You don't have to be a writer to write. If you are an actor and you do not write down your notes, you should consider modeling.

Actors Write, BioMX Biomechanics * Write * Anatoly Antohin Theatre UAF

Write about Acting

Actors write


... = Lul dramaturgy

Shakespeare or/and Chekhov

Plus, Aristotle...

Theatre Lul Academe

From Fairbanks AK 99775 USA to Africa *

TOPICS: drama + comedy + postmodern + time + space + theory + BioMethod + objectives & obctacles + film + students + theatre w/anatoly +
"Don't ask me what I meant to express with my stories, ask yourself, what they mean to you!" - Eugene O'Neill
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read journals page !
WWWilde: BM as STYLE
Theory of Spectatorship
THR221 Intermediate Acting
GeoAlaska: Acting, Directing, Theory, Shows, Books
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Meyerhold, Directing Books

Spring 2003: Don Juan

film books
virtual theatre
THR121 Fundamentals of Acting Fall 2004
Directing Showcases
ShowCases: 3 Sisters, Mikado, 12th Night, Hamlet, The Importance of Being Earnest, Dangerous Liaisons, Don Juan
prof. Anatoly Antohin Theatre UAF AK 99775 USA
2006 *
* stageplays *
I believe that more you write down, less you have to remember. BM is a physical theatre and you need physical memory, body memory. You have to help yourself. Let the body and the paper remember.

Do you write your own material?

You should. You don't have to perform it, but you will know what is YOURS! You will know what to look for.

Do you write down your impressions after the show?


What kind of school did you go to study theatre?


Maybe on this page I could address the missing link between between BM and dramatic text. The best is to go to pages to see how playwright pre-arranges the action. Second, of course, is the First Spectator -- Director. Actor is between the two gods!

More and more I use film terminology in BM class; simple as CU and MS frame -- or more complex, like line of action, axis of tention.
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Actors Write

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I haven't really written my plays and books -- I've heard them. The stories are there already, singing in your genes and in your blood. ~ Sebastian Barry

Good actors, I mean, do write.

One of the Method's techniques is the Actor's Journal (and an extention of it -- Character's Diary).

Commedia tradition -- improvization, creation of texts. Scripted text is dangerous; Shakespeare is so powerful, he can kill an actor on the spot! In order for you to struggle and to survive the struggle with the great writers, you must write too! Write it down -- your thoughts, observations, dreams...

In ALL three acting levels I ask for "paper-acting": there are several forms of actor's writing I use:

1. Actor's Journal

2. Actor's Test (for each monologue and scene, including the floor plans)

3. Reviews on acting after UAF shows (200 words plus)

4. Play Analysis (2 pp) -- for the showcase scripts

5. Tests (including theory and character analysis -- in class and home-take)

[ writing your own monologue assignment again? ]
Must Be Personal! You must be present in your writing!

1. Personal self-reflections
2. Action Plan
3. Character research
4. Scrapbook Write your own scenes (as in Playscript Analysis)... [ I will find the place in each class for this new assignment. ]


Without writing you can't do the analysis. Not really.

"Shots Analysis" of the monologue -- see paper acting page!

Yes, yes! Write your questions down! Post them on the wall to see! To remember.

Must have a list for characterization (movement and voice); at least, 5Ws as in Acting One.


Floor plan is a part of your monologue or scene study! Your actor's journal is your homework, you can't come with new choices, if you do not record them, many!
Start taking notes -- and write the notes on your notes. Remember the old formula: actor = artist + medium? Your soul, your mind, your imagination -- medium too!


Writing = Thinking. Do it! Now -- your reflections on reading!

Do not wait for directors to tell you what to do, do not wait for this break, give yourself a break! Help yourself! Should I mention that reading does help? Read plays, read good books. How else can you become an "artist" and stay Artist. Did you noticed that Stanislavky writes this word with the capital "A"?

[ subjects : head * shoulders * hands * arms * legs * fingers * more ]
@2000-2004 contents * Most playwrights go wrong on the fifth word. When you start a play and you type 'Act one, scene one,' your writing is every bit as good as Arthur Miller or Eugene O'Neill or anyone. It's that fifth word where amateurs start to go wrong. ~ Meredith Wilson
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