2008 --
... ...
2007 --
Acting, Directing, Drama, Shows, Acting, Method, Biomechanics Film Directing 101
Anatoly Antohinemail or writeantoh@lycos.com Theatre UAF University of Alaska Fairbanks, AK 99775 United States |
There are several ways to search this site. Use the search-me-engine, featured pages and links are on your right or the frames with directories -- on the left, also, use the popup windows (keep them in your tray, in case if you are lost). At the bottom -- new bar with the main "service" pages. Of course, Film-North is mostly about film: directing, analysis, theory. Virtual Theatre, as you can guess, is about Theatre and Web (some film directories, too): stage directing, three levels of acting, two are on drama analysis, my shows and my writing (nonfiction and plays). Perhaps I overloaded my pages with the new htmlgears, but this is another way to redirect you, according to the subject or topic. Oh, yes! The flash banners should take you to the main (big) directories!
You are welcome to audit my open classes, check the Classes directory and my calendar to see what I teach now or next semester -- and subscribe yourself to Forums!If you are in my class, go to your course page/directory (and bookmark it)! Spring 2004: THR121 Fundamentals of Acting, THR221 Intermediate Acting and THR470 Film Directing. Get your textbooks in advance!
Open Lists/Classes:
Directors Forum
Virtual Theatre
projects: Demons: Dostoevsky, Camus & Me -- War of Terror texts: HIM web-biography in focus: filmmaking 101 reading: atomfilms.com
BioMechanics 2009 cine101 LUL