2009 and p2009
summary contacts Lul & USA ... How radical changes ahead for America? The end of the Cold War should effect USA -- and what do we see? Twenty years later -- not much. Why? "We won"? And the world became our problem. I should go back to "Summer Fool" and my "Post-America" (version2.0) to write about Obama-America... "Yes, we can"? Now what? Can you?
Year pages and new pages -- transition from USA
... NB * notes for 2009 : online = classes.vtheatre.net | stanislavsky.vtheatre.net = acting.vtheatre.net [ vtheatre.net/pre + vtheatre.net/a + vtheatre.net/d -- new domain names ] finally, I am to be a foreigner. "Forengi" in Ethiopia. I was a stranger in USSR, "strange" in USA... even in the cyber-world I am not fully at home (writing not in my mother-tongue). I was waiting since I remember myself as a teenager, waiting to enter the world, to start my life... I never live with others. I never lived?
3.23.09: a lot of places need updating (all)...Some directories to re-use : filmplus.org/anatoly + filmplus.org/album +
... new projects ?
Without mirrors. I am by myself. I do not know how I look. I do not see anybody. I do not correspond with no one... How did I arrange it?
By being online all the time.
FILM amazon
2005-2006 Theatre UAF Season: Four Farces + One Funeral & Godot'06
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