POV * Godot'06 *
![]() Language of Angels ![]() Theory of Spectatorship aDiary + Film-North Album (new) updates Summary"Media" is used in our common way -- TV, Radio, Print and etc.QuestionsMedia or Multimedia?Notes"Film" is a language, media is the super-technology, which bring this language to me alone. What happens to the message and the forms, when it's personal delivery? No censorship? No need for live others? Next step of course, my own dreams. Composed out of the beats and pieces on the screens.![]() fool.vtheatre.net [ru] ![]() Bad Subjects, Wrong Theories
I am media and medium too. Anatoly(Huxley on Spectacular Tyranny)
There is, of course, no reason why the new totalitarianisms should resemble the old. Government by clubs and firing squads, by artificial famine, mass imprisonment and mass deportation, is not merely inhumane (nobody cares much about that nowadays); it is demonstrably inefficient and, in an age of advanced technology, inefficiency is the sin against the Holy Ghost. A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced, because they love their servitude. To make them love it is the task assigned, in present-day totalitarian states, to ministries of propaganda, newspaper editors, and school teachers.--- Aldous Huxley, in his 1946 revised forward to _Brave New World_Ted, Dan, Tom or Peter, they know that they are the power. You can see it on their faces when they appear on your screens. The Fourth Branch of the government. Un-constitutional, though. Well, they represent the public! If the government isn't. What do you think they news-boys would say if someone will prove that they are the executioners of the system of suppression. They, the knights of free speech, crusaders of facts.... dictators?
-Media is a trash.
-Ok, kill the messenger.Baudrillard: the media is anti-mediatory. Production of illusions; in USSR it was obvious. The State is so clumsy! Would you be surprised if I'll tell you that in Moscow we thought that _1984_ was written about us, the Soviets? (See _Agitation_ and read notes on Spectatular Society by Debord) Does Media celebrate itself?Do you see the message on your screen, it's always there:
Love you neighbor... when your neighbor is you.
Newstertainment. Do you know about auditions? You were casted in! What about the new form of ownership of the humans -- the informational slavery.
Of course, they have to be served. The semi-humans who were humans only next to animals not gods. They became the main project of modernity. Exploited, since nothing else worked in forcing them to move and continue self-development, they reached the limits of productivity at age of industrialization. The slaves have to be organized as masters in order to increase the value of their existence. State communism in Russia, Germany, China tried to apply the old system of forced labor -- and failed. Capitalism, obsessed with production, had to produce a new generation of labor -- the middle class. The rape was replaced with seduction.For a slave to work is unnatural. To make him work he has to be placed within the situation of unavoidable labor. A need to work must be substituted with a want of work. Since there is no instinct of production in his natural (organic) body, the natural body must be "opened" and connected into the body with the instincts of production. Age of reason established the door inside the body -- the mind. Even an animal connects reward and punishment with modifications of it behavior. Rationality has to serve the revolution in production of new man.
Marx noticed that the basic needs (for my physical survival) have to be supplemented with social wants -- we know it as a consumer society. To have more "things" i have to work more, that is how our new material mythology organizes us into a modern culture. In order for this system to work the new products must be introduced and promoted, they have to raise to the level of necessities. It has to be perpetual and total -- mass media does exactly that. Our slave in middle class costumes has to be constantly within the field of the social. His attention must be naturally attracted to the spectacle of opportunities and possibilities. Mass media is born out of a spectacular audio-video medium. It's not ideas or words but objects. Manufactured objects have no subjectivity, they all are copies, clones, and very easy are substituted with images of itself. Media itself has the same nature. If we could keep the subhumans inside this manufactured universe (second nature), we could develop new instincts and feelings.
Mass communications are about integration and control. From knowledge we moved to information, from information to data. Wisdom can't be adapted by masses. The sages were exception and leaders are always a few. The master's mode of activity could be installed from the outside as imitation. Artist because of his sensitivity gravitates to learning and strive for understanding. To make the conditions similar for a slave we have to organize his living experiences. A new environment has to transform him into a child who is constantly amused. The world has to be ever-new, the old must be renewed every day. Technology provides this totality of new experience. Urbanization made a first step by removing the humanoid from isolation, positioned him within immediate proximity of the social in direct physical, not cultural forms. Crowd must be present even in the bedroom.
His new body is outside of him. He is at a receiving end of communication... which is not a communication at all but call for action. My brain signals to my body to act, this is not a dialogue of body parts. Mass media is a one way street. All the opinion pools exist precisely for that reason. Entertainment is command economy, without additional mechanism we wouldn't even know do they receive the signals or not. The best tools of propaganda is commercial advertising. If product is sold we know that they watch the night news. Mass media, mass production and mass society are unseparatable. Mass man is one dimensional man but he is more human than the "natural" man, who became a slave with the beginning of history. We replaced the form of his socialization by replacing his master, making the boss into an universal being -- human kind.
