

THE STORY OF DAVID Z A play in five parts for five actors


One Act for Two


A small office of the Russian Daily in NYC. August 1991. Morning. Desk, two armchairs, coffee table. Blinders on the window. Two phones, cabinet files.

DAVID enters.

Please, come, come in. I'll be with you in a minute. I'm so glad that you could come right away. Please, sit dawn. I'm sorry, let me just wash my hands. I shouldn't order the burger, I'm still not used to eating with my hands. Sit down, David, sit down.

(DAVID listens to the voice, hesitates, and sits in one of the three armchairs.)

DAVID I can come later. I have time.

RC'S VOICE No, no, I'm almost done. Would like to have a cup of coffee? I have a machine in here. Good Italian espresso, I know that you don't like American coffee. Who does? Sugar?

DAVID (after a pause) No, thank you...

RC'S VOICE Maybe a drink? I have a lot of nice stuff in here. Brandy, vodka, wine, beer, of course,...

DAVID (Pause.) No, thanks. Too early for me.

RC'S VOICE I knew you would say it. I had expected it...

DAVID (gets up) Come out! Enough! I know it's you!

(RC enters the room with two cups of coffee and a bottle of brandy on the tray.)

RC Here we go! I knew that you would recognize my voice. I knew it! Please, sit, sit, David. Let me serve you. We have a lot to talk about...

(DAVID goes out.)

No, David, please. I have good news for you. Please, stay. You know that we want to send you to Moscow? Yes! As a bureau's chief. Sounds important, doesn't it? Well, to be honest, it's only an office, nothing fancy. Not even a secretary. You see, we thought that somebody with, should I say a "western eye," must cover the news in Russia. Somebody like you. No, not somebody like, it was not right. You! It's you we want. (Pause.) What do you say? Aha? Yes, David? Say "yes"!

DAVID So, you are the new boss...

RC Me, me! Here's your coffee. Sit down, David. Can I call you "David"? I want to...

DAVID How shall I call you?

RC Call me RC, in American style. I tell everybody, call me RC. I don't mind, I don't miss all those Russian lovely patronymics and stuff. Drink the coffee. You understand, why we want to extend the Russian section of the paper? After all what do the readers care for if not news from Russia...

DAVID And you want me?

RC Oh yes, we all agreed that you fit the position perfectly. You haven't been back to Russia since what? The early eighties? Wait, since 1980, right? Wow! Time flies! It was a completely different era! Of course, it's different now, you're an American citizen, aren't you?

DAVID What does my file say? Since 1986? (Gets up.) Thanks for the coffee but, as they say, I have to decline -- thanks but no thanks...

RC No, no, say nothing! Let me speak! Let me draw the picture...

DAVID You bought the paper, didn't you?

RC You can put it this way, in financial terms, yes. But, David, I don't plan to make any changes. Maybe, here and there. I don't want to emphasize this "owner" business. I just got myself an office to see the staff, the operations. I would like to keep a low profile. I'm not the one who makes the paper, or news. Sit down, David, take your time. I understand. You want to talk. There's no reason for you to refuse the offer. No rational reason, I mean. You know what I mean...

DAVID (sits down) I would love to accept it.

RC You see? I knew it! Take it, it's yours.


DAVID I didn't expect to see you.

RC Oh, David! Neither did I! No, sir! Could I imagine myself with the Russian Daily in New York City? Not even two years ago. This is out of this world! But what do we know! Who knew that the whole thing would fall apart. Bang-boom! -- and it's gone! Did you expect it?

DAVID You did.

RC No! Oh no, I was totally blind, like everybody else. Only later, much later, when everything became so obvious. When even the street idiots could see it. Oh, David, you can't imagine what was going on in Moscow at that time. Oh, boy! And still does...

DAVID That's where the money came from...

RC Oh, the money! Money is nothing, David. Just a primitive tool of power. You make them, the money. I love this expression! To make money, to make love... You still have problems with money, don't you? You don't like it and that's the problem. You don't have to love it, you take it, like, yes, a woman... (David gets up again.) Where are you going? You can use my bathroom. I'm not finished yet...

DAVID To clean my desk. To clear out.

RC You don't have to. That's what I'm trying to communicate. I was following your writing. I think you have developed your style. America happens to be good for you. You know, the Russians use too many words. So un-economical, you want to scream, literally -- get to the point, would you! It's a pain to read Russian newspapers. Don't you want to scream?

DAVID What was your dissertation about? On post-formalism, right?

RC You remember! He remembers! Did you read the book? It was published, on dialogism in Bakhtin. He is very big now, you know...

DAVID I know.

RC What do I say! Of course, he knows!..

DAVID You don't expect that I would keep my mouth shut, do you?

RC That's why I wanted to see you right away, before the word would get around. To make sure that we understand each other. You know that I always wanted to be a friend. Always! You feel that you were misunderstood, so do I. We are older now, and wiser, I hope. The paper would hate to see you go.

DAVID You haven't change. Is this a new assignment for you?

