My angel and my demons
... 2009, 3rd millennium : we are animals forced to be angels. And we become monsters, machines, bad and evil out of... goodness! To be human is not enough anymore! Gods? [ from POV & TECH nonfiction ] ... I love you? Not enough! You is me, I am love. Hamlet's agenda is no more!
Angels do not laugh, devils do. Animals don't, but they can cry...
POV sample chapter: Unreal ![]() WRITE : nonfiction Book-Page @ Film-North
Gilles Deleuze, Cinema 1: Movement-Image 0816614008 + Cinema 2: The Time-Image ![]() Bookmark FILM-NORTH ![]() See! SummarySometimes I wonder; is it crazy, or only looks crazy?.. The question, according to Eistein, should be asked: Is it crazy enough?Questionsa spiritual being superior to man in power and intelligence; especially : one in the lowest rank in the celestial hierarchy...![]() Lijit Search Notes"Human" Attributes are the last issues I want to talk about; first are the forgotten matters: animal, stone, plan... and they exist in angelic universe (Tarkovsky and Kurosawa are very usefull)."Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels... and though I have the gift of prophecy... and have all faith so that I could remove mountains... and have not love, I am nothing." -- Saint Paul ... * 2007 : Dramatic Literature & Film & Movies [ emotion-thought = visual expression ] 2008
Angels? What? Well, this is why I call it "Bad Theories, Wrong Subjects"! Soul, spirits, godhead and much more I would like to introduce in addition to the usual suspects like Marxism and etc.See POV! The Language of Angels? But how can we translate the camera existence in theological terms? If you read "resurrection" pages you perhaps can undertsnad that the main concept is the creation of all those creatures, which before existed only in our wishes and dreams. Inlcluding, of course, God.
In fact, as long as anything exists as an idea for that long, at some point it becomes a reality. Even Marx believed in it.
If you want to understand the inner meaning of film language (shots, cuts, and etc.), you have to go back to the great fathers of theology and their writing abour the Other World, the world of the divine, which nowadays called "virtual"...
My dear angel, my virtual reader, I don't know your gender, age, nationality, face, color of your eyes... I do not know you. This is the wonder of the Internet, we pass through the insignificant to the heart of matter -- your and mine soul. Remember, in paradise there are no men and women, young and old, tall and short... If you do not understand that you are in paradise, you are in hell. If you are not an angel, you are a demon. That simple.
Human in you is only a shadow of an angel.
How do you think the rest of our paradise sees you? Your social security number, driver's licence, bank accounts -- the numbers. Why? Because hell and heaven are in the same place (re-read Dante, he simply walk from place to another). Angels see demons with pity, demons looks back with anger (envy). I am both -- and only after that I am a human. Man? Male? Oh, this is way down on the list, because this is on the surface, so far away from the center that it's easy for me to get to you, than to get to myself-citizen, or even my age.
[ I don't have to collect the images, I have to appeal to your imagination -- and use the words. ]
Theatre Theory
600: Research and Film600 + Virtual Film
2005-2006 Theatre UAF Season: Four Farces + One Funeral & Godot'06
Film-North * Anatoly Antohin
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