my.yahoo.com + my.live.com + my nytimes.com & more * business: your ad here! *
2005-2006 Theatre UAF Season: Four Farces + One Funeral & Godot'06
Film-North * Anatoly Antohin
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keys.txt -- profile.to/anatoly & lul-calendar