RC Ah, I understand! Now I understood you! No, I left them, David. Long ago. I'm a citizen of another country, too. Since 1986, as you said. Then it was obvious that Russia is no more, let her rest in peace. I am a citizen of Israel, David. You didn't know that I am a Jew. I didn't know it myself. Actually, I'm a citizen of the world, as they used to say. A cosmopolitan, as comrade Stalin, put it. Oh, the world has changed! When you get to Moscow, you will see -- they don't understand that they all are citizens of another country. How is the espresso?

DAVID Espresso is fine. Everything is fine.

RC Good. I want everything negative out of the way. I want straight relations. You would be working for the paper, nothing else. Just business, if you prefer this way. It's fine with me.

DAVID Before it was "just business" too. Or wasn't it?

RC All right, take it out of your chest, David. Do it. I have time. I want us to get over with the past. I am ready to work with you. Cross my heart! I have my personal connections with you. No, not guilt. I have always admired your mind. I swear! I wish you would see things from my perspective. Nevertheless, I respect the differences.

DAVID (puts his hands on the desk) You see? The fingers.

RC You know how I regret it, David. It never was my style. I loathed it with all my heart. I hated them, the pigs.

DAVID (rolls the sleeve) And here, the cigarettes' burns.

RC I tried to save you from all this nonsense, David. You know, you remember. You didn't want to listen. I warned you then, right? Because I knew them, I knew what was to follow...

DAVID You...

RC No, David...

DAVID You...

RC It wasn't I...

DAVID You broke my bones...

RC Not me, David. Even before they got you, I tried to prevent it...

DAVID ... my will...

(He gets himself a drink.)

RC I begged you! Why didn't you listen? Why didn't you trust me?

DAVID Trust you?

RC Yes, that's what I asked you. A trust...

DAVID I trusted you. That's how I lost it.

RC David!

DAVID You destroyed my life...

RC Don't say it. I was your friend, I always was your friend. I always admire you...

DAVID You worked for them...

RC We all worked for them, all and everyone!

DAVID You gave me to them...

RC No, no, no! No, it was the way they got you. I can prove it, I have the documents. Let me show it to you. (Gets papers from his desk.) I knew that one day I would see you again. I wanted you to know the truth...

DAVID You interrogated me! Did you forget it?!

RC Because I wanted to shield you. You know now how the others operate. I agreed because of my feelings for you...

DAVID Shut up! Shut up!

RC I tried my best, David. Under the circumstances, as they say. I did. But you were stubborn... no, I have to say it -- you were stupid, David. You would go deeper and deeper in trouble. You wanted to push it, and they pushed you way down into the gutter. I told you the whole story, didn't I? About their methods, about the doctors...

DAVID Your colleagues...

RC It was a machine. (Drinks.) Machine.

DAVID They drugged me...

RC I know.

DAVID For months. I lost my mind then.

RC What did I tell you all the time? Did I? I did! And what for? Jesus! For a book?

DAVID No. For myself.

RC You see! Here you go again! What is that? What's that supposed to mean? "Myself"! Self! Who, you tell me, who had ever cared for your self? David! They weren't after you, they had no brains to understand who you are! My God! And over what? The words! Madness! You still think that people like you destroyed the machine. Let me tell you, my friend! No, it was me, us, the insiders did it! We believe in nothing -- and the whole thing went into pieces. You, you were holding it together. Understand? With your silly resistance you were feeding it...

DAVID You were there with them...

RC "There" is gone. Finished!

DAVID It's here.

RC But now we are here.

DAVID No, we are still there.

RC Okay, I won't argue. I don't want to. But, David, look, think, everything is for the better. You got yourself another life. Honestly, David, I was glad that you ended up in the States...

DAVID It was hell. Worse than hell. (Drinks.)

RC It was your choice, David. The offer was there. You didn't take it.

DAVID Didn't take what? What was the offer? To become you? To crash the others? I lost myself. What was my choice? To be like you?

RC Nobody could be like me, or you. (Drinks.) It was long ago, David. We shouldn't get emotional. Lets be rational. We are in America. Maybe, this is the last chance we have to solve the damn riddle. Give me a chance. Are you still there, David? Are you still trapped in the past? They are dead, both of them -- me-before, you-then, dead, gone. Those your sentiments, it's in your poetry. Write about it. I'll publish -- that's what I'll do!

DAVID You did it. You where right there, all the time. Even when your boys were messing me up, you were there. You knew everything.

RC I thought that you would change your mind. I wanted you to understand where you are living. Russia! The cursed corner of the world! Now, listen, I want you go to Moscow and see for yourself what kind of trash they are. The country, the people, everybody and everyone. Check it out, look at them. Why should I lie to myself, David? Isn't that your drive -- not to lie to yourself?

DAVID And you pushed, you pushed me to the edge.

RC It could be worse, David. You know, there are many cases worse than yours. Do I have to tell you? You know everything. You wanted to play hard ball, you knew the game, admit it, David...

