2007 : new pages 2009

2008 : pomo acting - acting2 + Stoppard & online

Stanislavsky Century [video] link

Diderot & Dictionary

... from theory of acting to philosophy of actor

myspace.com/anatolant blog [ web as stage ]

Instead of writing for majors only, I will use this directory (and Total Director) for texts on ALL ACT; living in 21st century is acting all the time.

... it'll take some time to explain what do I mean.



2009 teatr.us LUL Theatre

[ 0 ] [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ topics : biomethod + biomechanics + method ]
* 2007
[ advertising space : webmaster ]

eForum: Subscribe!
WWWilde Archives

2009 * see T-blog and VT blog ! My places to watch for directing -- Total Director, stagematrix.com, meyerhold.us + teatr.us for LUL Theatre & stagematrix group [wiki]

new: 2003-2004 - filmplus.org/600 + filmplus.org/classes + filmplus.org/biomx + filmplus.org/2007 + filmplus.org/books + filmplus.org/spectator * 2006: flickr.com/groups/film-art

    follow me on Twitter


    subtext page


    Chekhov Album : Russian School(s) of Acting

    ... Character into Role : characterization, physicalization, visualization, vocalization [ 3 + levels, icluding film as "+" ] : dictionary

    lul.sellassie.info LUL-books:

    MONO*LOG : 3 levels in 9 chapters

    masterclass (1) & SCENE STUDY (2)

    index * BioMethod Parts: I * II * III * IV * V * appendix * list * links * contents * Books * BioMechanics I * Biomechanics II * Directing * Script Analysis * Method Acting for Directors * SHOWS * Theatre Theory * Film * FAQ * Glossary * SPECTATOR * Virtual Theatre *


    From Cinema
    I try to be polite, by not talking about "film acting"...

    According to Eisenstein, there are no "film" actors, only MODELS!

    ... Michael Caine Acting in Film Part 1of 6

    From stage directing

    biomechanics 2007 - Spring'08

    Style for Total Actor Files -- Make Constructivist Style (1920s)

    film acting : film.vtheatre.net/acting & film.vtheatre.net/actors :

    Last Tango in Paris [If "film acting" any acting at all?]

    2006-2007 Theatre UAF Season: Pinter & Mamet
    Film-North * Anatoly Antohin.
    © 2005 by vtheatre.net. Permission to link to this site is granted. Acting2

    anatoly2.0 : Anatoly XXI * Webman's * Anatoly ALL * film * theatre * feeds * links * anatoly.ru * bloglines * myLibrary


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    keys.txt -- anatoly.org & anatoly.et [Theatre Lul Academe] calendar * Anatoly Antohin

    {*} ... Director's Mind, Directions and Actor's choices : I have pages/chapters on DIRECTOR in Acting 1, 3, Total Actor!