Directing 5. Genre Pages: Tragedy * Comedy * Drama * Tragic Comedy *
2006-2007 Theatre UAF Season: Pinter & Mamet
Film-North * Anatoly Antohin.
© 2005 by vtheatre.net. Permission to link to this site is granted.
Prompt Book
Consult with the director for preferences on how blocking notes are to be kept. Directors will have different procedures and notation systems. The assistant technical director will assist you in setting up a general record book. Get a ¼” scale ground plan from the scene designer to include on the back of each page for recording blocking and directors notes. Create a script with large margins to leave space for notations, cues and blocking. When creating a prompt book it is a good idea to have the floor plan on the left page of the script to record movement. Always use pencils to correct or add blocking. To write blocking, write in the margin and draw an arrow to the word, action or cue. Also a number may be used instead of an arrow with information drawn on the floor plan on the opposite script page. Record sound and light cues or costume notes.