DAVID You, you were on the other side. With all the power...

RC We opened the door for you. We said, come on, come in, boy. And you were with us. You were one of us, David. You worked for us.


DAVID No, it was you. You were behind everything. (Hits the desk.) This desk... it's the same. You brought it here...

RC You never thought about the others. Your parents, Maria...

DAVID I wasted my life in struggle... with what? What?

RC Yes! Why didn't you ask it before? Never! You never thought about me. Only yourself...

DAVID I betrayed myself...

RC I was the only true friend of yours. I understand you...

DAVID What did I get? You.

RC Yes, brother. Me! We were friends, remember? Our youth, time together, the university... Day and night. You had no brother, I was the only child in the family, we were close, like lovers. I could read all your thoughts. I know about Chernoble, David. Easy, easy, boy. Everything, understand? (Laughs.) No, I couldn't, you always were the smartest. But everything you would say, resonated in me -- yes, yes, right on! I was following you, and you, yes, you, brought me to them. It was I whom they went after at first. They were the only people who knew what is what. People like you -- bright, strong, smart. They read the stuff I never heard before. They knew the world. They asked nothing, not right away, they talk -- and I feel appreciated, they listen and, for a change, I was understood! I never had with you, with you I was the listener. You don't know how it feels to be understood! You were loved, admired, you always had the power. You knew who you are. And I made my first, independent of you, step, I wanted to be like you! I wanted to be worthy of you! Why should the idiots talk? And guess what? They all got it! I would walk into the dean's office and they knew who I was! I saw it in their eyes! I did it for you! For the only one I ever loved!

DAVID They raped me in prison...

RC Because you wanted it! Because you refused to rape! Because there is no third way! It's only you or them! You betrayed me! I trusted you, I thought that you're the king, the one to rule. And what did you do with all the gifts enough for the whole nation? You blew it! Look at you! Look at yourself! Who the hell do you think you are? You are the 25 dollar a piece guy for this fucking ethnic paper a normal American never heard about! Where are your books? Not a single book! Not one! No, no! You have to sit and listen! Where is it!? Where?

DAVID You are mad...

RC Where is it?

DAVID What? What is this "it"?

RC Where is David?

DAVID Go to hell!

RC I would! I was ready! For you! Where are you? Show me!

DAVID You came here to get me, didn't you? To finish?

RC Finish what? You are dead! You died so long ago that you forgot how it feels. How it feels to die. You lied to me, to all -- you are weak, you always were weak. Why are you so weak, David, why? (Hits DAVID on the face.) Why? Answer me! Do you hear me? (Hits him again.) Why? (Another hit.) Why?

DAVID Not again, no...

RC Answer! What is your answer? What is your word? (kicks him, David falls.) You will answer me! I gave you my heart -- what did you do with it? We all did. We were there, behind you. What did you do with your life? You tell me!

DAVID Don't hit me...

RC Get out of here.

DAVID You are not me...

RC You bet. Who are you? Who?


DAVID (cries) You've done it again... I was... I had...

RC Who is interested in anything you might have? I'm the only one who can listen and understand you. How come you can't get it? The KGB, mafia, Soviet communism, American communism "with the human face" -- when would you get it? There's nobody left to see you, not a soul but me. Wake up! Enough, David, enough! Time to understand the size of the catastrophe! They rule the world and nothing I or you can do about it. Zillions of them, every year another country of them is born. They are our enemies, but I serve them, no, I use them. I'm not looking for their understanding, not seeking their attention; I know who they are and who I am. And I know who you are, David. Where would you go? Your head is grey already. David, David...

DAVID I understand you. That's the danger. I understood you the first time we met. I understand everything you say. Maybe, it's you who understood me... I don't feel too well...

RC Because everything I say is in your mind. Where do you think I got it? Listen to me, no, listen to your own thoughts. Stop pretending. Too late, David. We are too old. There's nothing left for us. There are very few years left...

DAVID I'm tired. It's too late. I don't have it anymore. I lost it...

RC What, David? What is it? What holds you back? Tell me.

DAVID I'm too old. Twenty, even ten years before, maybe. Too late now. I have to go. I'm no good...

(David makes a few step, stops.)

RC Go.


DAVID Good bye.

RC Farewell.

DAVID Thank you for the coffee.


RC You're welcome.

(David is weak, he grabs the armchair.)

DAVID Sorry...

RC Nothing to apologize for. David, you still don't know who I am, do you?

DAVID Who are you?

RC You, David.

DAVID And what about me?

RC What about you? You're dead, David. Your are dead David.

DAVID My head...

RC That's it.

DAVID What is it?

RC This is a stroke.

(Falls, gets up.)


RC You're having a stroke, David...


RC Yes. Should I call the ambulance?..

DAVID (falls) No...

RC (on intercom) Mary, call 911. The stroke. (Kneels down.) David, you might still hear me. Take my advice. Die, David.




Anatoly Antohin

May 1997. Stage Directing Group

Film-North * Anatoly Antohin rate
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