The Russian corner of my web keeps growing...
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Russian Film (from Eisenstein to Tarkovsky)
Russian literature (Gogol, Dostoevsky, Chekhov and more)
Russian history (XX century)
in Russian...
[ listing to be continued ]
I have the Russian Page: Exile (RAT: Russian-American Theatre Project), where I try to keep "everything Russian and Russia related (everything is in English). The Father-Russia, personal non-fiction, is only a draft and I am not working on it now; I have to finish my other big books -- ....Read and leave your comments in my guestbooks! Thanks!
Russian Theatre @, Russian cinema @ -- also, my (new) play-in-progress in Russian @! There are some Russia-related scripts (original, adaptations, translations) in PLAYS directory (English only). Oh, yes, the Russian-American Theatre project 1992-94, the archives (some) of my Fulbright in Russia.
I know that I have "htmlgear" listings on Russian books, like And more (Russian Classics, Russian Pages and etc.), but I consider "books pages" as support to my content pages and as a result of this attitude the book pages do not have the priority. Besides, I better worry about working on my own books (see WRITE directories.)
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2006 Theatre UAF Season: Godot'06 --
Film-North * Anatoly Antohin
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