STOP Kremlin --
for the sake of Russia! ![]() -- idle place [blog] [en] [ ] in-russian : ... "Russian Theatre School" : ![]() at ... - modern street Russian language [ "new word" -- direct translation of this domain ]. Do I know what pages I won't be using myself after 2009? "Russian Themes" -- ? EDU -- ? How little I know about myself, almost as I am back to being a teenager. I hadn't expect it -- and I fear myself. Very probable that I will write nothing, how else to explain why I haven't written what I should 10 or 20 years ago? I hardly understand what I did a year ago. "Worked"... What came out it? [ for film, bloglines for my "personal" notes? ] ... "2008" [web-project] Enough about [presdo]-Russia. "RU" -- or RF. After 08.08.08 [ War with Georgia ] the verdict is out. What "Russia"? Back 200 years? Four centuries? Moscovia! Russia before it became Russia. Just forget it! What does it matter anymore? Could it seen in 1988? I don't know; I didn't think about it then... "Democratic Russia"? Who cares? What is left? The three thousands of nukes? What else? A few thousands of decent people? Language? They will be gone -- and the nukes and the decent people. What to expect? Troubles. 2009? ET or ETHIO page? Do they, Ethiopians, have a chance, following Russians? ... Театр Lul школа - Аддис-Абеба, Эфиопия 2009, художественный руководитель Анатолий Antohin: And even EU? No US or USA... Project "2008" [ ] -- mostly about my year, reading/listening to RU. In Africa I will be American, not Russian? 30 year later I still think about my first life. I don't know what to think... About myself and Russia. I have no heart to say -- die. It takes place without me saying anything. ... Another death, Alexey II died. And -- again, what to think about him? Неизвестный Солженицын Self-Portrait 1955 Russian 2008? ... no, Project 2009. Two sides -- New American and New Russian, too complex to write about it here. Two domains for Utopia Porject [] My Russian blogs? In 2009? ... ... should I bother with another "project"? Here it is the real live journal (what a name! -- vs. dead journal, old style journal, normal diary?). + commentary, what is better? [ Тёма вы ебанутый, но клёвый. ] Тёма ты невъебически крут. ... Вот акула, которая помрет, если остановится. New Zenon and his arrow. [ later ]
2009 -- Why it's difficult to be human being, especially, when you are Russian. = = ... "Покоритель времени", "Устроитель России", "Великая душа", "Век Солженицына", "Человек политический", "Великий писатель земли русской", "Неоспоримость бессмертия", "Солженицын умер так, как хотел", "Архипелаг Солженицын", - вот некоторые заголовки статей, посвященных автору "Архипелага ГУЛАГ". Russia with Solzhenitsyn and Without NEW: : Pomo Russia ? ... cure from nostalgia = reading Russian [ru] forums. "Black August" -- Bunin's Farewell to Russia was long. A story. Same hour -- Nabokov [ different place ] Same day -- Brodsky [ different year ] Same situation -- Baryshnikov Different answers -- why I will not die in Russia. Because Russia died. When? How do you know? Are you sure? What about Limonov, Aksenov, Shemyakin? What about me? Thinking won't help. Nothing will help me. I have to write. ... Summary of my "Russian Pages" -- And in Russian and English. -- descriptions ... unfinished project "RU" Very much like myself. This is for -- Utopia Project [ Utopia -- place which doesn't exist ]. Did I exit? "Existence before Essence"? What if there is no existence at all? ... Why do I say it? Discussion/polls on : Какие звезды должны быть на российских самолетах? * красные * триколорные * затрудняюсь ответить Что за неологизм "триколорные"? Язык не сломали? Слово "трёхцветные" вспомнить - не судьба? Русскоязычные журналюги, беда с вами... А звёзды были, есть и будут красными. ...были, есть и будут красными, как и вся страна. Совки. and so on. ... Кризис морали for ? ? I have no system. Too bad and too late. Here is the end of my "Russian" webbing. And, maybe, the end of me-webmaster at all. Internet as Communist Ideal. 1848 : birth of Marxism. "Russian Marxism" Forms of Socialism and 2008 crisis? To compare the models : Russian, American, European, Chinese... XX century overview/summary [bottom] vid [1940]
... something new. [ ]
... Russian Lessons :
How valid is the Russian/Soviet experiment?
No Individual, no Private...
The end?
... Ты че, сука, родину не любишь?
This page is my 2008 notes, links, half-thoughts :
[My web 2008] Changes, serious : -- will be English ed. for [ Book of ], my notes on American Fool -- !
Most recent project : cine-anthropology -- what they do not see and do not show?11.17.08 -- How did I get there? I don't remember -- a documentary about M. Krug (never heard before)... What a strange and very Russian story. As a conformation that I shouldn't know that Russia. Solzhenitsyn's Russia? The Russians without communism -- "Love Rus'!" Why? I do not know American rappers -- and do not love that America. As a reminder -- this is not "your Russia"... [ from/for Russian Fool ]... what Russian movies do not show.
my (RU) playlists :
cinema-ru russia
... and what do I collect so many links for?
... nonfiction projects : = Book of Fool [en] : right now with some Russian [ Americans should know Russian "secrets" ]
... 30 sec. promo:
Take Three:
note :
Солженицын: главное и сноски,
Андрей Остальский,
Русская Служба Би-би-си [link]
... a couple summaries of Russian 2008 [ I feel that it was the last year before the end ] :
politics : & newsweek [ better than I write about Russian politics ]
question -- new Cold War?
**** newrussian... not New Russian -- new meaning [ Project 2009 ] "Big Idea" to think about in 2009 and for the rest of my life. NB
Comments ?
No comments.
Russian Literature new listing from Amazon!
Somebody of my age, my fate -- think/write about -- Baryshnikov :
SOV vs. RU [ image ]
русские - всё, россия - ничто! Interesting.
and :
Balabanov : "MorFi" = Happy New 2009 :
[info]anatolant on January 2nd, 2009 10:18 pm (UTC) Happy New Year In Africa it's a good money. $100/month ? As it was before Putin? Before 21st century. As in 1993? "С 1 декабря минимальный оклад - 5000!" $200/month? Really? Maybe I read numbers wrong. Maybe I don't understand the irony. Maybe "Russia" is dying. Maybe I over-lived myself. Happy New Year. I am too old for irony, which postmodern Russians love so much. Is it the task to drive ALL decent Russians from Russia? [Rhetorical question, I guess].Since 1.1.09 minimum wage in Russian is increased. -- sub-directory ?
Sandwich vs. Butterbrot : two versions of Master and Slave -- African View on America and Russia...
FILM amazon
2005-2006 Theatre UAF Season: Four Farces + One Funeral & Godot'06
Copyright © 2007 by Permission to link to this site is granted.
my + * eCitations * search!
![]() Империя гибнет не от атак готов, не потому, что обесценились динарии, — империя гибнет от вранья. ... for : is my last RU-project? The Russian Idea [] is in English, mostly. [ANT] Простая истина, но и еe надо выстрадать: благословенны не победы в войнах, а поражения в них! Победы нужны правительствам, поражения нужны -- народу. [А. Солженицын. Архипелаг ГУЛАГ.]