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![]() BioMX Forum [ archive forums ] Anatoly Antohin, Y2K & 2001 "Pre-Acting" (according to Meyerhold) is the process of establishing character's time and space on stage BEFORE ANY LINE IS SPOKEN! Known as developing ROLE (from the CHARACTER) and often called CHARACTERIZATION, in Biomechanics (BM) this task understood as need to organize spece-time around the actor in such defined matter, that spectator "reads" it as a subjective chronotope (unity of time and space). That is how the public "lives" within the choronotope of each character! Axis, vector and etc. -- another step in analysing the space and time on stage. I use some terms developed in semiotics and film studies. The dream of Meyerhold was to have the StageMetrics (StageMatrix) theory, the science of the art of acting. ... ... 2007-2008
Master-Teacher: Meyerhold
His monologues and scenes in my class
M. thoughts
Laws & Rules
HomeworkTitle Не то, что есть, побуждает к творчеству, но то, что может быть; не действительное, но возможное. -- Рудольф ШтейнерTheatre Biomechanics?Yes, the mechanics. Something you get into your blood (like swimming or riding a bike) -- and forget about it!
What about the "bio"?
The same -- it's biological! Logic of the body!
This pages (and the Back is the place where I experiment with the look (and feel of the book). The visuals. I try different layouts, graphics, fonts and etc. I have to; this is the web-texts, not a real book, you know.What and how to link pages, what is the narrative of the book, what is the style (or voice) of it. The Contents page is another place for shaping this book.
What pix or quotes belong to this or another page? (I killed the background images for easy reading). No sound files. Although at some point this directory is to become a CD to accompany the printed book, the textbook, I hope. I keep moving it into a direction of a workbook, when the theory can be applied right away on its pages. I'm making the amgins wider, so you can write your own notes. I post the "study questions"... Because I want to work WITH the book at home!
HOMEWORK is what this book for. Yes, for advanced actors, I guess, the oncs, who know how to do the homework. How much "advanced"? I don't know. The subject is new and if you never had any training in any theatre technique, it could difficult for you, kids. Acting is hard, the real acting, I mean, professional acting.
BM is about skills; knowing doesn't cut it, you have to practice it, drill yourself. If you are not ready for the daily sessions, maybe you are not ready yet. Acting is more than a full-time job, it's the way of living -- no breaks, no vocations. Everything else is playing "young actor": trust me, it doesn't work, because you are playing this role for yourself. And frankly, my dear, nobody gives a damn. Ten years from now you will give it up. Thousands do.
And honestly, if you are wasting your time, why should you invest it into Biomechanics? BM could work for you, only if you do not ask the stupid questions, like "Am I an actor?" This is what I mean by "advanced students" -- the ones, who make their choice and made their minds about theatre. Are the one? Then we can WORK!
@2000-2003 index * Next: Intro *
Сам он с годами уверовал: чтобы приблизить образ к себе, надо как можно больше задавать ему вопросов. Образ еще не создан, но где-то «там» он существует и ждет воплощения. Усилием воли и воображения надо приблизить, «притянуть» его к себе и самому «подтянуться» к нему. Фантазия — самый надежный путь творческого постижения. -- Krimova about M. Chekhov
An online course supplement *
2005-2006 Theatre UAF Season: Four Farces + One Funeral & Godot'06
Film-North * Anatoly Antohin * eCitations *
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