The new forms of slavery are possible because of the new technologies. The hardware of techno-culture is less complicated than the software, the ideology. The car was domesticated much faster than horse. Since our inventions our coming from within the social, every new invention is expression of our hidden intentions. Hardware could be seen as a production of our dreams. Construction of the God's body appeared in extremely short time.
In regard to propaganda the early advocates of universal literacy and a free press envisaged only two possibilities: the propaganda might be true, or it might be false. They did not foresee what in fact has happened, above all in our Western capitalist democracies -- the development of a vast mass communications industry, concerned in the main neither with the true nor the false, but with the unreal, the more or less totally irrelevant. In a word, they failed to take into account man's almost infinite appetite for distractions. --Aldous Huxley, 1958We call it "entertainment"...
.... Only the vigilant can maintain their liberties, and only those who are constantly and intelligently on the spot can hope to govern themselves effectively by democratic procedures. A society, most of whose members spend a great part of their time, not on the spot, not here and now and in the calculable future, but somewhere else, in the irrelevant other worlds of sport and soap opera, of mythology and metaphysical fantasy, will find it hard to resist the enroachments of those who would manipulate and control it. (A.H. 1958)Do you really think that "movies" are not the apparatus of control, discipline and power? You don't the blue police uniform on your celebrities, you don't know that they are your prison guards. You like them, you make them rich. Oh, the sweet slavery!
In their propaganda today's dictators rely for the most part on repetition, suppression and rationalization -- the repetition of catch-words which they wish to be accepted as true, the suppression of facts which they wish to be ignored, the arousal and rationalization of passions which may be used in the interests of the Party or the State. As the art and science of manipulation come to be better understood, the dictators of the future will doubtless learn to combine these techniques with the non-stop distractions which, in the West, are now threatening to drown in a sea of irrelevance the rational propaganda essential to the maintenance of individual liberty and the survival of democratic institutions. -- Aldous Huxley, 1958That's the ticket! Non-stop distractions! What do you think "relaxation" is about? Rest from concentration.
Here is another top secret:
...[such propagandists] accomplish their greatest triumphs, not by doing something, but by refraining from doing. Great is truth, but still greater, from a practical point of view, is silence about truth. By simply not mentioning certain subjects... totalitarian propagandists have influenced opinion much more effectively than they could have done by the most eloquent denunciations, the most compelling of logical rebuttals. -- Aldous Huxley[1](see file "Press" -- where? )
The economic censorship (West). Why do you think the totalitarian Russia had to have a monopoly on everything. That was their way of solving the problem of ownership. They resolved the economic issue and dealt with pure politics. That's what they thought....
There is more of the deep structure in our "mindless" fun. 24/7/365 flood of news -- of course, every second of my life is new and must be "news"....
The twentieth century is, among other things, the Age of Noise. Physical noise, mental noise and noise of desire -- we hold history's record for all of them. And no wonder; for all the resources of our almost miraculous technology have been thrown into the current assault against silence. That most popular and influential of all recent inventions, the radio is nothing but a conduit through which pre-fabricated din can flow into our homes. And this din goes far deeper, of course, than the eardrums. It penetrates the mind, filling it with a babel of distractions, blasts of corybantic or sentimental music, continually repeated doses of drama that bring no catharsis, but usually create a craving for daily or even hourly emotional enemas. And where, as in most countries, the broadcasting stations support themselves by selling time to advertisers, the noise is carried from the ear, through the realms of phantasy, knowledge and feeling to the ego's core of wish and desire. Spoken or printed, broadcast over the ether or on wood-pulp, all advertising copy has but one purpose -- to prevent the will from ever achieving silence. Desirelessness is the condition of deliverance and illumination. The condition of an expanding and technologically progressive system of mass production is universal craving. Advertising is the organized effort to extend and intensify the workings of that force, which (as all the saints and teachers of all the higher religions have always taught) is the principal cause of suffering and wrong-doing and the greatest obstacle between the human soul and its Divine Ground. --Aldous Huxley (1946)Desiring machines, have you heard about them?
III. [title ]
Belles Letters for PANOPTIC-WEB
The KGB's method of misinformation and American Culture of Deception. Illusion of knowledge gives a sense of power, which is only an appearance of power.
"Vain repetition" -- Jesus on advertising.
Self-transcendence, we don't ask it during sermons, we institute it through tv screens. Whatever little identity he had it must be removed. Your social security number is enough.
Body is a part of my soul, not the reverse (see Body in Res). Oh, the danger! You still have it. It still rules.
Gender disappears in the first face (Internet). When we will destroy gender, we will enter New Jerusalem.
Why to distract them who are easily destructed? To keep them as children. Grand Inquisitor smiles.
(written at the same time as SELF-SCAPE)
* 2008 -- ...
projects: film600 texts: ... semio in focus: Tarkovsky, film as philosophy reading: Film Art (textbook) |
@2000-2004 film-north *
©2004 filmplus.org *![]() |
2005-2006 Theatre UAF Season: Four Farces + One Funeral & Godot'06
Film-North * Anatoly Antohin
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