2008 * 2009
2009 : what does it say about about me -- watching 11 hours of "movies"?
THR334 Film & Movies UAF Anatoly Antohin Fall 2007
Other Epics -- Moscow Saga, Heavy Sand, Crime and Punishment, Doctor Zhivago, long list of titles I heard about, but haven't seen.

... Picturing Past -- thoughts about "their" future, not mine. "Facing Present" -- how can we manipulate future (we are the masters, according to progress/evolution theory) without changing the face of the past? Western ways vs. Arrested Development (Islam, for instance). "Russian Doors and Windows".

Between Life and Fiction
kin[0] : POV = angels * porno millennium * youtubers * pomo * virtual theatre * {HU}man ...
Related pages : history, heroes, century
Russian DVD
Who needs them, poets, anymore?


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Esenin and post-Communist Russia
I didn't watch TV, never mind, Russian TV, this is why I didn't notice what role does it play in people (pop) culture...

What I knew about Russian history (and literature), I got from books. The 21st century Russia learns about its past from the screen. Will they read Esenin after watching the TV-saga?

Not necessary.

What will they know about history?

Interpretation Only, as N. noticed once.

... What does it say about the world, this Russian folk view of history? Radicalism. Softer now...

State instead of Society, -- and state television.

Marxism plans: non individual = no society. XX century answer to "mass culture" challenge.

Television in place of society? Human machines, early stage. First step to Cosmos History (tech.vtheatre.net)

... Сегодня уже нельзя не только технологически, экономически, но и идеологически рассматривать отдельно театральный кинопоказ и отдельно телевизионный, кабельный или видеопоказ. Это единый, мощный комплекс отечественной индустрии, действующий как единый организм. http://www.kinoart.ru/file/theory/01-05-04/

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