2.19.08. This is the end of my (Engl) aDiary...
Not really. I will be writing my diary till I die. Should I name the day? I do not want to.
... New, Notes [pages] are for updates (editing?) -- HOW records can be alter? Ethiopia and After? ...
antohins.vtheatre.net: one family, one century (doc)
intro Something absolutely useless...
Mailing List & News -- subscribe yourself *
diary.vtheatre.net + Film-North Album (new) I'm losing (or maybe already lost) interest to everything, except the writing. I spend most of my time writing. Working on my projects at once. Strange way of doing it, I should say, if you want to complete anything. Diary pages @ Tripod and GeoAlaska... Use antohin.tripod.con?
2004: plans!
SummaryOh, come on, Anatoly! Diary? You are writing another book, man!NotesThis page is the "EndNotes" (Last Place) -- something a webmaster must think about (web-narrative composition) and write in web.filmplus.org!...
I tried it many times, the online diaries....So, I think I should write PS first, the postscriptum.
I do not need the diaries, I can write about why I didn't write them.
Why do I need them?
I don't. The website does.
It lives!
It needs recognition!
Besides, I am tired of work and the needs...
Well, the diary form could be the template for PostAmeriKa manuscript!
Twenty years: 1980-2000. Year by year? Mixing personal with the big history. Little stories -- guard, taxidriver, Brittanica, Real Estate salesman, etc. Something that I am already doing.
But there is structure of throught built into the outline... Here we go again!
2002? How do I know that will have it, the next year? Aha! That is another reason to PS page!
Let me repeat myself (from Film600 and script.vtheatre.net):
Diary * diary.ru * Personal Politics * Film-North * Mailing List & News -- subscribe yourself * In Russian: Russian Play * 2002-2007
keys.txt : bloglines.com/blog/anatolant & new domains : teatr.us + u21.us [ Utopia Project ]